Oakmeadow CE Primary School

Bayston Hill

Shrewsbury Shropshire


Tel No: 01743 875020

Head teacher: Deputy Head teacher:

Mrs C Whelan BA (Hons) QTS NPQH Pg Cert Mrs L Jones

Contact: Email: Information:

7th June 2017

Dear Parents/Carers

As you will be aware we hold transition as a high priority and look for ways we can ensure its smooth and productive for every child.

For two years we have held a “move up week” where children have met their new teaching team, got to know their new class and set up their new books. However, after consultation with teachers, this year we will remain in new classes until the end of term. So from the 10th July your child will move up to their new class and end the summer term there. They will learn the routines for their new class, work with their new teacher and teaching assistant and learn where “everything goes” ready for September.

We believe this will enable them to feel more relaxed starting their new year and have everything they need to return fully equipped and ready to go. In addition, it will enable you, at home, to see where their new cloakrooms are, which door to use and find out those details you need to ensure Septembers return is stress free. Very soon we will be sending out information of the new class teacher to you and dates of the “new class” meetings relevant for your child.

General Information: Entrances and Exits

For ease at the beginning and end of each day please note:

Key Stage 1 children (Year 1 and Year 2) enter through door A at 8:50am onwards.

With Key Stage 2 children (Year 3 to Year 6) entering through door D

At the end of the day:

  • Year 1 leave through door B.
  • Year 2 leave from their classroom doors.
  • Year 3 and 4 leave through door C and D
  • Year 5 and 6 leave through their classroom doors.


Year 1 and 2: - Cloakrooms for Year 1 and 2 are situated in the corridor by the main hall, children should leave coats and PE bags here and bring book bags and rucksacks into class. Please note there is a school logo rucksack available otherwise we ask you keep all bags to this size. The school cannot accommodate overly large bags. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Year 3 and 4: - Mrs Morris’s (Hedgehogs) will use the cloakroom by the toilets. Miss Rudd’s (Robins) will use the cloakroom right outside the classroom. Mrs Clarkson’s (Owls) will use the lockers situated outside the classroom. Please note there is a school logo rucksack available otherwise we ask you keep all bags to this size.

Year 5 and 6: -Year 5 and 6 have lockers available, we ask again the size of bags is no bigger than the school logo rucksack. It is preferred children have those for uniformity, however we appreciate older children may not wish this.

Equipment: -School provides all equipment necessary for learning and so we ask that children limit what they bring in themselves. If personal equipment is used within school, we cannot take responsibility for lost items and so request it be ‘at owner’s risk’.

Communication: - We hope we have provided a number of ways you can find out what is happening at school and keep up to date.

We have:

-Twitter (@Oakmeadow)

-Facebook Page

-Closed group page (Facebook)

-School Website

-Text Home service

-Newsletter e-mail service

And in addition if you want to speak to the school, please call in to reception, call on 01743 875020 or e-mail either or .

Please ensure you keep us informed of any changes to your personal details, these are essential for us to have in school in case we need to contact you.

Rewards and Systems: - At Oakmeadow we have an in house system where children earn tokens for lots of positive contributions across the year. On sports days we compete in teams and in PE the children often work in houses. To support this, we have a PE T-shirt available through Decostitch at a very reasonable price.

Throughout the year, your child works on their ‘secrets of success’ skills to support effective learning habits and this year we introduced ‘character wheel’ to help develop mindfulness, mental resilience and essential empathy. I will be sending home a leaflet to explain these to you.

We believe these skills all contribute to developing a resilient, empathetic, kind and strong child and this then means they can achieve their full potential.

Over the next few weeks you will also have an ‘Values and Expectations’ sent home to read through with your child and sign. This is a recognition of the team commitment in learning, teaching, attitude and cooperation. Thank you for being a part of ensuring we can have the highest regard to behaviour and conduct here at Oakmeadow.

We do very much believe education is a team effort and to invite every aren’t to be a part of ‘parent council’ and we meet once each term. This is an opportunity to have your say, help make decisions and improve our school. The next meeting is Monday 19th June 2017 and the agenda is:

-Class Photos- (A review of the new provider)

-Academy Ideas- (What do you want for Oakmeadow?)

-Mindfulness and our curriculum


We hope you’ve found this letter informative and we take this opportunity to remind you key dates and information is in our newsletter and on our website.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs Whelan.