Discussion Questions: The Great Gatsby

By F. Scott Fitzgerald

Chapter One

  1. Who is Nick Carraway? Why is he telling the story?
  1. How does he perceive himself?
  1. What conflicts—between characters or ideas---are alluded to or appear in the first chapter?
  1. What do we learn about Tom Buchanan? What does he represent?
  1. How does Nick feel about Daisy and Tom after his first visit with them?
  1. How does Nick fit into East Egg and West Egg societies?
  1. How does Fitzgerald introduce the theme of superficiality?
  1. How much do we know about Gatsby at the end of this chapter?

Chapter Two

  1. Describe the “geography” Nick shares as he travels from West Egg to New York.
  1. What symbolic significance might the optometrist’s billboard (Doctor T.J. Eckleburg) play throughout the rest of the novel?
  1. Provide two strong examples of Fitzgerald’s use of imagery in this chapter.
  1. How does the get-together in the New York apartment continue the theme of superficiality?
  1. How is Myrtle contrasted with Daisy?
  1. Why does Nick agree to go along with Tom to New York to meet Myrtle’s friends?
  1. Describe Tom’s relationship with Myrtle.


Point of View





Emergence of themes, conflicts

Chapter Three

  1. Describe the world of Gatsby’s parties. Provide two examples of imagery that give us a vivid picture of that world.
  1. Why does Nick feel uncomfortable at these parties? Do you think his feelings affect the way he reports what he sees?
  1. What mystique has developed about Gatsby?
  1. How does Gatsby affect other people?
  1. What is Nick’s first reaction to meeting Gatsby?
  1. What purposes do the two digressions (Owl-Eyes in the library and the car wreck) serve?
  1. What do we learn about the social relations (particularly marriages) at the party?
  1. What is happening to Nick’s reaction to Jordan Baker? How are the two characters different?

Chapter Four

  1. What is the common denominator to all the stories about the people who meet at Gatsby’s parties?
  1. How does Nick know that Gatsby is lying when he starts his recitation of his life-story?
  1. What symbolic value does Daisy hold for Gatsby, and how is it the culmination of all his dreams?
  1. What do we learn about Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship from Jordan Baker’s story?
  1. Why does Gatsby have Nick meet Wolfsheim?


“Jazz” & “careless driving” motif (recurring subject or theme)



Chapter Five

  1. How does the Gatsby facade start to fade when he comes over for tea?
  1. How does Gatsby “prepare” for his meeting with Daisy? What do the preparations tell us about his psychology? His sense of self?
  1. How does Daisy begin to fail Gatsby as a dream-girl?

Chapter Six

  1. Why do you think Nick tells us the story of James Gatz now instead of earlier, or instead of waiting till the end?
  1. How did the materialistic vision get its start in Gatsby?
  1. What does Gatsby mean by his fierce reaction to Nick’s statement about not repeating the past?
  1. How do we see Nick’s coming to understand the totality of Gatsby’s vision?
  1. Why does Mrs. Sloane invite Gatsby to dinner? What does Gatsby’s response tell us?
  1. What does Gatsby recollect about the first time that he kissed Daisy? Why is it important?
  1. Describe Daisy’s reaction to Gatsby’s party. Why might this be significant?




Chapter 7

  1. Why is Gatsby so disconcerted when he sees the Buchanan child?
  1. How deftly, or cleverly, does Fitzgerald handle the mechanics of getting the people to New York?
  1. Why is it necessary for the plot development that this excursion occurs?
  1. Why does Gatsby insist that Daisy say she never loved Tom?
  1. Describe tom’s reaction to Myrtle’s death.
  1. Why does Gatsby take the blame for the accident?
  1. What is ironic about Gatsby’s watching the window for a signal to make sure that Tom is not abusing Daisy?


Climax, or Turning Point

Chapter Eight

  1. How satisfactory is Nick’s explanation of Gatsby’s attraction to Daisy?
  1. How doe you explain Gatsby’s remark that Daisy’s love for Tom was insignificant because it was just “personal”?
  1. What is ironic about Gatsby’s death?
  1. Is Gatsby “worth the rest of the others”?



Chapter Nine

  1. What is saddening about Wolfsheim’s not coming to Gatsby’s funeral?
  1. Why does Fitzgerald introduce the character of Mr. Gatz?
  1. What do we learn about Gatsby’s dream-future in his ledger in his copy of the Western novel?