DCSDC Peace IV Board Report – 13 June 2017

Derry City and Strange District Peace IV Partnership Board – 13th June 2017

Minutes of Meeting

Meeting Date: Tuesday 13th June 2017

Time: 10.00am – 10.40 am

Venue: Strabane Council Offices, Strabane

1. Meeting Opening

1.1 Welcome & Apologies:

The Chair welcomed all members to the meeting.


Sue Divin / DCSDC / Catherine Cooke / FWIN
Mary Claire Kerlin / DCSDC / Paul Gallagher / Strabane Area Trade Union
Fiona Lafferty / DCSDC / Maureen Hetherington / Junction
Jennifer Coyle / DCSDC / Agnieska Luczak / Polish Abroad
Cllr Gus Hastings / SDLP / Anne Mc Taggart / Youth Action NI
Cllr Christopher Jackson / Sinn Fein / Ivor Morton / PSNI
Cllr Colly Kelly / Sinn Féin / Gearóid Ó hEára / An Gaeláras Ltd
Cllr Eric McGinley / Sinn Féin / Darren O’Neill / Youth Representative
Ald Thomas Kerrigan / DUP / Stephen Quigley / EA
Ald David Ramsey / DUP / Teresa Stewart / Strabane A.Y.E
Ald Drew Thompson / DUP


Kevin O’Connor (DCSDC), Cllr Ruairí McHugh (SF), Martin Reilly (SDLP), , Conal McFeely (Creggan Enterprise), Cllr John Boyle (SDLP), Dairine McGarrigle (Department of Communities), Maura O’Neill (WHSCT), Kathleen McCaul (NWRC), Allison Wallace (Waterside NP), Willie Lamrock (YMCA), Paul Donnelly (DEARA), Gerard Deeney (NIHE), Kathleen McCaul (NWRC), Colleen Heaney (Youth Justice Services), Margaret McLaughlin (Dennett Interchange).

1.2 Declarations of Interest

Interests where declared by Agnieska Luczak for the BME project and Gearóid Ó hEára for the Cross Cultural project.

1.3 Minutes

The minutes of the 9th May 2017 previous Board Meeting was held to be an accurate record and were adopted: Just a minor change with Cllr Christopher Jackson in attendance.

Proposed: Gus Hastings Seconded: Christopher Jackson

2. Update from PEACE IV Secretariat

2.1 Draft Letter of Offer Update and Meeting with Case Officer

Sue talked through pg. 11-12 and advised that the SEUPB Case Officer Garret McGinty will be attending the next PEACE IV meeting on 12th September 2017. Sue informed the members that the DCSDC Director Stephen Gillespie wrote to SEUPB to get clarification on the re profiling of budgets in the eMS at a later date. SEUPB have confirmed for the first time in writing that this would be available at a later date. Therefore the eMS system has now been signed off. Sue also confirmed that SEUPB are happy with our Conflict of Interest and highlighted that the schools issue on extra curriculum has now been resolved. Gus stated that he is glad that the schools position got sorted.

Sue advised that we are hoping to receive confirmation of a Letter of Offer before the PEACE IV Launch event on the 21st June 2017. Sue informed the members that the CEO from SEUPB Gina McIntyre will be attending the event along with the Derry City and Strabane Mayor and the CEO of Derry City and Strabane District Council John Kelpie.

2.2 Progress on Service Level Agreements/Meetings

Fiona provided an update on the SLA noting that a draft version has been provided to all of the Council lead projects. Fiona advised that meetings have taken place with each project to discuss. Fiona confirmed that these have been approved by SEUPB, our Procurement Manager and Legal Team.

2.3 Progress on Contracts for Tendered Programmes

MaryClaire informed members that she is working on the contracts for Council lead projects and advised that the contract template has been signed off by SEUPB, our Procurement Manager and Legal Team. MaryClaire also confirmed that she is working on the pre contract checks and noted that we should be making our first claim around July time.

2.4 Training delivered to Council Led projects

Fiona gave an update on the training that took place on 6th June 2017 for council lead projects participants on Expenditure and Communications training. Fiona advised that they were given examples of common mistakes from PEACE III to provide lessons learnt. The aim of the training was to ensure these projects would have a greater understanding of what is the SEUPB requirements.

3. Update on operational Work Plans

3.1 Recruitment of 6 x Programme staff

Aggie gave an update on the Operational Steering Group meeting that took place on the 25th May 2017. Aggie advised that at the meeting discussions took place around staff receiving SEUPB training, the Crisis Communications plan, questionnaires and informed members that the questionnaires will be completed in Irish, Polish and Chinese.

Sue explained that the Community Engagement Officer and the Good Relations Officer has been interviewed and the post holders will be taking up their posts once we receive a Letter of Offer. The three upcoming recruitment processes for the youth post, tourism post and the environmental post are out to advertisement closing date 19th June 2017. Youth employment skills post to follow.

3.2 Communications update: Launch, E- newsletter, Poster, Bi-annual newsletter, Crisis Communications plan.

Sue informed members on all the upcoming communication requirements and highlighted that the three posters per theme have now been approved.

3.3 Monitoring and evaluation – Translations, Survey monkey, trials

Sue talked through the monitoring and evaluation requirements advising that Survey Monkey is now in place and noted that Claire Hood the Statistician is working on this.

3.4 Small Grants – item approved, Govt. funder database

Sue advised members that everything is on schedule for the small grants programme and explained that The Department of Communities are coming to Council to train the PEACE IV team on the Government Funding Database.

3.5 Launch & Programme for Discussion

Jennifer updated the members on the PEACE IV Launch event which will take place on 21st June 2017. Jennifer advised that there has been a large amount of interest with over 170 people confirming their attendance and advised that the planned bus might not go ahead as there has been little interest.

4. Update from Children and young People Work Plan

4.1 General Update/Issues Arising

Stephen stated that there has been no Children and Young People Steering Group meeting since the last Board meeting. Sue confirmed that the meeting will take place on the 20th June 2017 and this will be the last meeting before the summer break.

4.2 Brief Project Specific updates

Fiona and MaryClaire talked through the four youth projects advising that the communication logo has now been agreed which will be used by all four projects but will still have to go to SEUPB for approval. Sue explained that a Children and Young Persons Officer has now been appointed and the 2 staff posts relevant to Children and Young People are in process of recruitment.

5. Update from Shared Spaces and services Steering Group

5.1 General Update/Issues Arising/Associated Capital Projects Updates

Sue provided a general update on the Shared Space meeting that took place on 4th May 2017.

5.2 Brief Project Specific updates

MaryClaire advised on St Columbs Park House that there has been work carried out for the PPQ design and contracting work. Our SEUPB Case Work Officer Garret advised that CPD would have to be engaged at this point and we are awaiting the name of out CPD contact. MaryClaire also explained that the terms of reference are being drawn up. Castlederg Steering group has been set up and they are just waiting on the Letter of Offer to get started.

Fiona explained that the PEACE Tourism post is in recruitment and noted that a person will be appointed to take over this project. Sue asks the members if you know anyone that would be interested in joining a particular steering group please encourage them to sign up. Sue confirmed that the Bonfire post will be approved as soon as the Letter of Offer is received. Gus highlighted that everything is now ready and is depending on us receiving a Letter of Offer from SEUPB.

6. Update from Building Positive Relations Work Plan

6.1 General Update/Issues Arising

Catherine gave a brief update on the BPR Steering Group confirming that all of the tenders are now out in public advert. Catherine explained that a discussion took place also around small grants and the maximum amount of funding which is £50,000. Catherine confirmed that the BPR steering group members agreed with the limit set.

6.2 Brief Project Specific updates

Sue asked members to promote the PEACE IV Newsletter and tenders highlighting that there is 4 lots to the BME tender. Sue noted that this is wide open and confirmed that it is not just limited to BME groups.

7. Meeting Closing

7.1 Any Other Business

Gerry congratulated Sue and her team on a well written report and comprehensive updates.

Sue presented the draft programme for the PEACE IV Launch event on the 21st June 2017. The members approved the programme.

7.4 Review of Actions


7.5 Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 12th September 2017 @ 10am (Derry area venue to be confirmed)

Meeting concluded at 10.50 am

pg. 5