Santa Ana College Early Childhood Education Center
(714) 564-6894 / Santa Ana College East Campus
(714) 564-6952 / Centennial Education Center
(714) 241-5739 / Santiago Canyon College Center
(714) 628-4890 / Orange
Education Center
(714) 628-5925


Thank you for considering our center for your child care needs. Your family will be placed on the eligibility/wait list and ranked according to your gross family income and your family size. (Please see attached Reference Sheets A, B and C.)

·  Eligibility is based on documentation and verification of at least one of the following:

Income / Current Aid Recipient
Homelessness / Child Protective Services
At Risk of Abuse/Neglect and/or Exploitation

·  Priority for selection are: Child Protective Services; At Risk of Abuse/Neglect and/or
Exploitation; Lowest rank (if two or more families have the same rank and child’s birth date, the oldest dated application is placed first)

·  The need for full day child care services is based on documentation and verification of at least one of the following (See attached Reference Sheet A and B):

Child Protective Services / At Risk of Abuse/Neglect and/or Exploitation
Parental Incapacity / Training toward Vocational Goal

§  The waiting period for services is unpredictable and a definite timeframe for your child or children’s admission into the program may not be known.

§  Although we may have openings throughout the school year, most of our enrollment occurs during each summer and fall.

§  Once space becomes available here at the center, you will be called and a pre-enrollment appointment will be scheduled. You will be asked to bring the following documentation:

1. The family’s “total countable income” for the previous month (see attached Reference Sheet C)
2. Verification of your eligibility and need (see attached Reference Sheet A and B)

Once eligibility and need is verified, you will be given a registration packet to be completed and given an appointment for registration. At the registration appointment, you will be asked to complete the Application for Services and be issued a Notice of Action (NOA) certifying your child’s first day of service.

§  Please feel free to call us to check your status and/or to let us know if you have found other services.

§  During this waiting period, you are encouraged to contact the local resource and referral agency, Children’s Home Society. They also have funding to assist families. They can be reached at 714 543.2273.

Thank you again for your interest in our program

We look forward to serving you in the future


Reference Sheet A

Eligibility and Need Criteria

Child Protective Services - Written referral dated within six months of application for services that includes:

·  A statement from the local county welfare department, child welfare services worker, certifying that the child is receiving Child Protective Services (CPS) and that child care and development service are a necessary component of the CPS service plan.

·  Probable duration of the CPS service plan.

·  Name, address, phone number and signature of the county child welfare staff.

“At Risk” - Written referral dated within six months of the application for services, including:

·  A statement by a legally qualified professional (someone licensed in the state to perform legal, medical, health or social services for the general public) that the child is at risk of abuse and neglect and that the child and development services are needed to reduce or eliminate that risk.

·  Probable duration of the at risk situation.

·  Name, address, phone number and signature of the legally qualified professional.

Parental Incapacity – Proof of parental incapacitation must include:

·  A signed release statement authorizing a legally qualified health professional to disclose information necessary to establish that the definition of incapacity is met and

·  A statement from a legally qualified health professional that includes the following:
- that the parent is incapacitated and incapable of providing care and supervision for the child for part of the day and,
- the extent to which the parent is incapable of providing care and supervision.
- the days and hours per week that services are recommended.
- the probable duration of incapacitation.
- name, business address, telephone number, professional license number, and signature of the health professional.

Employment – A completed “employment verification form” verifying work hours is required.

Training towards Vocational Goal – A completed “training verification form” and class registration printout is required for each semester.

We reserve the right to ask for additional documentation.

Rancho Santiago Community College District

Child Development Services



Required documents for the number of children (siblings) in family

Title 5: Subchapter 3, Article 3 – 18100 (a)(1)

The following list of documents can be used to support the number of children in a family:

(at least one document from this list must be provided)

(A)  Birth certificate;

(B)  Court orders regarding child custody;

(C)  Adoption documents;

(D)  Records of Foster Care Placements;

(E)  School or medical records;

(F)  County welfare department records;

(G)  Other reliable documentation indicating the relationship of the child to the parent;

(H)  Baptismal Certificate;

(I)  Hospital Birth Record;

(J)  Passport;

(K)  Declaration of home birth.

Required documents regarding the presence or absence of the second parent

Title 5: Subchapter 3, Article 3 – 18100 (a)(2)

The following list of documents can be used to support the presence or absence of the second parent (when only one parent is enrolling the child and/or the documentation for the child/ren indicates that there is another parent whose name does not appear on the application):

(any one document from this list must be provided)

(A)  Records of marriage, divorce, domestic partnership or legal separation;

(B)  Court-ordered child custody arrangements;

(C)  Evidence that the parent signing the application is receiving child support payments from that person, has filed for child support with the appropriate local agency, or has executed documents with that agency declining to file for child support;

(D)  Rental receipts or agreements, contracts, utility bills or other documents for the residence of the family indicating that the parent is the responsible party;

(E)  Death certificate;

(F)  Notarized letter verifying that the absent parent is out of the country;

(G)  Income Tax filing listing parent signing the application as Head of Household;

(H)  Incarceration documents;

(I)  Deportation documents;

(J)  Any other documentation to confirm the presence or absence of a parent of a child in the family.

The enrolling parent may use a self-declaration to explain the absence of the parent from the family if, due to the recent departure of a parent from the family, the remaining parent cannot provide any documentation. The self-declaration must be signed by the enrolling parent under penalty of perjury and the enrolling parent must provide documentation regarding the absent parent within six (6) months of signing the self-declaration.

Title 5: Subchapter 3, Article 3 – 18100 (a)(3)

We reserve the right to ask for additional documentation.


Reference Sheet C

Total Countable Income

(per Title 5 Education Code)

Total Countable Income means ALL income of the individuals counted in the family size and is for the month preceding certification or re-certification, for example:

1. Gross Wages or Salaries (including overtime and tips)
2. Public Cash Assistance / Aid
3. Gross Income from Self-Employment (minus business expenses, except wage draws)
4. Disability or Unemployment Compensation
5. Workers Compensation
6. Spousal Support
7. Child Support Payments Received * +
8. Survivor Benefits
9. Retirement Benefits
10. Dividends, interest on bonds, income from estates or trust, net rental income
or royalties
11. Rent for Room within the Family’s Residence
12. Foster Care Grants (payments or clothing allowance for children placed through child welfare services)
13. Financial Aid Received for the Care of a Child Living with an Adult Who is not the Child’s Biological or Adoptive Parent
14. Veterans pensions
15. Pensions or Annuities
16. Inheritance
17. Allowances for Housing
18. Portion of Student Grants/Scholarships not identified for educational purposes as tuition, books or supplies
19. Insurance or Court Settlements for Lost Wages or Punitive Damages
20. Net Proceeds from the Sale of Real Property, Stocks, or Inherited Property
21. Other Enterprise for Gain

* May include child support received from the former spouse or absent parent, or financial assistance for housing cost or car payments paid as part of, or in addition to, spousal or child support.

+ Evidence must be provided that the parent signing the application:

a.  is receiving child support payments from that person

b.  has filed for child support with the appropriate local agency, or

c.  has executed documents with that agency declining to file for child support.

(Title 5 Education Code Reference 18078 (q),(1-28)

We reserve the right to ask for additional documentation to verify income.

Adopted 7/15/08 / Revised 5/24/12 / Revised 9/19/12

H:\Department Directories\Educational Services\Child Development\Forms-Procedures\Child Required File Forms\Waiting List App\What Happens Next