Model Guided Reading Plan:
Class: Rainbows / Week beginning:Group / Level / Book / A and P AFs / Key Questions/Book Talk
Red / White 3c / Antarctica – Land of the Penguins / AF1: Read independently…
AF2: Extract Info…
AF3: Make plausible … / Can you describe the main features of the Antarctic landscape?
Why don’t humans make their home there?
Why do some creatures move further North during the winter?
*Response: Draw and annotate with reference to the text , an Antarctic landscape
Green / Gold 2b / Mountain Mona / AF1: Read aloud…
AF2: Make predictions….
Af3: Make simple inferences… / Lion’s and goat’s voices on page 14 and 15
Stop at page 11. What do you think might happen after Mona stomps off down the mountain?
Why do you think Mona was not good at leaping and jumping at the start of the story?
Blue / 3a / The Legend of Spud Murphy – Eoin Colfer / AF3: Use clues from action…
AF5: Comment on author’s use… / Read page 1 and 2: What would it be like to live in this house?
Plot the similes the author uses to describe the characters. What is the effect upon you, the reader?
Yellow / 3a
Orange / 4c / Pig Heart Boy by Malorie Blackman / AF3: Empathise…
AF6: Express personal response….. / Read Chapter 8 in advance. Discuss Cameron’s feelings as he goes into school to announce his heart transplant.
Conscience Ally: In role as each character, improvise the arguments for and against the transplant, keeping to each character’s viewpoint.
· This is a suggested model for a guided reading plan.
· The groups are organised according to their reading level.
· The texts are chosen according to Book Bands colours which correlate with the level, or by interest/comprehension suitability.
· The AFs are from Assessment and Progression at the group’s level and are chosen to address the group’s need/next steps/area for development.
· The Key Questions are created to develop the focus AF/s and are relevant to the text.
· The questions should stimulate lots of Book Talk with the teacher eliciting and extending responses and encouraging critique and debate.
· The teacher acts as a facilitator and models how to articulate responses to texts.
· *Consider planning a response to the guided reading session – creative comprehension/journal/art work/writing in role ………..