Parents and students: please review this syllabus carefully.It contains important information about course grades and behavior expectations.Read the syllabus, then please sign and return the signature page no later than Wednesday, August 29, 2012. Your child will receive a 100 for returning this form by the deadline. Every day this form is late, their grade will be deducted 10 points. Thank you!

Anatomy is the study of the location, appearances and relationships of body parts while physiology explains the mechanisms that operate body activities. Anatomy & Physiology is a course in which students will spend a great deal of time memorizing body parts and functions. Many of the class activities will be geared to help facilitate this type of learning. Students will be expected to read the textbook and be willing to work both inside and outside of class on assignments. Enrolled students should most likely be in the health services career path and considering a career in the medical field.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: These are the behaviors that students are expected to exhibit in class:

  • Have class materials ready to use. If you do not have your materials, you will be considered tardy. This includes paper, pen/pencil, book, and your assigned calculator.
  • Follow instructions for turning in assignments
  • Listen carefully to directions and follow them
  • No snacks–Study labs will be assigned for eating and drinking in class.
  • No gum-gum gets put under desks and on the floor. Study labs will be assigned for chewing gum
  • Follow all lab safety rules during laboratory experiments
  • CLASS MATERIAL:Students and parents must realize that this course is about human anatomy and physiology and that some topics, pictures and diagrams presented in the textbook and in class may be considered sensitive and/or graphic. Students in this class are expected to act maturely in dealing with such material. Dissection will be used as a teaching tool in A&P. We will be dissecting the following (non-human) items: brain, kidney, heart, and eye.
  • Students will be penalized for cheating and/or plagiarism. The student will receive deductions/0 depending on the assignment at the teacher’s discretion. Before each paper, students will bring home a form explaining the consequences of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as using the ideas or work of another person or persons as if they were one’s own without giving proper credit to the source.
  • Be ready to think–participate–learn!

ACADEMIC GRADES: Grades are based on total points accumulated on quizzes, tests, homework, class assignments, class participation, and lab practicalsfor the six weeks.Quizzes, homework, class assignments, and class participation make up 30% of the grade. Tests and lab practicals make up 60% of the grade, and labs make up 10% of the grade.

Tests: Tests will be thorough and if you wait until the end of the unit to begin studying, you will not accomplish all you are capable of doing. Tests are usually short answer tests. I do not tolerate cheating. When students are caught cheating, they will receive a zero on that test. I do not let students keep old tests. Parents and students may look at the test after the grade is given, but I will keep the tests.

Medical Terminology:There will be a medical terminology quiz weekly. Notecards must be made by Wednesday of every week. Medical terminology activities must be turned in by Friday of every week.

Extra credit: Extra credit assignments may be given out occasionally during the six weeks. There will be no individual extra credit assigned, only whole class extra credit assignments.

Research Papers: There will be two research papers assigned for this course. One will be assigned in the fall and the other during the spring. These research papers will be 2 test grades. Students will be given some class time to work on these; however, students should plan to spend time out of class on them as well. The first research paper will be an introduction to science research papers, while the second will be an all-out research paper. I will be checking for plagiarism and grammar as well as content. If a student plagiarizes, it will be an automatic zero for the assignment. A form will be sent home before each of these papers to show how I will grade this and the rules for this. Each student and students’ parents will have to sign it.

Late work: NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Missing assignments will be a 0 in the gradebook unless a forgiveness is used. See Forgiveness below. Late work includes, but is not limited to, work turned in the boxed after your class period, the next day, or at the end of the six weeks. I will not accept it if it is not handed in when I ask for it.

Forgiveness:Everyone forgets sometimes, right? Each student is given one forgiveness per six weeks for classwork. This means that you may turn in an assignment one day late. You should tell me on the day the assignment is due that you will use your forgiveness. Students will be given 6 forgiveness forms for the year. When students want to use one, simply fill it out completely and staple it to the top of the paper when you turn in the assignment THE NEXT DAY.

Makeup work:Students have one school day for each day absent to turn in all makeup work (unless arrangements are made with the instructor for more time).Not all class activities can be made up, as they require direct participation by the student, so alternative make-up assignments will be assigned.

Tardies:Students who are not ready when the bell rings are counted tardy, as well as those who arrive late.Students who have to leave the room because they did not come to class prepared will also earn a tardy. Tardies are counted on a school-wide basis, and detention is assigned from the office.

Bathroom Policy: Students will have 3 free bathroom passes a six weeks. If a student needs to go to the bathroom and is out of passes, that student may use a tardy to go.

Edmodo: I will be using the education website edmodo. This is an interactive site that allows teachers to communicate with students and teachers. There is a form about this website attached. I encourage both students and parents to sign up for this.

Supplies: The students will need the following items for this class

Composition/Spiral notebook ( There will be a good amount of notes for this class. A five subject spiral notebook would work best.)

Map Colors

2 Bradded Folders/3-ring Binders (one for classwork; one for baby book)

Notecards (several packs will be used throughout the year)


**The Instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus as needed.



Please read this course syllabus carefully, and if you have any questions or comment, call Mrs. Green at the high school.This slip must be signed by both the student and a parent or guardian, and returned to Mrs. Green by August 29, 2012. Please keep the syllabus for your records.

I have read and understood the above course syllabus.

Parent(s)/Guardian signature and date


Student signature and date


Parent email and phone number


**The Instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus as needed.