Complete theformandattachadditional informationasneeded.Allfieldsare required.
TECprojectfunding islimitedtoTECDivisionsand Committees.
Contact nameCompany/Affiliation
Mailing address
Postal code
Sponsoring Division/Committee
Bysubmittingthis proposalrequestIaffirmtheexpensedportionofthis project canbecompletedbyDecember31,2017.Iamawarethatshouldthe proposal be selected and funded,thosefundsareonlyavailablethrough December31,2017.
Project TitleProject Description
If this project is part of an ongoing effort, please describe:
Targetstakeholders; who is the project specifically intended to help?
(including AWWA members,customers,management,engineers,operators,scientists,educators,consultants,regulators,customerservice,Sections,water,wastewater,stormwater,internationalcommunity,media, etc.)
Deliverable(s); what will the project develop?
(describethe specific item(s) thatwillbecreated;e.g.report,article,presentation,database,survey,webinar,video…)
How does the project support the
TEC's strategic plan to expand/improve AWWA's technical and educational resources
Willthe project generate any revenue?
TEC projects are not expected to make money, but any return will support
this and other AWWA projects and programs.
(includes conferenceregistration,newmembership,webinar,eLearning, etc.)
What other benefits will the project create?
(includes public information,membervalue,increasedengagementofmembers,enhancedAssociation Sectionrelationship/coordination,enhancedAWWA creditability, etc.)
Estimated time budgets based on
the TEC Project Element Menu on the last page of this proposal form: / Volunteer Hours:
Contractor Hours:
Staff Hours:
Totalproject budget based on page 4 of this proposal form: / $
Otherfunding sources/partnersandtheir contributions
- Refer to the TEC Project Element Menu on the last page of this application for guidance
- Project funds are not available until after the AWWA Board of Directors approves the 2017 budget; all expensesmust beusedby December 31,2017
- Funds cannot be carried overafter year-end and extensionscannot begranted
- Outline project milestones and meetings
- Project dates should account for budget approval in late January and any time necessary to process procurement requirements
- August 31, 2016: Proposals must be received; submit to
- September, 2016: AWWA staff reviews and gathers clarifying information from applicants as necessary; Project proposals are also reviewed by sponsoring Divisions
- October, 2016: TRC reviews proposal with AWWA staff feedback, recommends projects to the TEC; AWWA staff assigned to projects accordingly
- November, 2016: AWWA staff sends accept notices (including any suggestions for modification) and decline notices (including suggestions for proposal improvement or alternative approaches)
- Date: milestone
- Date: milestone
- Date: milestone
- December, 2017: all project funds must be spent by this time; project close out and subsequent promotion
- December 31st, 2017 - All project expenses realized, project completion
- Please reference the TEC Project Element Menu on the final page of this application for guidance
- Cost estimates are preliminary and may be order-of-magnitude guesses; if unsure, contact AWWA staff at
- When in doubt, aim high and provide upper estimate
Expense Item / Description / Cost
AWWA Creative Service Fees / $
Report Printing / $
Video / $
Surveys / $
Contractor (ballpark estimates are appropriate) / $
Conference Calls / $
Mailings / $
Online Electronic Tools
(calculator, template, spreadsheet, webpage) / $
Other / $
Total Funds Requested / $
The following table of TEC project costs and the associated hours are intended to help TEC Committees develop their project proposals. The estimates in the table can serve as a starting point but should be modified based on the proposed project specifics.
Table 1. Estimated TEC Project Unit Costs, Staff Time, and Volunteer Time
Project Component / Estimated Unit Cost($/unit) / Estimated AWWA Staff Time
(hours) / Estimated Volunteer Time
AWWA Creative Service Fees / Staff Hourly Rate: $45.00/hour
Brochure/Report (~ 20 pages): $3,600 (80 hours)
Flyer: $1,080 (24 hours)
Postcard: $1,080 (24 hours) / 5 / 10 for review
(does not include time for content generation)
Report Printing (e.g., AWWA Fracking Report) / ~ 20 pages, ~$1.5/copy (2,000 copies of a 20 page document for ~ $3k) / 10 / 10 for review
(does not include time for content generation)
Video / $1,000/minute plus animation & travel costs / 5 / 10-20 for review
(does not include time for content generation/interviews)
Surveys /
- Emails: $16.00 per 5,000
- Survey Developed by Contractor: See Contractor pricing+$300 promotion
- Survey Developed by Volunteers: $300 promotion
Contractor / Senior Engineer: $110.00/hour
Design Engineer: $100.00/hour
Engineering Technical Writer: $45.00/hour
Data Analyst: $65.00/hour
Academic Faculty: $85.00/hour
Student: $37.50/hour
IT Consultant: $150.00/hour / 30 / 10-40
Conference Calls / Audio only: $0.035/connection per minute
Unified meeting (shared desktop): $0.095/connection per minute / 20-40 / 20-40
Mailings / Dependent on mailing project (base estimates on current US postage) / 5 / 0
Online Electronic Tools
(calculator, template, spreadsheet, webpage) / Internal Hourly Rate: $60.00/hour
External Hourly Rate: See Contractor pricing / 5 / 80
Conference Workshop or Special Topic Session / Cost of any associated materials and equipment rentals / 5 / 20-40
Webinar / Live webinar free to members (no associated cost) / 20-40 / 20-40
Resource Community / N/A / 5-10 / 10-20
JAWWA or Opflow Article / N/A / 5 / 20-40
Any project that requires significantly more than 200 staff hours may be declined due to resource limitations. If you need assistance estimating budget please email