Lesson Topic:economics and trade at Jamestown

Subject:Social Studies

Grade Level:6th Grade

Concept/Essential Question:Scarcity affects economic needs, trade, and way of life.

Standard:The student will understand basic principles of economic decision making.

1. Students will understand the concept of scarcity and its role in decision-making.

2. Students will apply a decision-making process to make informed choices.

3. Students will analyze how people respond predictably to positive and negative economic incentives.

Instructional Objective:Students will explore the available food sources as well as the trading goods available for trade and determine the economic needs of the Native Americans as well as the settlers of Jamestown and the effects of scarcity on trade.

Estimate of Students Prior Knowledge:Ask students questions relating to trade. For example “has anyone traded candy after trick or treating or a party? What things do you give away and what things do you keep? What kinds of candy do you have to give two pieces in order to get one? What happens if there is very little of a candy that everyone wants?

Required Differentiation:groups will be made up of students of different level of reading proficiency and skill levels.

Instructional Materials/Special Arrangements:

  • YouTube video found in resources.
  • Poster boards
  • Internet connection and computers for groups
  • Or print the materials and photos of the website

9. Assignment/Practice:

  1. Students will form into group of four
  2. Each group will read and analyze the items using the website (or print outs)
  3. Students will consider the resources of the new world and list and describe products made in the new world and which ones were made overseas and needed to be purchased (or traded for by the Native Americans)
  4. Students will determine how easy or difficult it would be to make each item.
  5. determine the value or need of different items found at Jamestown

Students will make a commercial or print advertisement for two of the items known to have been traded in Jamestown. This may be a commercial in skit form or a media layout on a poster board.

Advertisement must include:

  • A description of the item
  • A description of how it’s made
  • Why it is needed by either settler or Native American
  • What value in trade it holds


0 / 2 / 4
description of the item / Not found in presentation / Described using one characteristic / Described in detail with two or more characteristics
description of how it’s made / Not found in presentation / General description of product / Described in detail, describe two or more steps
Why it is needed by either settler or Native American / Not found in presentation / Described need for one group / Described need for two or more groups
What value in trade it holds / Not found in presentation / Described the value using one item equivalent / Described the value using more than one item equivalent
