What Students Say about Internships

“My experience with the Events team at the D&D London head office is more than I ever could have imagined! I have learned so much about events planning as well as the restaurant industry in general. The people at head office are wonderful and they have made me feel at home right away. I truly love coming to work every day and I could not have been placed with a better company!”

-Stephani Thompson, Michigan State University, Spring 2007

“At Dulwich Hamlet FC, I am in charge of conducing marketing strategies in order to help the awareness of the club in the community. My internship has been an excellent experience and I enjoy going to work everyday. My supervisor has given me a lot of responsibility and trusts me to conduct it in an efficient and professional manner.”

-Carly Schad, University of Massachusetts, Spring 2007

“Thank you so much! This job is probably the best job that you could have found! When you said that it was dealing with air traffic control, I never would have realized that it was the major privatized company that coordinates the air traffic management of the entire UK!”

-Greg Schildmeier, Purdue University, Summer 2007

“As a whole, the entire CAPA staff is very professional, very helpful, always available, and makes me feel right at home abroad. Also, what a fabulous internship they found me! I love it, and it is giving me incredible field work experience I could probably not receive in the United States!”

-Megan Kolb, University of Massachusetts, Spring 2008

"There is no doubt the international work experience has helped me land interviews (I'm graduating) this semester for some very high profile positions. As we talked about at the very first orientation, we need a ‘unique selling point’ and so far I have been able to rely on that fact as a means of differentiating myself."

-Nicholas Reichter, University of Massachusetts, Spring 2009

“My internship was amazing. I was given opportunities I didn't think were possible. As a broadcasting major, I expected to learn about how broadcasting things ran, and possibly participate in the studio. Sound Radio/NCC threw me right in the studio and gave me my own radio show. It was unbelievable and I have learned so much from this internship. My site supervisor and the people I worked with were excellent and I don't believe I could have been placed anywhere better. I loved it a lot and learned much more than I thought was possible.”

-Mary Wurst, State University of New York - Oswego, Spring 2009

“I loved my internship! It was an excellent fit for me, and I got along quite well with my colleagues and supervisors. They showed me London in a way only locals could provide.”

-Shana Fowler, University of Pittsburgh, Summer 2009

“My internship with Travel Intelligence was one of the best experiences that I have ever had in my respective field. It was the perfect placement for me.”

-Caitlin Kasunich, University of Pittsburgh, Summer 2009

“I was very much so impressed with my internship. My major (neuroscience) is particularlyhard to find a suitable match for, however I was satisfied in my placement.I learned a wealth of information I would never have otherwise.”

-Sheena Potretzke, University of Minnesota, Spring 2010

“My internship was by far the best part of my experience. My placement was perfect and my supervisor was extremely helpful. The internship taught me so much more about London than I ever could have learned had I simply taken justclasses.”

-CAPA Student, University of Pittsburgh, Spring 2010

“My internship at Lizard Children's Centre was incredible. I would definitely go back again, and I would recommend it to anyone who had similar interests as me. The women that I worked with were wonderful; always willing to help me out, educate me and make sure I was enjoying my time.”

-CAPA Student, Augustana College, Winter 2008

“I absolutely loved my internship placement. I learned an immense amount and they were always willing to answer my questions and allow me to experience each section of HR. I liked the smallness of the HR Department because I was able to focus on certain areas, whereas if I was placed in a large Department I don't think I would have been able to do this.”

-CAPA Student, SUNY Oswego, Spring 2008

“Care Pharmaceuticals was a great work environment and they enabled me to learn a lot while receiving hands on experience. I really enjoyed my time there!”

-CAPA Student, Purdue University, Summer 2008

“My co-workers at Lane Cove were very supportive of me- they understood that I was still adjusting to some things and were patient. They took me in under their wing and helped me fully integrate myself into my new Aussie life. They were wonderful!”

-Tomi Nauman, Augustana College, Spring 2009

“My internship was a wonderful experience. I learned a lot and improved my Spanish to a great degree. My boss, Isabel, is a great person, and I will continue to communicate with her and will visit the office during my next trip to Madrid!”

-Anneka Hoffman, Ursinus College, Fall 2009