Sefton Local Pharmaceutical


The Meeting of Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee will take place at The Royal Clifton Hotel on Monday 14th October at 7pm


Present and apologies

1/ Minutes of previous meeting

2/ Matters arising

3/ Commissioning/NHS/Secretaries Post- Champix, NES, EHC, CCG, , flu vacc

4/ Managed Repeats audit

5 Direction of RX

6, Business Plan

7 Members business

8 Treasurers report.

9 NHS and Secretaries Business - independent request , NHS England clause, delphi medical to attend

10 Chairman’s business

11 Any other business

12 Date of next meeting

G Batten Chairman

Sefton Local Pharmaceutical


Executive Officer ALAN H WOODCOCK Ph.C., M.R.Pharm.S.

Chairman G BATTEN B.Pharm M.R.Pharm.S.

Vice Chairman N Beckingham B.Pharm. M.R.Pharm.S

Treasurer Laura Benyon B.Pharm. M.R.Pharm.S

Tel 01704 220565 125 Churchgate

Fax: 01704 229645 Churchtown

Mobile: 07721 846 912 Southport

Email: PR9 7JE

Minutes of the meeting of Sefton Local Pharmaceutical Committee held at the Royal Clifton Hotel on Wednesday September 18th at 2.00pm

Present Messrs Brennen, Benyon, Batten, Harding, Tickle and Beckingham. Mr. Cummings NHS.

Apologies Messrs Manning, Lightfoot, Blundell, Carlisle, Khan and Worrall

1/ Minutes of the previous meeting approved

2/Matters arising Mr. Brennan enquired if any LPC had taken up the project of Rebecca Elvey. No-one appears to have taken it up and it needs re-working.

Ms Benyon asked if anyone wished to go on the negotiating skills course as she would like to go. Wed 2nd October. It was resolved that she should attend.

LPC conference November. It was resolved to send The Chairman and ask the new Secretary Lisa to attend

There is a course for treasurers to attend. Ms Benyon said she would enquire if it would be anything new from her last course this year and attend if of use.

3/ Commissioning, NHS, Secretaries Post

Dr Manning has been appointed to the post subject to the conditions mentioned at interview.

Mr. Beckingham asked if the Committee’s thanks be put on record for the service of the retiring secretary. The Chairman stated that the committee would hold a dinner to mark the Secretaries’ retirement and 34 years of service.

The secretary said he would support the new secretary for as long as necessary.

4/ Business awareness/CCG/ HWB

Dr Manning had tabled a paper with her work over the last 2 months as she could not attend.

The Chair had made contact with Joe Chattin, LMC re flu vacs. He would re-start the coffee meetings with the LMC. The LMC locally were not against pharmacy mopping up the flu vaccinations as in some areas.

Mr. Cummings

The surgeries had achieved 75% of over 65’s in 4-6 weeks. only 40% of under 65’s.and 34% of trust members.

NHS staff would be given vouchers to take to pharmacies for a vaccination.

Consultation rooms are necessary 6ft by 4ft for anaphylactic shock. There are probably enough pharmacies already trained for this year, we need to directpharmacies next year to get a Novartis course (£110) approx. This needs re-newing each year unless 50 plus patients are seen.

This year it is not clear if it will go ahead but most probably next year. It is the decision of Public Health England. To advise in newsletter.

It could be possible to use screens in a space if the consultation room not large enough. Mr. Cummings to enquire.

Winter Planning A and E

There are measures to be put in place to rectify the problems in A and E. with a program of work and planning

GPs to give extra cover in A and E

Ambulance to treat in the home rather than hospital

GPs required to work contract hours, 8am to 6.30pm (not out of hours)

Access by phone and appointments to be tested at GPs

Pharmacies to work core hours in winter and not close early on Xmas eve etc

To advise in newsletter

GP home visits to be staggered through the day, not all at 2pm so investigations and admissions can be spread through the day

GPs to triage personally and not to use nurses etc.

Palliative care patient list to be given to out of hours service.

Care at the chemist to be extended to all pharmacies and NHS 111 to signpost

100 hour pharmacies to be audited.

Pharmacies to use the emergency supply regulations and be paid by NHS to avoid appointments for emergency drugs. This would free up many appointments

Surgeries to sort out the 48 hour repeat prescriptions.

Pharmacies to participate in campaigns eg use your pharmacy first call.

Shingles vaccine. For age 70 and 79, to be repeated annually due to shortage of vaccine.


Funding has been identified to distribute smart cards. 8 week lead time, Xmas to be avoided. Pharmacies must tick the declaration (newsletter) as one pharmacy has lost £11000. Training very important. Staff to come out re smart cards, no need to go to Bevan House.


Pharmacy and optometry- no need for chair to be qualified. For pharmacy 13 applicants, for optometry only 2. It is possible that the pharmacy chair could also chair optometry.

Candidates- half a very high standard 4-5 will be interviewed early October for starting end October..

CCGs must engage with LPNs. Measure is outcomes and the responsibility of the Chairs; it could be a tough post.

LPC recognition. One clause is a little ambiguous and is being clarified. It is re making a complaint. It may necessitate a memorandum of understanding. Recognition is being rolled over 3 monthly. If not recognized we cannot levy contractors. To write to Mr. Cummings early October to confirm recognition.

Mr. Cummings only email now

The Chair asked if the template for EHC could be updated by service pact to work efficiently. ISIS is the commissioner and there should not be a problem.

Governance visits Mr. Prentice and Mr. Max are inspecting. If contractors think they are heavy handed or are unhappy to contact the secretary (Newsletter)

NHS Net Mr. Cummings confirmed that all pharmacies can have an NHS net address. This would be wonderful for distribution and would save £600 on the newsletter alone.

To Get an address contact Bevan House and request an address. This will be a personal, not a company address and all contractors, locums should be requesting one. (newsletter)

5/ Business plan - for evening meeting recruitment completed. Next meeting to be evening 7.00, Monday 14th October. To confirm with the chairman. The roomis booked

6/ Members business

7/ Treasurers Business

Bank account. PSNC do not use Lloyds Bank. Ms Benyon was not happy with the guarantees given by the bank and will look into banking in October.

Part 2/2 over the levy is due and will be paid.

Attendance form- the meeting attendance form was circulated and approved.

8/ Secretaries business

Mr. Omar Seedat has requested to join the committee as a co-opted independent. It was considered that it would be best for him to apply for election in a few months time and finish the period as we are.

9/Chairman’s business

10/ Any other business

EPS2 Norwood surgery will be an early adopter beginning of December, smart cards in the next 6-8 weeks.

We need EHC training soon. Also Needle exchange training if the service continues with new provider.

11/ Date of next meeting October 14th evening.

G Batten Chairman

13th November.2013

From: "Cummings Alan (NHS ENGLAND)" <
Date: 24 September 2013 12:11:05 BST
To: "Alan Woodcock ()" <
Subject:FW: Constitution- please ignore previous email

Dear Alan

I am writing to formally inform you that the constitution of Sefton LPC has been approved by NHS England Mersey area team. this is subject to a memorandum of understanding between the LPC and the Area team stating that should we have any concerns in relation to breaches of governance by any member or officer of the LPC then these will be dealt with in an appropriate manner

If this is acceptable then please let me know


Alan Cummings

Contracts Manager

NHS England (Merseyside)

Regatta Place, Brunswick Business Park

Summers Road, Liverpool, L3 4BL

Tel: 0151 2854802

Fax: 0151 2967717

Sefton LPC Business Plan

RELATED TOPIC / OBJECTIVE: / Strategy to achieve? / Priority
& timescale
9 / Enhanced services
RELATED TOPIC / OBJECTIVE: / Strategy to achieve? / Priority
& timescale
1 / COMMUNICATIONS / Create an LPC communications plan / What do we want to achieve for pharmacies locally, who is our target audience, what is the activity plan. Nominated members to be media trained. Review all communications that go out under LPC name.
Communication-monthly newsletter. ? facebook Lisa/Una media training- ask PSNC for a course. Communicate with secondary care
2 / ANNUAL CONTRACTORS MEETING / To encourage more contractors and pharmacists to attend with the aim of producing a waiting list of candidates to join the LPC / Organise event early and send out invitations by post and email. Invite guest speakers to generate interest. Determine what contractors want fromthe event
Annual contractors meeting AGM c ETP release 2 sponsored evening at Formby Golf club
3 / ANNUAL WORKPLAN / Proactively develop services and relationships with CCGs/HWB etc / To be determined by full committee.
Well in hand with Lisa CCG
4 / LPC MEMBERS TRAINING / To produce a training plan for individual members and for the committee. / Produce a matrix and use this to identify areas for development. Use PSNC resources and training courses. Have a succession plan in place. Use MALPS and other local events to improve contacts/image.
Succession planning Selection local/internal /outside. Ask PSNC for diary of events. LPN involvement
5 / INTERNAL CORPORATE GOVERNANCE / To ensure that the LPC is acting transparently, honestly and not in the self interest of its members / All members to read and understand the PSNC guide for LPCS on corporate governance. Agree statements of policy during meetings.
Opening statement Nolan principles. Confidentiality and declarations
6 / IMAGE CONTROL / To improve the image of the LPC by the Contractors and by external bodies such as the PCT / Produce a plan of how we liaise with external bodies and how we communicate to the contractors
Cascade information emergency coms plan
7 / FINANCIAL SKILLS, / To improve the negotiating skills of the committee and delegated officers to benefit the contractors / Attend relevant PSNC courses and learn from current negotiations. Also use expertise locally within other LPCs
Re-issue expenses policy delegated authority for negotiations
8 / CONSTITUTION & REGULATIONS, / All committee members to understand and follow the constitution and regulations / Brief in and talk through our constitution and what this means for the way the committee functions
9 / Enhanced services / To maximise the number of enhanced services on offer from the PCT/ CCGs and get the maximum return possible for each one / Effectively communicate with PCT/CCG members and actively drive what we want to see happening and agree adequate resourcing to enable the service to run smoothly and profitably
Enhanced services Maintain funding for enhanced services together with negotiating committee Co-ordinate clinical ordit with CCA (indipendents)
10 / WEBSITE / To develop and maintain an effective website which provides information and advice for contractors locally / A nominated person/s to attend training and suitable resource found to run the website effectively
Re-activate Una
12 / LPC DEVELOPMENT / To have a LPC committee that works efficiently and effectively / Delegated roles and subgroups set up and agreed and reviewed on a regular basis. Up to date contact list for LPC members. Succession plan for Chair/Vice Chair.
Recirculate the LPC list
13 / OBJECTIVE SETTING: / Business plan to be developed and objectives agreed and reviewed. / Future of LPC?
Living document to be reviewed at each meeting as an agenda item
14 / STRATEGIC PLANNING: / Regular and ongoing communication and planning for the committee between meetings (monthly at least) / Subgroups meeting in between main meetings. Reviewing employees performance
HR section on business plan
16 / FINANCIAL PROBITY: / The treasurer to produce annual accounts and report and a budget for the year to be agreed and signed off / All financial dealings to be transparent and follow PSNC guidance. All monies spent to be cost effective and in the interests of contractors.
17 / BUSINESS AWARENESS: / All LPC committee members to have an improved commercial awareness / All meetings to have a section of what is happening locally and nationally within Pharmacy and its effects on profitability

Employee review and development (HR Committee) Corporate decision-federated discussion

  • Have we got a constitution?
  • How old is it, does it need reviewing?
  • Training plan for each member of the LPC
  • When negotiating payment deadlines and penalties included
  • What do we do to review employee’s performance?
  • Newsletters?
  • Are all decision made by the LPC robust enough to with stand scrutiny by an outside agency?? PCT, legal
  • communications - " review all communications that go out under LPC name" how do we do this? this is unworkable at the moment - are we suggesting meeting more regularly? or having a type of email cascade system in which members reply to within reasonable time and once so many members respond and agree we can send out that communication?
    4) LPC members training - "Use PSNC resources and training courses" can we include that we circulate email to all members of future training events AS SOON AS they are published to allow members to plan ahead as much as possible
    9) enhanced services - "Effectively communicate with PCT/CCG and actively drive" could we go further in this statement and include that we as LPC put forward ideas and fees to PCT rather than responding to their suggestions?

Flu jab
Brendan Prescott [
Sent: / 07 October 2013 16:13
To: / Manning Lisa (NHS ENGLAND)
Hi Lisa,
As per our conversation this afternoon. This just for scoping but there may a requirement to look at provision of the flu jab
administration for nursing home patients across Sefton. Potentially this could be approximately 1800 patients.
I wanted to seek LPC feedback on community pharmacists being able to operate under a PGD for flu vaccine administration as well
as provision of adrenaline in case of anaphylaxis. I am aware some pharmacies are able to offer this service in Sefton. From our
conversation today you did highlight the limited number of pharmacies involved and issues from other contractors but I wanted
to seek clarification for this season and looking to the future. I must stress this is a tentative enquiry at this time .
Thanks for your help.
Brendan Prescott,
Medicines Management Lead,
South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group()
Southport & Formby Clinical Commissioning Group()

Appendix A - Expense Claim from Sefton LPC



Telephone Number

or Email in case of query

Sundry Expenses

Date / Description of Expense / Amount / Receipt?
14/10/13 / Parking
Cheque payable to:

Locum Expenses

Date / Hours and Hourly Rate / Amount
14/10/13 / Evening Meeting attendance / £90
Cheque payable to:

I declare that the expenses claimed have been incurred whilst on

LPC business and are the responsibility of no other body.



Policy on Expense Claims

All claims must be made in accordance with the LPC’s agreed policy.

Please submit completed forms together with any available receipts to the Secretary