Court of the Archdeaconry of Barnstaple, Devon - A the national archives – online record - (c) crown copyright - Catalogue Reference: IR/26/338, Image Reference: 274 - Transcribed by John Fisher

Date of the Probate and Sum Sworn / Name and Description of Testator. or Testatrix. / Name and Place of Abode of Executor or Executrix / Name of the Legatees, distinguishing the Residuary Legatee / Degree of Kindred / Amount of Legacy or Annuity / Particulars of the several Specific Legacies, Bequests in Trust – and the Residue.
1810 / No6 / £ . s . d
17 January / Francis Squire / Robert Squire, John / /Betty Squire / Daur / 105.0.0 / & Large Glass
Under / Late of Saint Giles / Squire, Henry Squire, / Janie Squire / Daur / 60.0.0 / 10£ already paid to her
300£ / Carpenter deceased / And Francis Squire / Grace / Daur / 50.0.0
Executors / Frances / Daur / 60.0.0 / If she dead before her Legacy become payable then
To her children
116 337a / The said Henry Squire / Son / Leasehold House & Gardens in Saint Giles, Dresser
& Clock
The said Francis Squire / Son / Leasehold working shop
The said Robert, Henry, John / Residuary / The Residue
& Francis Squire / Sons / Legatees
No 7
20 January / William Priddicombe / Robert Priddicombe / The said Robert & Alexander / Residuary / The Residue after bequeathing a Number
Under / Late of Merton Yeoman / & Alexander Priddicombe / Priddicombe / Sons / Legatees / Of small Legacies
450£ / deceased / Executors
No8 1[9]0111213
10 Febry / Thomas Williams / William Williams / 1 John Williams / Son / £
Under / Late of Northmolton / 2Elizabeth Ellis & Mary Passmore / Daurs / 60 apiece
1,500£ / Yeoman deceased / 4 Thomas Williams / Son / 50£
5 Ann Williams / Daur / 180£ / And a [ ?] year after Testator Death and if [ ?]
116 524a / [ ? ] before it comes payable to be equally divided among
the survivors
Henry Williams / Son / 450£ / Silver cup & a Bed performed if he [ ? ]
The said William Williams / Son / Residuary / The Residue
No 9
19 Febry / Henry Cadd / William Cadd / The said William Cadd / Son / Residuary / All his leasehold Dwelling houses in Beaford
Under / Late of Beaford / Legatee / and The Residue No [ ? ] Legacies given
300£ / Cordwainer deceased
No 10
23 Febry / John Slocombe / Joanna Slocombe / Henry, William, Richard, Grace, / Sons / 20£ apiece
Under / Late of Berrynarbor / Of the same Place / Ann Slocombe & John Slocombe / Daurs
200£ / Yeoman deceased / Executrix
The said Joanna Slocombe / widowed / Residuary / The Residue
Date of the Probate and Sum Sworn / Name and Description of Testator. or Testatrix. / Name and Place of Abode of Executor or Executrix / Name of the Legatees, distinguishing the Residuary Legatee / Degree of Kindred / Amount of Legacy or Annuity / Particulars of the several Specific Legacies, Bequests in Trust – and the Residue.
1810 / No11
23 Febry / Hugh Thomas / Edward Thomas / Frances Sloley & her children / Daur,gchildren / Leasehold [ ? ] in Fremington & all his approved
Under / late of Fremington / Executor / The said Edward Thomas / Son / Leasehold Dwellings House in Pilton and if he should
100£ / Yeoman deceased / die leaving no children to Testors Daughter the
s.d Frances Sloley & her Children
The said Edward Thomas / Residuary / The Residue
No 12
24 Febry / John Darch / Thomas Darch of / The said Thomas Darch / Son / Residuary / after giving several small Legacies The Residue
Under / late of Winkleigh / the same Place / Legatee
100£ / Miller deceased / Executor
3 March / Richard Baker / Jonas Baker, Ann / The said Jonas Baker, Ann / Brother sister / Residuary / The Residue after giving few small Legacies under 20£
Under / late of Coleridge / Raymonds and Grace / Raymonds and Grace Handcock / Niece / Legatees
100£ / Husbandman deceased / Handcock Executors
No 14 10111213 / 8th [ ? ] 13
8 March / Alexander Pidler / Christopher Pidler / Christopher Pidler / Nephew / 100£
Under / late of Little Torrington / Executor / Alexander Pidler / Nephew / 200£
3,500£ / Yeoman deceased / Mary Row / 2s 6d / per week until she arrives at the age of [ ? ]
15C238 265 / The said Mary Row / 5:5:0 / at the age of 15 years
The said Mary Row / 100£ / on attaining 21 Years and should the said Mar Row
die before the age of 21 years the Annuity of 2/6 per week
and the Legacies afores.d unto Christopher Pidler Great
Nephew of the deceased
The said Christopher Pidler the / Great nephew / Residuary / The Residue
exec / Legatee
No 15 10111213
9 March / James Colley / Catherine Colley and / 1 Ann Bremridge / sister / 20£ / per annum during her life and after her deceased 60£ a year
Under / late of Barnstaple / John Bremridge / to Elizabeth & Mary Bremridge her Daurs during their
1,500 / Surgeon deceased / of the same Place / lives the same payable of Lands in Linton
11660 / Executors / 2 Elizabeth Colley / Sister / 20£ / year for life payable out of his Estate/Lands in Highbickington
1266 / 3 Mary March / Sister / 20£ / a year after the death of her Husband Richd March
4 Kitty [ ? ] / 10£ , 20£ / payable of his Estates in Highbickington
a year during her life out of the [ ? ] Estates
13C30 / 5 James Bremridge / Nephew / 50£ / on attaining 21 years
6 John Clarke / Nephew / all his Estate Houses, Household Furniture & Property in Linton
7 the said Catherine Colley & Jno Bremridge / Widow and nephew / Residuary Legatees / The residue and in the case [?] of his Nephew John Clarke and Jno Bremridge died under 21 he gives the share of herewithin so dying unto James Bremridge his nephew

There are some notes overwritten on the final entry for James Colley – they are written against the following names Ann Bremridge died 28 feb 45 85£ 43805.93 [ R ]; Elizabeth died 8 may 1845; Mary Bremridge died 16 April/93 2364) [ ? ] . 93.328; then above the text The Advisor Thos J. Bremridge (Cousin) Exeter [ ? ] [ ? ] £4282; then after the text 85£ 25 July/93 to [ ? ] of Mary Bremridge