Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL)
Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2018
- Call to Order
The Committee for the Assessment of Student Learning (CASL) was called to order on February 20, 2018 at 2:00p.m. in the CDS Conference Room.
Members present: Ahmed Abou-Zaid, Lisa Brooks Andy Cheetham, Joe Eichman (recording secretary), Richard Jones,Fern Kory,Nichole Mulvey (chair), Karla Sanders, and Stephanie Woodley
Members absent:Marita Gronnvoll, Joy Kammerling
- Approval of CASL Minutes-February 6, 2018
Ahmed Abou-Zaid motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting, and Lisa Brooks seconded. The motion passed.
- Update: Critical Thinking Rubric Pilot Study
Two faculty members are ready to upload data.
For the Pilot, we will not need student name or E#, but a simple “Student 1”, “Student 2” will do. Once form is finalized, this information will be automatically filled in. Fern Kory wondered if we should have the faculty’s name listed on the sheets. Karla Sanders said that she will replace Student Name with Faculty Name and eliminate the E# for the pilot. Once these changes are made, Nichole Mulvey will send a link to both the survey and rubric out to the faculty participating in the pilot.
- Participant Survey
Fern Kory proposed eliminating question #3 that asks participants the assignment expectations. Instead, she proposes we ask for faculty to attach or provide the assignment expectations in the overall instructions. Other changes and tweaks to the wording of the questions were raised and discussed. Nichole Mulvey will update the survey with the committee’s suggestions and send it out for approval via email. She will also remind faculty participating in the survey that they should have their submissions and survey completed in time for the committee to review the data at the March 20 meeting. Since we do not have a mechanism for faculty to upload the artifacts, we will instead ask them to submit 3 samples attached to the survey email. Eventually, when CATS/ITS builds the final system, artifacts will be able to be uploaded, and faculty will be able to select which parts of the rubric the artifact covers, with an option for N/A for the rubric points not covered in the paper.
- Shared Governance Meeting
Nichole Mulvey attended the first Shared Governance Meeting. She shared her initial impressions as Faculty Senate spearheads a study aimed to improve integration and efficiency, especially regarding course proposals and assessment. This is only in the beginning stages. She will update the committee as she knows more.
- Quantitative Reasoning Assessment Survey
Karla Sanders has put together a draft of the survey to go to each department to see what they are currently doing to teach and assess Quantitative Reasoning. The committee discussed small changes to the survey. Karla Sanders will send this survey out around March 1 as a Qualtrics Survey so we can discuss the responses at the April meeting.
- Adjourn
Adjourned at 3:15 pm.
~Minutes submitted by Joe Eichman, Recording Secretary