Groveport Madison Local Schools

Mission: To produce educated, independent, and productive citizens

Credit Achievement Program (CAP)

Our primary goals for each student are: complete High School and become prepared for their next step in life.


GroveportHigh School

Modular Units

5575 S. HamiltonRoad

Groveport, OH 43125


Brad Woodson, Dean of Students

Ryan Kelly – Cert. Math, ()

Phil Schwendenmann – Cert. Science ()

Darin Hoover – Cert. Business ()

Amon E. Dobbins – Cert. English/Licensed School Counselor ()

614-417-4962 (office w/voice mail)

AM Session 7:15 AM – 10:15 AM Monday thru Friday

PM Session 11 AM – 2 PM Monday thru Thursday

Credit Achievement Program (CAP) CLASSROOM GUIDELINES

  1. TRANSPORTATION – Transportation is the responsibility of the student. Arrival time can neither be earlier than ten (10) minutes before scheduled arrival, nor later than ten (10) minutes after end of session.
  1. ATTENDANCE – Students are expected to be on time and attend class everyday. Students who do not meet this expectation may be asked to leave the program. If a student is ill, a parent/guardian must call by 7:00 AM to inform the teachers the student will not be attending. Doctor verification of illness may be requested. Not contacting the teachers prior to an absence is grounds for dismissal. (614-417-4962)
  1. DRESS CODE – All students are expected to follow the rules and guidelines in the Groveport Madison High School Handbook.
  1. ELECTRONIC DEVICES – Electronic devices should not be brought to school. Cell phones MUST be turned off. Any violation of this policy may result in dismissal. Students do have access to a phone in an emergency. Parents will be given a contact number in order to reach their child.
  1. BREAKS – There is no immediate access to restrooms; therefore, there will be one scheduled bathroom break during the scheduled session. Plan accordingly.
  1. INTERNET ACCESS – Use of the internet is allowed only within the parameters and needs of the CAP program and program components. Students who visit websites other than NOVEL may be asked to leave the program.
  1. TEXTBOOKS – Textbooks are available for in class usage only. The student will be responsible for any book taken home.

__DATE 10-27-08

STUDENT ______TEACHER: Schwendenmann Hoover Kelly

If you would like to discuss any part of the report, contact me at

Absences : ______Tardies: ______COMMENTS

CAP credits earned to date : ______


Attitude/Behavior: PositiveNegative


  1. Click on "sign in"

institution: groveportoh

log in name: ______

(student name/lower case / no spaces)

password: ______

(student ID number)

  1. Assigned Classes will be listed
  1. Click on the class
  1. Click on “submission”
  1. The chapters you need to read are located on-line by clicking on the “click here” at the top of the submission*

*Adobe Acrobat is needed to view chapters; download is free.

  1. Finishing a submission – click “submit my answers” at bottom of page
  1. Not finished with a submission – click on “save my work” at bottom of page
  1. Midterms, Semester Exams, Final Exams – SEE THE TEACHER


A community service learning approach is a component of the CAP program. Students under the age of 18 and with fewer than 18 credits who enroll in CAP WILL BE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE 20 HOURS OF COMMUNITY SERVICE.

  • Students are responsible for scheduling their community service.
  • Community service is not to be scheduled during class time.
  • Written documentation of the completed community service hours must be provided. The CAP counselor will verify and accredit hours.
  • All earned credits will be held until the community service component is completed.

The community service must be completed by the end of the term in which the student is in CAP.

Groveport Madison Local Schools

Credit Achievement Program 4475 S. Hamilton Rd.

AlternativeHigh School ProgramGroveport, Ohio43125

Amon E. Dobbins, M.S.E., Parent Liaison(614) 417-4962


ADMISSION CONTRACT (Parent/Guardian Copy)

I, ______, am accepting the opportunity to participate in the Groveport Madison’s Credit Achievement Program (CAP). I agree to:

  1. Attend school each day and actively participate in all learning activities that are a part of this program.
  1. Abide by all the rules outlined in the Groveport Madison Local Schools Code of Conduct and the CAP Classroom Guidelines.
  1. Participate in the initial assessment process that will yield information useful to understanding my present school-related difficulties and follow through with all components of the accompanying intervention plan. This initial assessment process will include the collection of information in the following areas; academic achievement, disciplinary and legal; and psychological/social adjustment.
  1. Take more responsibility for my education by working diligently toward the attainment of my high school diploma.

Participation in CAP permits me to be at GroveportMadisonHigh School during CAP class time only. I am aware that all other parameters of my expulsion remain in place (when applicable).

CAP students who drive themselves are required to purchase a parking pass, $27.00.

I realize that any violation of this admission contract will result in disciplinary action, removal from CAP, and/or referral to any appropriate cooperative agencies listed:

  • Juvenile Court
  • GroveportVillage Police
  • Concord Counseling
  • Department of Children’s services

I understand that removal from CAP may constitute a loss of all academic credits earned while in CAP.

I have read this admission contract, the classroom guidelines, and the Community service requirement and agree to abide by their terms.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

As a parent, I agree to cooperate fully and support the program recommendations designed to help my child. I agree to have my child’s name released to Educational Options, Inc. for the purpose of using NOVEL, an internet-based learning system. I have read the admission contract and agree to abide by its terms.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______


____ The District Rep accepts this application

____ The District Rep does not accept this application

______Signature of the District Rep

Groveport Madison Local Schools

Credit Achievement Program 4475 S. Hamilton Rd.

AlternativeHigh School ProgramGroveport, Ohio43125

Amon E. Dobbins, M.S.E., Parent Liaison(614) 417-4962



I, ______, am accepting the opportunity to participate in the Groveport Madison’s Credit Achievement Program (CAP). I agree to:

  1. Attend school each day and actively participate in all learning activities that are a part of this program,
  1. Abide by all the rules outlined in the Groveport Madison Local Schools Code of Conduct and the CAP Classroom Guidelines,
  1. Participate in the initial assessment process that will yield information useful to understanding my present school-related difficulties and follow through with all components of the accompanying intervention plan. This initial assessment process will include the collection of information in the following areas; academic achievement, disciplinary and legal; and psychological/social adjustment, and
  1. Take more responsibility for my education by working diligently toward the attainment of my high school diploma.

Participation in CAP permits me to be at GroveportMadisonHigh School during CAP class time only. I am aware that all other parameters of my expulsion remain in place (when applicable).

CAP students who drive themselves are required to purchase a parking pass, $27.00.

I realize that any violation of this admission contract will result in disciplinary action, removal from CAP, and/or referral to any appropriate cooperative agencies listed:

  • Juvenile Court
  • GroveportVillage Police
  • Concord Counseling
  • Department of Children’s services

I understand that removal from CAP may constitute a loss of all academic credits earned while in CAP.

I have read this admission contract, the classroom guidelines, and the Community service requirement and agree to abide by their terms.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

As a parent, I agree to cooperate fully and support the program recommendations designed to help my child. I agree to have my child’s name released to Educational Options, Inc. for the purpose of using NOVEL, an internet-based learning system. I have read the admission contract and agree to abide by its terms.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______


____ The District Rep accepts this application

____ The District Rep does not accept this application

______Signature of the District Rep