CAUL Meeting 2003/2
8-9 September, 2003
James Cook University
Cairns Campus
558. Introduction & Welcome. Welcome to members attending their first meeting as CAUL member. Imogen Garner (Curtin), Linda Luther (UTas).
Members will be invited to acknowledge the contribution to CAUL made by Helen Hayes, as she departs CAUL and Australia to take up her position as Vice-Principal (Knowledge Management) at the University of Edinburgh.
Members will be invited to acknowledge the elevation of Alex Byrne to the position of Vice-President (President Elect) of IFLA.
559. Attendance & Apologies.
Expected to attend:
From CAUL: Stephen Gillespie (Acting Director, RMIT)
Delegates for CAUL members: Jim Graham (ACU); Sue Clarke (UMelbourne); Kaye Baudinette (Flinders);
From CONZUL: John Redmayne (Massey); Alan Smith (VUW);
From CAUDIT: Kent Adams (JCU)
Guests: Dr Evan Arthur (DEST); Professor Garry Carnegie (Professor of Accounting and Finance, Deakin Business School, Deakin University – Valuation Seminar); Kate Elder (Manager of Library Services, JCU, Cairns)
Apologies: Chris Sheargold (ACU); Lois Jennings (UCanberra); John Arfield (UWA); Angela Bridgland (Acting Vice-Principal (Information), UMelbourne); Bill Cations (Flinders)
560. Minutes of previous meeting, CAUL 2003/1, Melbourne, 9-11 April 2003. (Paper appended)
a) Minutes of Executive Meetings held 27 June 2003. (Paper appended)
561. Business arising from previous meetings, not otherwise listed on the agenda.
562. Arrangement of the agenda. Items will be starred for discussion. For those items not starred, all items for noting will be considered noted, and all recommendations will be considered approved.
563. CAUL Constitution. Amendment to include the role of Treasurer, selected from a member of the Executive. (Paper appended)
It is proposed that clause 3.1 be amended to add:
…. Another member shall be designated Treasurer by the Executive until completion of the member's current term of office. The role of the Treasurer shall be to oversee all financial matters associated with the operation of the Council, and to be responsible for the presentation of budgets and financial statements to Council as appropriate.
564. CAUL Membership. The University of Notre Dame has asked to be admitted as a member of CAUL. The CAUL constitution states:
1. Membership is open to the University Librarian or equivalent of institutions which have representation on the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, and the Chief Librarians of other nationally significant libraries in higher education institutions which are not represented on the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee. There shall be one member from each institution.
2. Admission to CAUL of institutions which are not members of the Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee shall be determined by CAUL after receiving a recommendation from its Executive Committee.
The Executive recommends to CAUL that the University of Notre Dame be admitted to membership of CAUL.
565. Review of the Strategic Plan. The Executive has drafted the Strategic Plan based on the outcomes of members’ planning workshop in April. (Paper appended)
Support for Research
566. ADT (Australian Digital Theses) Program. Andrew Wells. (Paper appended)
567. AARLIN (Australian Academic Research Libraries Information Network). Earle Gow
568. Scholarly Communication Working Group. Andrew Wells.
Support for Teaching & Learning
569. CAUL Electronic Information Resources Committee (CEIRC) Eve Woodberry. (Paper appended)
570. Information Literacy. Margaret Appleton. (Papers appended(2))
a) CAUL Information Literacy Standards. At the last meeting, it was agreed that members would receive the penultimate version of the revised standards for comment prior to their publication. The draft was circulated August 4, for response to Irene Doskatsch by September 19. Margaret Appleton
b) Information Literacy Assessment Tool. Margaret Appleton (Paper appended)
571. Guidelines for Services to Offshore Students. At the last meeting, Sue McKnight presented the CAVAL Guidelines for Library Services for Off-shore Students, which were accepted in principle by members. It was agreed to redraft guidelines for off-shore students to include the context, show basic level of service which requires pre-planning and funding to deliver …. without losing the intent of the document ie that Australian institutions will offer a minimum level of service to off-shore students. Alex Byrne, Sue McKnight
572. University Library Australia. Alison Ransome.
Management for Best Practice
573. Best Practice Working Group. Felicity McGregor. (Paper appended)
a) Performance Indicators for Reference Services. At the last meeting, members approved in principle the funding of the development of measures for three reference indicators, pending presentation of the funding proposal to members. Following responses from members, the Executive referred the proposal back to the BPWG for further analysis and comment. Felicity McGregor.
b) Document Delivery Indicator. This has been revised by the University of Wollongong. A report from Margie Jantti, together with a draft manual and workbook are presented to members for approval. (Papers appended (3))
CAUL endorse the Document Delivery Indicator and the recommendations of the BPWG on a cost structure for the kit.
574. Statistics Working Group. Derek Whitehead. (Paper appended)
a) COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources)
That CAUL agree to join COUNTER as a consortium member at a cost of approximately A$850 pa.
b) Statistics Survey. Derek Whitehead will report on the responses from members about the presentation of CAUL statistics.
That CAUL note the report on the survey conducted in July.
575. Succession Planning, Staff Development.
a) CAVAL/ARL programs. At the last meeting, Andrew Wells offered to consider options for sharing staff development programs, and information about programs. CAVAL is now marketing ARL programs in Australia. Andrew Wells, Judith Clark.
Advocacy & Communication
576. Copyright. Eve Woodberry. (Paper appended)
577. CAUL Communication. Madeleine McPherson
578. Government Inquiries.
a) National Research Infrastructure Taskforce. Commissioned by the Minister for Education, Science and Training. Chaired by Professor Mike Sargent.
b) Evaluation of the Knowledge and Innovation Reforms. Reviewing Australia’s Block Research Funding Schemes. Commissioned by the Minister for Education, Science and Training. Chaired by Professor Mike Sargent.
c) Review of Closer Collaboration between Universities and Major Publicly Funded Research Agencies. Chair: Donald McGauchie.
d) Australia’s Future Using Education Technology. (The Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST))
e) Inquiry into the higher education funding and regulatory legislation. Senate Standing Committee on Employment, Workplace Relations and Education.
f) Inquiry into the Role of Libraries in the Online Environment. Senate Standing Committee on Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
579. Relationships with Other Organisations.
a) CAUL Regional and Sectoral Groups.
Go8, Go5, LATN, New Generation Universities Group, Distance Education Providers. A report from ULSA has been received. (Paper appended)
b) CONZUL. The Executive has approved CONZUL’s request to participate further in CAUL’s committees and working groups. Added to Tony Millett’s membership of the CEIRC committee and Isobel Mosley’s membership of the Statistics Focus Group will be Michael Wooliscroft (ADT Policy Reference Group), Ainslie Dewe (Scholarly Communication Working Group) and John Redmayne (ULA Working Group).
Rachel Healy has been appointed as Project Manager University Libraries, New Zealand Vice-Chancellors' Committee – effectively the equivalent of CAUL’s Executive Officer.
d) JULAC. CAUL members have been invited to visit Hong Kong. The Executive has suggested that a wider tour of South East Asia would be of interest and value, and are seeking suggestions, and expressions of interest from members before any plans are attempted.
580. CAUL Meetings.
a) CAUL Meeting 2004/1. Sydney April 1-2 (satellite meetings on March 31) Andrew Wells
b) CAUL Meeting 2004/2. Hobart September 13-14 (satellite meetings on September 12) Linda Luther
581. CAUL Finances.
a) CAUL Budget 2003. Vic Elliott (Paper appended)
b) CAUL Budget 2004. Budget paper to include proposals for changes to fee structures for 2004. Also to include costings for actions under the Strategic Plan. It was agreed to review the SPARC membership (USD 5,000) and ADA membership (AUD 500). Vic Elliott (Papers appended (3))
582. Executive Officer’s Report. Diane Costello (Paper appended)
583. Other business.
/ CAUL Meeting Schedule7-9 September, 2003 / # pax /
Sunday 7 September
11-1 / CAUL Executive / 61-3 / DE Providers
2-4 / LATN (meeting @ Palm Cove)
3-4 / New Generation Universities
3-5 / Innovative Group of Universities
7.30-10.30 / Informal dinner @ L'Unico Trattoria, 47 Vasey Esp Trinity Beach
Monday 8 September
8.15-9.45 / Best Practice Working Group10-1 / Hot Topics
Skills audits – Liz Curach (30m)
Fundraising – Janine Schmidt (45m)
Reference futures – Imogen Garner (30m)
Open access to scholarly communication – Cathrine Harboe-Ree (45m)
Changing Research Practices in the Electronic Information and Communication Environment (Houghton/Steele) – John Shipp (20m)
1-2 / Lunch
Go8 informal meeting
2-4 / Hot Topics
Steady state libraries – Alex Byrne (60m)
Research infrastructure funding – Madeleine McPherson (60m)
4-5 / Dr Evan Arthur (DEST)
7-11 / CAUL dinner @ Far Horizons Restaurant, Angsana Resort, 1 Veivers Rd Palm Cove
Tuesday 9 September
9-1 / CAUL Business
1-2 / Lunch (Guest: Professor Janet Greeley, Acting Rector, JCU Cairns Campus)
2-5 / Valuation Workshop.
Valuation Guidance for Cultural and Heritage Assets. November 2002. The Treasury Accounting Policy Team. New Zealand (NZ)
Report on NSW/ACT University Finance Officers Group - Working Party on Valuation of Library Collections
2.00pm Introduction - Derek Whitehead
2.10pm The hows and whys of valuation; The hows and whys of valuation of different types of library materials - Garry Carnegie
3.00pm Case study - UNSW (Andrew Wells, confirmed)
3.20pm Case study - UQ (Janine Schmidt, confirmed)
3.40pm Break
4.00pm Case study - UNewcastle (Lynne Benton, confirmed)
4.20pm Case study – Monash (Garry Carnegie)
4.40pm Wrap-up/Further discussion (Garry Carnegie, Derek Whitehead)
CAUL Meeting 2003/2 – Cairns – 8-9 September, 2003 - Agenda