/ Mosby’s Nursing Skills
Grade Checklists

Table of Contents

Grade Checklists 2

Grade By User Tab 2

Steps to Grade a Learner using the ‘Grade by User’ tab 2

Select Module Tab 5

Steps to Grade a Checklist or a One-Answer Pass/Fail using the ‘Select Module’ tab 5

Grade Checklists

If you want to add grades for a single Learner at-a-time or complete a detailed checklist – record evaluation use the ‘Grade By User’ tab. You can use the ‘Select Module’ tab to open all Learners assigned to a module and then grade either a one answer pass/fail evaluation or select the Learner’s “detailed” checklist. Both tabs allow you to open the detailed checklist for a selected Learner.

IMPORTANT: The checklist changes to read-only once the Learner passes. If the learner does not pass, the checklist remains editable.

Grade By User Tab

Use ‘Grade By User’ tab to grade one Learner’s detailed checklist (Record Evaluation) at-a-time.

Steps to Grade a Learner using the ‘Grade by User’ tab
  1. Click Skills – Grade Checklists.
    The ‘Grade by User’ tab opens as the default, and the Learners names list in alphabetical order down the left.

Tip: Click the link User if you want to list the names in reverse alphabetical order. Re-click the User link to return to alphabetical order.

  1. Click the name of the Learner that you want to grade.
    The skills assigned to the selected individual open in alphabetical order. You may need to scroll to see all the skills listed.

Tip: If you would like to see only the graded checklists for this Learner, click the ‘Graded’ radio button. Or, if you would like to see both graded and not graded listed at the same time, click the ‘All’ radio button.

  1. Click the name of the specific skill you want to grade.
    The detailed checklist opens for the selected skill.
  1. Click Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or Not Performed for each checklist item in the checklist.
  2. Optional. You can add a ‘Comment’ for any of the checklist items. Click inside the comment box and type the comment.
  3. Optional. If you have completed the checklist, add your final comments from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’ at the bottom of the checklist.
  4. If you have completed the checklist, select Pass or Fail from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’ at the bottom of the checklist.
  5. Click the Save button.
    If you select either ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Result’ and click the ‘Save’ button, the name of the ‘Preceptor’ and the ‘Date Graded’ populate as shown below. If a popup displays, see the Note below.

Note: If you did not set all your grades on the checklist, you receive the popup message shown below.

Select Use Global Settings if you selected ‘Pass’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’ and you want all your Items to display an ‘S’ for each individual Item listed and/or if you enter a global ‘Comment’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’, and you want display the global comment next to each of your Items, and your Checklist for the Learner Passes. (All items will display an “S” and the same comment.)
OR, if you selected ‘Fail’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’ and you want all your Items to display a ‘U’ for each individual Item listed and/or if you enter a global ‘Comment’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’, the comment will add for each of your Items, and your Checklist for the Learner Fails. (All items will display a “U” and the same comment.)

Select Keep Item Settings if you do not want any changes automatically made to your partially graded checklist.

Select Cancel if you don’t want your changes saved.

  1. Optional. If you want to print the checklist, click the Print List in the upper right.
  2. You can use the breadcrumbs in the upper left to return to either the home page for the checklist or the module of each skill listed page.

Select Module Tab

You can use the ‘Select Module’ tab to open all Learners assigned to one module of skills. Once you open the module you have to two ways to grade the checklist, either the detailed checklist or pass/fail the entire checklist of one skill.

Steps to Grade a Checklist or a One-Answer Pass/Fail using the ‘Select Module’ tab
  1. Click Skills – Grade Checklists.
    The ‘Grade by Users’ tab opens as the default.
  2. Click the ‘Select Module’ tab
    Modules display by name that still need to be graded. .

Tip: If you would like to see the names of the graded modules, click the ‘Graded’ radio button. Or, if you would like to see both graded and not graded modules at the same time, click the ‘All’ radio button.

  1. Click the name of the module that you want to grade one or more skill checklists for.
    Only names of the skills that have not been graded inside the module display.

Tip: If you would like to see the names of the graded skills, click the ‘Graded’ radio button. Or, if you would like to see both graded and not graded skills at the same time, click the ‘All’ radio button.

  1. Click the skill’s name that you want to grade the checklist for.
    The names of the Learners assigned the skill display in alphabetical order.

If you want to use this one answer pass/fail checklist, use this page to grade one or more of the Learners listed. If you want to grade a detailed checklist for a Learner, move to Step 6.

  1. If you selected to use the one answer pass/fail checklist, click the ‘Grade’ drop-down and select either Pass or Fail for as many of the Learners listed you are ready to enter a grade for. You may also select to enter ‘Comments’ for the Learners. Click the Save button in the lower right when you have finished.
  2. If you selected to use the detailed checklist for any of the Learners listed, click the Learner’s name to grade the “detailed” checklist for the selected Learner. Click Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory or Not Performed for each checklist item. Optional. To add a comment for any of the checklist items, click inside the box and type the comment. Add your final comments and select Pass or Fail in the ‘Record Evaluation Results’ section at the bottom. Click Save. The name of the ‘Preceptor’ and the ‘Date Graded’ populate after the Save button is selected. If a popup displays, see the Note below...

Note: If you did not set all your grades on the checklist, you receive the popup message shown below.

Select Use Global Settings if you selected ‘Pass’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’ and you want all your Items to display a ‘S’ for each individual Item listed and/or if you enter a global ‘Comment’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’, and you want all your Items to display the global comment to each of your Items, and your Checklist for the Learner Passes. (All items will display an “S” and the same comment.)
OR, if you selected ‘Fail’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’ and you want all your Items to display a ‘U’ for each individual Item listed and/or if you enter a global ‘Comment’ from the ‘Record Evaluation Results’, the comment will add for each of your Items, and your Checklist for the Learner Fails. (All items will display a “U” and the same comment.)

Select Keep Item Settings if you do not want any changes automatically made to your partially graded checklist.

Select Cancel if you don’t want your changes saved.

  1. Optional. If you want to print the checklist, click the Print List in the upper right.
  2. You can use the options in the upper left to return to previous checklist pages.

Copyright © 2001 – 2009 MC Strategies, Inc. All rights reserved. Page 1
March 12, 2009