iFNHA Community Health Funding Initiative- Appendices

APPENDIX A: Constructing your Letter of Interest

In order to achieve consistency through this process, please ensure that the following sections are included in yourLetter of Interest:


Think of the introduction as essentially the executive summary for your initiative, the introduction should include:

  • the name of your organization
  • the amount needed or requested
  • a description of the project
  • staff qualifications
  • a brief description of how the program or project will be evaluated (evaluative methodology)
  • a timetable

Organization Description

The organization description should be concise and focus on the ability of your organization to meet the stated need. Please provide a very brief history and description of your current programs while demonstrating a direct connection between what is currently being done and what you wish to accomplish with the requested funding.

Statement of Need

The statement of need must show that an important need can be met by your project. The statement of need includes:

  • a description of the target population and geographical area
  • relevant statistical data in abbreviated form if possible
  • and several concrete examples

In addition, it should clarify what issues or needs will be addressed, and how the project/program was identified as a priority by your organization.


The method used to deliver the project or program should align with your statement of need and present a clear, logical, and achievable solution to the stated need. Describe the project briefly, including:

  • major activities to be undertaken
  • names and titles of key project staff
  • your desired objectives
  • activities to be undertaken to accomplish objectives
  • measures of success that will be used to evaluate the program
  • start-up and completion dates
  • a description of how the project will be sustained if the timeframe extends beyond April 1st, 2013

If you are requesting a substantial amount, the iFNHA may request far greater detail in this area after the letter of interest has been received.


Projected budged should identify high level expenditures and revenues, and outline other funding sources as well. Revenues should include amount being asked of the iFNHA.


A brief summary of project partners (community/local, regional, provincial, or federal), and their proposed roles in the project.

Final Summary

The final summary restates the intent of the project, and shares who the contact person is for the project. The contact person should be someone with sufficient knowledge of the project in the event that the iFNHA needs to call to seek clarification or to ask questions.

The letter of interest should be addressed to:

Community Health Funding Initiatives

interimFirst Nations Health Authority

1205-100 Park Royal South

West Vancouver, BC

V7T 1A2

Or to:

Please direct any inquiries to:

Appendix B: Budget Template

Community Health Initiative Estimated Budget
Project Name:
Proponent Name:
Revenues / $
Other source 1:
Other source2:
In kind contribution
Total Revenues
Expenses / $
Salary and Benefits
Meeting and Gathering
Total Expenses
Net / $

iFNHA Community Health Initiative Fund- Call for Letters of Interest 3