Fall 2015


DUE BY DEAD DAY, April 28th

Members of IFC recognized fraternities, who are recipients of Arkansas State University Scholarships that cover housing, may use the housing portion of the scholarship to pay for residence in a fraternity house provided the following conditions are met:

  1. Member must have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours at ASU-Jonesboroat the time of move-in.
  1. Chapter must be in good standing with the office of Greek Life.
  1. Chapter must provide a complete list of residents to the Greek Life office by the eleventh class day.
  1. Benefit period is intended to begin fall semester.
  1. Application, (available in the Leadership Center-Greek Life Office and on the Greek Life website), must be completed by Dead Day of each semesterprior to the semester benefit will begin. NOTE: This application is only valid for one semester. If you have intentions to continue living in a Greek house, you must submit this application each semester.
  1. A maximum of 50%of available chapter house beds may be filled by this program each semester. If a Greek chapter has an amount of individuals interested in utilizing this program that exceeds 50%, it is up that chapter to determine who may submit an application.

The process for use of the scholarship is as follows:

  1. Chapter Leadership must submit a statement signed by the chapter advisor stating the cost of rent for a semester at the chapter house. This is dueto the Greek Life Office by Dead Day of each semester.
  1. The cost of rent will be applied up to the value of applicable university housing scholarship rates, which will be 4.5x’s the fraternity’s/sorority’s monthly rent.
  1. The cost of rent will be applied againstyour student account, processed through Student Accounts. If you have a refund, it will be issued to you in the form of direct deposit or a refund check; whichever process you have selected through Student Accounts. You can log into MyCampus to view the payment method you have already selected..
  1. The member must pay rent to the chapter, in full, by the 11th day of class.
  1. The chapter must submit proof to the Office of Greek Life that the member’s rent has been paid by the 15th day of class.
  1. This verification/application process will occur each semester.

For students currently living in a Residence Hall:

If you are currently living in a Residence Hall during the Fall semester you are INELGIBLE for this program in the coming Spring semester unless you choose to buy out your remaining Residence Life contract. Please contact Residence Life for more information.

* This program will be evaluated each semester and can be discontinued at any time. In the event that the program is discontinued, members taking part in the program will be given one full semester notice in order to make necessary housing arrangements.

Arkansas State University Greek life

Application for Use of Housing Scholarship in a Greek House- Spring 2015

Applicant Information

Last Name / First / M.I. / Date
Phone / E-mail Address / Classification
Semester Requested / Student ID No. / Greek Organization
What Scholarship Do You Receive? / Honors / Chancellor’s / Vice-Chancellor’s / Leadership / Pride / Scholar
After Fall 2014, will you have at least 30 ASU-Jonesboro credit hours? / YES / NO / Double Bed Room / Single Bed Room / Monthly Cost of Rent: / Semesterly Rent:

Disclaimer and Signature

I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have read all guidelines pertaining to this program and understandthem fully. I also understand that completion of this form does NOT serve as a cancelation for any current Residence Life reservations I may have. I understand that false or misleading information in my application may result in loss of privileges.
Student Signature / Date

Office of Greek Life Verification

I certify that the applicant is an active undergraduate member,with at least 30 hours, and in good standing of the listed Greek Organization.
Greek Advisor Signature / Date

office of financial aid Verification

I certify that the applicant is a recipient of the scholarship listed on this application for the Fall 2015semester.
Financial Aid Representative Signature / Date

Updated March 2015