Title First Name Surname

Stall Name


Suburb State Postcode




A brief description of your nominated item in the context of your overall approach to arts/craft practice:

(Please include with your application three copies of a good photograph of your submitted piece. This will allow the judges to gain some impression of your work before the time of judging.)


Each entry needs to be accompanied with a $30.00 non-refundable fee. Cheques to be made payable to the“Tasmanian Craft Fair” and posted to the Tasmanian Craft Fair, PO Box253, Deloraine,TAS, 7304. For direct deposits contact the TCF Secretary for details.

Entry forms must be received by 1stOctober.


I verify that work has been completed within the past 12months and has not been previously exhibited and I have read and agree with the Conditions of Entry as shown below.

Entrant’s Signature: ...... Date: ......

The Premier’s Award for Excellence 2017 – Conditions of Entry

As a paying exhibitor in this year’s Tasmanian Craft Fair (the “TCF”) you are eligible to enter the TCF’s major award, The Premier’s Award for Excellence, (the “Award”).

This is one of the most valuable awards in Australia for the craft arts.

Previous winners have included ceramic and glass vases, a machine embroidered bird, a porcelain teapot set, silver cups, fine wood sculpture and fine jewellery.

Conditions of Entry:

1. The Award is awarded by the TCF which is presented by the Rotary Club of Deloraine Inc. An entrant must be an exhibitor in the 2017 TCF.

2. The Award is non-acquisitive.

3. The Award is for the best new piece of work (the “piece”). The piece must be less than one year old and not previously exhibited.

4. The piece must be the original work and concept of the entrant.

5. The piece may be made using any medium, including silver, textiles, painting, sculpture, glass, ceramics, paper.

6. Entrants are to submit three (3) photographs of each piece being entered.

7. The back of each photograph should be labelled with the entrant’s name, stall name, medium and size of piece.

8. All photographs will be retained by the TCF.

9. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 is payable when entering. Please make cheques payable to “Tasmanian Craft Fair” and crossed not negotiable or else contact the TCF Secretary to get bank account details for direct deposit.

10. Entry forms must be posted to the Tasmanian Craft Fair, P.O. Box 253, Deloraine, Tas 7304.

11. Entries must be received by 1stOctober.

12. Each piece must be prominently displayed at the entrant's stall for the period of the TCF.

13. Entrants may enter more than one piece, each with a $30.00 fee and application form.

14. Each piece is to be available for purchase, but the buyer can only collect the piece at the conclusion of the TCF.

15. The winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony on Saturday evening, 4th November 2017.

16. Submission of an entry constitutes the entrant’s acceptance of these Conditions of Entry.

17. Judges decision is final, and no further correspondence will be entered into.

18. Past winners of the Award are not eligible to enter for a new Award in the year after their win.

NOTE: Other awards presented at the TCF 2017 are: Working Exhibit Awards (four awarded), Stand Presentation Award, First Time Exhibitor Award and Providores Award. These awards will be judged throughout the duration of the TCF.