Final version:week of 2/23/15


Weekly Lesson Plans for Dr. Schiller

Week of February 23 - 27, 2015


Monday, February 23, 2015 :


Honors World History:


★Finish the classwork

★Bring textbook to class every day


  • WARMUP: Turn in homework
  • Take out a piece of paper and give it the title “Totalitarianism”. Make a chart with three columns on it. The first column should be entitled “What does it say?”. Under this title, please copy the following key terms and definitions:
  1. Indoctrination: To teach people to accept a system of beliefs (thoughts) without questioning.
  2. Propaganda: Using newspapers, magazines, radio, speeches,and movies to give people a one sided message.
  3. Censorship: The removal of anything objectionable to or critical of the ruling party.
  4. Terror: The use of violence or the threat of violence to produce fear so that people will obey the state.
  5. Charisma: A quality about a leader that makes people eager to follow him or her.
  6. One Party Rule: Only one political party is allowed to exist. It has complete power.
  7. Economic Control: The state decides what will be made and sold.
  8. Authoritarian: Having control, but not total control, over the lives of the people.
  9. Totalitarian: Having total control over the lives of the people.
  10. Extreme Nationalism: The belief by a group of people that their country is better than any other country
  • Next, get into pairs. If someone prefers to work alone, that’s okay.
  • The pairs will work with each other on the next part, but you must each have your own piece of paper and write down the columns and fill them in.
  • The second column, next to the one called “What does it Say?”, should be entitled “What does it Mean?”. In this column, discuss with your partner the meaning of each of the 10 terms and then in this second column, write a definition of each term in your own words, to show you understand what the term means.
  • Finally, the third column should be entitled “Why does it Matter to totalitarian states?” In this column, you must explain why this particular concept or power is important for totalitarian states to have total power over the people.
  • When you are done, turn in the papers. I will be grading them for how well you do this work.
  • After this activity, go back to your usual seat
  • Take out your textbook. Working silently and alone, read Chapter 13, section 3 about Mussolini. Then take notes on the section, using all headings (no matter what size or color). You must have at least 2 bullet point notes under each heading, and more than that if there is more information.
  • Next, write the key Terms, People, and Places listed on the first page of the section on the left and write definitions for each that make sense (in other words, don’t simply find the word in the section and copy the words around it!).
  • When you are done, turn in this work

AP Macroeconomics: PERIOD 5


★Finish the classwork


  • WARM-UP: No daily quiz
  • Take a copy of the pale blue Economics study guides by N. Gregory Mankiw called “Principles of Economics”. You may have to share.
  • To begin our study of money and monetary policy, read carefully and take outline notes on the “chapter overview” of Chapter 29 “The Monetary System”. on p.461 - 465, including the “helpful Hints.”
  • Next, do the vocabulary match called “Terms and Definition” on p.466.
  • Next, do the “Problems and short-answerquestions” on p.467 -470. Please copy the questions first and then write the answers.
  • Next, complete the “Self-Test” on p.470 - 474.
  • You will be quizzed on Wednesday on your understanding of the work in this chapter and if all you’ve done is copy the answers, you won’t be able to answer the quiz questions.
  • At the end of the period, turn in your work. I will give you a fewminutes at the beginning of class on Wednesday to look at your notes before the quiz. This will be a 20-point quiz, not the usual 10-point quiz.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015 : shortened day


AP Macroeconomics: PERIODS 2 and 4


★Finish the classwork


  • WARM-UP: No daily quiz
  • Take a copy of the pale blue Economics study guides by N. Gregory Mankiw called “Principles of Economics”. You may have to share.
  • To begin our study of money and monetary policy, read carefully and take outline notes on the “chapter overview” of Chapter 29 “The Monetary System”. on p.461 - 465, including the “helpful Hints.”
  • Next, do the vocabulary match called “Terms and Definition” on p.466.
  • Next, do the “Problems and short-answerquestions” on p.467 -470. Please copy the questions first and then write the answers.
  • Next, complete the “Self-Test” on p.470 - 474.
  • You will be quizzed on Wednesday on your understanding of the work in this chapter and if all you’ve done is copy the answers, you won’t be able to answer the quiz questions.
  • At the end of the period, turn in your work. I will give you a fewminutes at the beginning of class on Wednesday to look at your notes before the quiz. This will be a 20-point quiz, not the usual 10-point quiz.

AP History of Art:


★Due on Thursday, February 26: Print out ItalianRenaissance Art packet and fill in Stokstad pictures, info, and definitions of key terms.


  • WARM-UP: Turn in field trip slips
  • Student presentations


Wednesday, February 25, 2015:


Honors World History:


★Read and take outline notes on Chapter 13, Section 5: “Hitler” and define all key Terms, People, and Places on the first page of the section

★Bring textbook to class every day

★Bring textbook to class every day


  • WARMUP: Turn in homework (classwork from Monday)
  • Daily quiz:

1. What is the key term for using newspapers, magazines, radio, speeches,and movies to give people a one sided message? Propaganda

2. What is the key term for teaching people to accept a system of beliefs (thoughts) without questioning? indoctrination

3.What was Mussolini’s nick name? Il Duce

4. What was the name of Mussolini’s gang of thugs who went around beating people up? black shirts

5. What was the system of brutal labor camps Stalin created where he sent his enemies and most people died? Gulag

e.c. Name the totalitarian dictator of Germany. Hitler

  • Introduce “Tea with Mussolini”
  • Clear desks and watch DVD: Tea with Mussolini
  • Meanwhile, papers get graded and logged in

AP Macroeconomics: PERIOD 5


★Manual Activity 4-1

★Complete the chapter 29 classwork from Monday in the Mankiw light blue study guides


  • WARM-UP: No daily quiz
  • Hand back free-responses from the most recent test. Go over the answers
  • Log in the chapter 29 Mankiw work
  • Class drama: The Recollections of Pine Gulch
  • Money—something that is generally accepted for the exchange of goods and services
  • when banks make loans, it increases the money supply
  • when bank loans are repaid, it decreases the money supply


Thursday, February 26, 2015 :


AP Macroeconomics: PERIODS 2 and 4


★Manual Activity 4-3


  • WARM-UP: Homework check: Activity 4-1
  • Hand back free-responses from the most recent test. Go over the answers
  • Class drama: The Recollections of Pine Gulch
  • Money—something that is generally accepted for the exchange of goods and services
  • when banks make loans, it increases the money supply
  • when bank loans are repaid, it decreases the money supply
  • Period 2 only: begin to go over Activity 4-1

AP History of Art:


★No homework

★Extra-credit review session from 10 am to noon in the food court at the AMC Promenade Theater at Topanga and Oxnard in Woodland Hills. Bring your Barrons AP Art History review books!


  • WARM-UP: Turn in field trip slips
  • Class discussion of improvements to packet assignments
  • Student presentations
  • Discuss Gothic culture


Friday, February 27, 2015 :


Honors World History:


★Get your parent or guardian to sign the grade sheet given to you and class and bring in

★Complete the following classwork from Monday if you didn’t alreadycomplete it and turn it in:

•Take out a piece of paper and give it the title “Totalitarianism”. Make a chart with three columns on it. The first column should be entitled “What does it say?”. Under this title, please copy the following key terms and definitions:

  1. Indoctrination: To teach people to accept a system of beliefs (thoughts) without questioning.
  2. Propaganda: Using newspapers, magazines, radio, speeches,and movies to give people a one sided message.
  3. Censorship: The removal of anything objectionable to or critical of the ruling party.
  4. Terror: The use of violence or the threat of violence to produce fear so that people will obey the state.
  5. Charisma: A quality about a leader that makes people eager to follow him or her.
  6. One Party Rule: Only one political party is allowed to exist. It has complete power.
  7. Economic Control: The state decides what will be made and sold.
  8. Authoritarian: Having control, but not total control, over the lives of the people.
  9. Totalitarian: Having total control over the lives of the people.
  10. Extreme Nationalism: The belief by a group of people that their country is better than any other country

•The second column, next to the one called “What does it Say?”, should be entitled “What does it Mean?”. In this column, write a definition of each term in your own words, to show you understand what the term means.

•Finally, the third column should be entitled “Why does it Matter to totalitarian states?” In this column, you must explain why this particular concept or power is important for totalitarian states to have total power over the people.

★Otherwise, no homework

★Bring textbook to class every day


  • WARMUP: Turn in homework
  • Daily quiz:

1. What was Mussolini’s nick name? Il Duce

2. What was the name of Mussolini’s gang of thugs who went around beating people up? black shirts

3. In the movie, why did they arrest the old British ladies? Because Englandand Italy were at war

4. At the end of World War I, after Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicated, what kind of government did Germany have at first? Republic

5. What were the Nuremberg Laws? Deprived Jews of German citizenship and placed severe restrictions on them.

e.c. What was the official religion of the Soviet Union under Stalin? atheism

  • Grade and go over quizzes
  • Clear desks and finish watching DVD: Tea with Mussolini
  • Give back all papers
  • Hand out individual gradesheets as of today
  • Discuss gradesheet questions with students

AP Macroeconomics: PERIOD 5


★Manual Activity 4-3

★Get your parent or guardian to sign the grade sheet given to you and class & bring in

★Bring manual to class every day

  • WARM-UP: Turn in chapter 29 work, if wasn’t already turned in
  • Homework check: Activity 4-3
  • Hand back free-responses from the most recent test. Go over the answers
  • As a class, go over Activity 4-1
  • Hand out individual gradesheets as of today
  • Discuss gradesheet questions with students