Unit: Human Services

AZ Technology/ Work Place Standards &
CTE Level I Competencies / Performance Objectives / Aligned Activities / Aligned Resources /
Strand 1: Creativity and Innovation
Strand 2: Communication and Collaboration
Strand 3: Research and Information Literacy
Strand 4: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making
Strand 5: Digital Citizenship
Strand 6: Technology Operations
and Concepts
1.0  Evaluate individual strengths, values and personality traits
2.0 Explore a variety of occupational areas
5.0 Demonstrate decision making and critical thinking skills required for career success
6.0 Develop communication skills for public and workplace environments
9.0 Demonstrate technological literacy required in the workplace
10.0 Analyze how social, organizational and technological systems operate
AZ Technology/Work Place Standards
1WP-E3. Demonstrate correct grammar and punctuation in writing
1WP-E6. Speak in a content area (e.g., science, social studies, literature), using
vocabulary of the subject accurately; locate and interpret information in documents
such as manuals, graphs, and schedules
1WP-E7. Identify the relevant details and facts of written materials
2WP-E1. Apply math standards 1-6 to a variety of workplace scenarios
1WP-E8. Write formal communications that have a definite audience and clear
purpose; contain no gaps, omissions or assumptions which impede comprehension; and
follow the proper form whether it be a personal or business letter, message, memo,
manual directions or applications
3WP-E1. Utilize information acquired from several sources and transfer
information learned in one situation to another
3WP-E2. Devise and implement a plan of action by specifying goals and constraints
3WP-E3. Generate alternatives, consider risks, evaluate and choose solutions
3WP-E4. Monitor progress and make adjustment to meet stated objectives
3WP-E5. Reflect on the action taken to determine what has been gained, lost or
5WP-E1. Evaluate areas of interest and/or potential career choices
5WP-E3. Demonstrate the connection between academic skills and career pathways by
identifying required education and training to achieve career choice(s)
5WP-E4. Identify careers which capitalize on individual strengths and interests
7WP-E1. Demonstrate basic computer operation skills in a variety of applications
to organize information
7WP-E2. Use technology to organize information resources such as library and
interlibrary catalog databases / Concept 1: Knowledge and
PO 1: Analyze and evaluate information to general new ideas, processes or products.
Concept 2: Models and Simulations
PO 1. Summarize the relationship amongst interdependent elements of a digital model or simulation
PO 2. Analyze system processes and outcomes using models or simulations.
Concept 3: Trends and Possibilities
PO 1. Identify patterns and trends to forecast possibilities from different perspectives.
PO 3. Draw conclusions that reflect clear and logical links between the trends and patterns and the interpretations made from them.
Concept 4: Original Works
PO 1. Create innovative products or projects using digital tools to express original ideas.
PO 2. Use digital tools to collaborate with a group to communicate original ideas, products, or projects effectively in a creative or innovative style.
Concept 1: Effective Communications and Digital Interactions
PO 1. Collaborate and communicate with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital tools to share findings and/or publish.
PO 2. Explain and demonstrate features, conventions, voice, and etiquette of interactive digital environments to communicate with an appropriate audience.
Concept 2: Digital Solutions
PO 1. Communicate and collaborate for the purpose of producing original works or solving problems.
Concept 1: Planning
PO 1. Predict the most effective keywords and phrases for use in information searches.
PO 2. Determine which information source will provide the desired data.
Concept 2: Processing
PO 1. Locate and synthesize information utilizing advanced search strategies.
PO 3. Evaluate between fact and opinion, bias, inaccurate and misleading information by consulting multiple sources.
PO 4. Synthesize research information to create newunderstanding.
PO 5. Apply ethical use of information and media by respecting copyrights, intellectual property rights, using information and media technology responsibly, and citing resources appropriately.
Concept 1: Investigation
PO 1. Write essential questions to investigate a topic or issue using digital tools and resources.
Concept 2: Exploring Solutions
PO 1. Plan, conduct and manage research using appropriate digital resources to develop solutions for a question.
Concept 1: Safety and Ethics
PO 3. Articulate and practice the school and district rules governing the use of digital tools as defined by school board policy and procedures.
PO 6. Exhibit legal and ethical behavior when using technology
Concept 2: Leadership for Digital Citizenship
PO 1. Promote digital citizenship by consistently leading by example and advocating social and civic responsibility to others.
PO 1. Explain how systems are integrated detailing input, output, and network devices.
PO 2. Define and apply knowledge ofvarious technical process terms.
PO 3. Choose technology applicationsappropriate for the audience and task.
PO 5. Identify physical risks of using digital technology.
Concept 2: Applications
PO 2. Compose a multiple section document using advanced formatting.
PO 3. Apply formatting features while using spreadsheet programs to customize tables, charts, and graphs.
PO 5. Create and edit visual and audio material to generate a stand alone multimedia product.
PO 6. Identify criteria for evaluating technical and design qualities of a web site and then create web-based content from the identified criteria.
PO 7. Identify and use network protocols for moving files and secure web access.
Concept 3: Problem Solving
PO 1. Generate and apply solutions to troubleshoot hardware and software issues and problems.
Concept 4: Transfer of Knowledge
PO 1. Transfer understanding of current technologies to new and novel learning situations.
1.1 Evaluate the importance of a positive self concept
2.1 Demonstrate the use of technology and other resources to research and obtain career information
2.2 Research occupations within career pathways and clusters
5.1 Identify appropriate methods for problem solving and decision making
5.2 Apply decision making skills to career planning, course selection and educational transition
5.3 Solve problems and make decision in simulated work-related situations
6.1 Utilize interpersonal skills to interact positively with others
6.4 Demonstrate ability to take constructive criticism from others and apply it in a positive manner
9.1 Utilize technology based research tools to locate and collect information
9.4 Incorporate technology tools to enhance learning, to increase productivity and creativity
10.1 Demonstrate basic knowledge of operations and functions of technology systems
10.2 Identify the uses of technology in industry, education, the political arena, and day-to-day consumer affairs
PO 1. Spell correctly
PO 2. Punctuate correctly (e.g., sentence endings, commas, semicolons, colons)
PO 3. Apply rules of capitalization correctly (e.g., sentence beginnings, titles, abbreviations,
proper nouns)
PO 4. Apply standard grammar and usage (e.g., subject/verb agreement, simple and
compound sentence, appropriate verb tenses, plurals)
PO 5. Organize paragraphs with a variety of sentence structures (e.g., simple, compound,
PO 1. Deliver a factual presentation using appropriate terminology
PO 2. Use a variety of formats such as data, graphs and technical manuals to support a
PO 1. Identify the purpose of written material and response expected from reader
PO 2. Identify relevant facts contained in selected written material
PO 1. Write a formal communication in an appropriate format for a specific audience and
PO 2. Organize ideas in a meaningful sequence using transitional words or phrases
PO 3. Write ideas that are clear and directly related to the topic
PO 1. Research a designated topic using a wide array of information sources
PO 2. Analyze the information obtained from the research
PO 3. Classify the information obtained from the research
PO 4. Compare the information to a new situation
PO 1. Define goals and objectives
PO 2. Develop appropriate time line
PO 3. Identify constraints to achieving goals
PO 4. Identify resources needed to accomplish goals
PO 5. Develop criteria to evaluate plan of action
PO 1. Select from possible solutions in a designated scenario
PO 2. Evaluate possible solutions in a designated scenario
PO 3. Identify risks in a designated scenario
PO 4. Assess risks and risk factors in a designated scenario
PO 1. Identify activities for given objectives
PO 2. Designate assessment tasks to measure progress towards objectives
PO 3. Evaluate progress towards objective
PO 4. Revise activities when necessary to achieve objective
PO 1. Evaluate what has been gained, lost or achieved
PO 1. Identify areas of interest (e.g., personal, career)
PO 2. Evaluate individual skills
PO 3. Evaluate a variety of potential career choices
PO 1. Identify academic preparation necessary for a variety of careers
PO 1. Identify areas of interest (e.g., personal, career)
PO 2. Evaluate individual skills
PO 3. Evaluate a variety of potential career choices
PO 1. Use technology to retrieve, organize and manipulate electronic information using
media such as CD-ROM, videodisks and telecommunication systems
PO 1. Use organizational features of electronic information (e.g., microfiche headings and
numbering; headings for accessing nested information in hypertext media, electronic
media, library, interlibrary catalog databases) / ·  Cosmetology
(4 days)
·  Culinary and Hospitality
(4 days)
·  Child Development/FTA
(3 days)
·  Interior and Fashion Design
(3 days)
·  Fire Science
(1 days)
·  Public Safety
(2 days)
·  Government & Public Administration
(1 day)
·  Government & Public Administration
(1 day) / ·  Face Shapes
·  Virtual Make-Over
·  Movie Make-up
·  Food Safety Basics
·  Salt Tasting/Recipe Creation and Costing
·  Concierge Plans
·  Classroom Rules
·  Lesson Plan
·  Present lesson
·  Collage
·  Garment design
·  Interior Design/Room PowerPoint
·  Fire Basics PowerPoint with Cooresponding Wksht
·  Wildland Fire Video and Cooresponding Ticket out the Door
·  Leading questions
·  Flash Face
·  Suspect Sketch
·  Sim City 4
·  www.bridges.com