Report to:House of Delegates, Region IX Director, Shannon Billings
Report of: ASCLS-WA House of Delegates
Submitted for: Annual Meeting, 2015
Prepared by: Terese Abreu, President WA
Date: June 14, 2015
1. Increase membership.
2. Foster student participation, engagement and leadership.
3. Plan method to distribute donated Carol Anderson Memorial funds.
4. Earn enough money at our CE seminars to operate society business.
Activities and Accomplishments:
- Member Services and Recruitment 2014= 373 2015=434
- Recruitednew student members with state-wide effort to utilize educational membership package.
- Columbia Basin District gave out two first year memberships to MLS program graduates that accepted jobs in their district
- Columbia Basin District was able to recruit one institutional membership during lab week.
- New professionals held a social and charity funding event which was attended by 15. The spring seminar had two sessions created especially for new professional members including a lunch.
- Spokane society gave out 2 student scholarships.
- A memorial scholarship was given out for attendance at Spring Seminar.
- North Puget Sound District offered two scholarships to members to attend Spring Seminar and Northwest Medical Lab Symposium. There were no takers.
- The state society books were audited by the IRS. A few recommendations were made regarding record storage, fund raising, district and state accounts, by-laws and articles of incorporation. There were no other problems. 990Ns were filed. The society is working to implement the IRS auditor’s recommendations. We are operating within our budget and have a savings account to cover shortfalls.
- 2014 Northwest Medical Lab Symposium – 42 exhibitors. 160 registrations. 20 students.
- Leadership: Efforts continue to raise money to hold a 5K fundraiser to use to send a second student to the National Meeting. Approximately $700 has been raised in the past two years. Fees for permits and insurance were raised and more is needed. Hope to hold a 5K Run in 2016. A line item for these funds will be added to budget.
- ASCLS-WA website continues to be updated as our webmaster; Brenda Kochis has been attending classes to improve her skills.
- Spring Seminar- There was a total of 190 registrants, including a total of 60 students which represents an increase over last year. For the second year we had student posters. CEs were offered for answering questions that went with the posters.
- Remote attendance via online video calls has been implemented for board members who cannot travel to board meetings. The system is working overall for those unable to attend in person.
- Weprepared a district map with pictures of district presidents and executive board members to inform membership of their specific board liaisons which was posted at Spring Seminar in Olympia.
- The following positions were filledfor 2015-2016 or still need to be filled:
- Membership chair will be Tracey Gardner.
- Government Affairs chair is still vacant.
- New professional will be Jamie Choe.
- Promotion of the Profession chair is still vacant.
- Student representative is Alex Steiner
- State bylaws and articles of incorporation were updated and posted on the society webpage for review by membership. Both updates were discussed by membership and approved at HOD meeting. A filing fee will be budgeted. Completed bylaws were submitted to National.
- Election of Officers
- President: Leslie Nakagawa
- President-elect: vacant
- Treasurer: Shawna Martin
- Secretary: Nichole Curatolo
- Delegates for 2015 the national meeting
- President : Terese Abreu
- President Elect: Leslie Nakagawa
- Ist year professional: Jamie Choe
- Treasurer:Shawna Martin
- Columbia district: Teresa Nguyen
- Seattle: Cathy Otto, Toni Okada
- Olympia/Tacoma: Tracey Gardner