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Summons to attend the Meeting of the

Parish Council


Thursday,14th January ,2016

Waltham on the Wolds Village Hall at 7.00 pm


Clerk to the Parish Council.


100/15-16 To receive apologies for absence or non-attendance :

101/15-16 To receive Declarations of interest : Both personal and prejudicial on matters in the agenda.

102/15-16 To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 26th November 2015.

103/15-16 Public Participation.

Adjournment of the meeting for 15 minutes to enable members of the public to express views on any topic that they would like.

104/15-16 County Councillor’s report:

To receive a report from Cllr Rhodes:

105/15-16 Borough Councillors report:

To receive a report from Cllr Holmes:

106/15-16 To receive the Parish Clerks report:

106/15-16 To receive the Chairman’s report:

107/15-16 Leicestershire Constabulary:

To receive a report from the Leicestershire Constabulary:

108/15-16 Parish Communication:

109/15-16 Neighbourhood Parish Plan:

To receive a report from Cllr Lusty Chairman of the committee:

110/15-16 To receive reports from the following:

A ) Archaeological & History Group.

B ) Tree warden.

C ) Allotments.

D ) Churchyard.

E ) Footpaths

F ) School report.

G ) WOTWATA newsletter.

H ) Playfields.

I ) Village Hall.

J ) Youth Club.

K ) Neighbourhood Watch

L ) Affordable Housing.

M ) Village Matters ( Waltham on the Wolds )

( Thorpe Arnold ).

111/15-16 : Planning matters:

A ) Planning applications for consideration .

15/00945/NONMAT : The Cottage, 5 Burgins Lane, Waltham.

15/00962/FULLHH : 4 High Street, Waltham.

15/00918/FULLHH : 2 Bank Cottage, Waltham Rd, Thorpe Arnold.

15/0111/OUT : The Field Melton Road, Waltham.

B ) Pending decisions from M B C – Information only.

15/00777/FULHH : 28 Houses of High Street. ( Objection submitted to MBC)

C ) Planning Approvals for Information

15/00807/FUL ; The Wheel, High Street ,Waltham.

D ) Planning Applications refused.

15/00398/FUL : The field 1357, Housing development of Melton Rd.

15/00902/FUL : travels site off Goadby Rd.


E ) Withdrawals for information .


F ) Enforcement for information.


112/15-16 Finance:

A ) To Approve payments.

i ) Clerks salary Direct Debit £ 566.00

ii ) HMRC ( PAYE ) £ 113.00

iii ) G D Armitage ( Maintenance on Church Clock ) £ 580.80

iv ) E-O-N Pavilion ( Electricity ) £ 22.30

v ) Alec Lord ( Playfield Maintenance ) £ 399.84

vi ) Severn Trent Water £ 13.36

vii ) Severn Trent Water £ 17.38

viii ) Paul Rear ( Village Maintenance ) £ 1160.00

ix ) LRALC ( Courses ) £ 70.00

x ) Inland revenue ( Re Douglas Tonks ) £ 2728.68

B ) To approve & sign the bank reconciliation for the period ending 31-11-15

113/15-16: Correspondence for information and discussion without resolution.


114/15-16 The next Parish council meeting will be held at Thorpe Arnold Village Hall.

Parish Clerk, A.Noble, 3 Benskins Close ,Church Walk ,Little Dalby .LE14 2UF

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