VAST Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2013

Attendance: Nancy Tetrick, Toni Duralski, Jennifer Mangelos, Mary Whatley, Deirdre McGrath, Nell Davis, Donna Sprouse, Carlene Chandler, Veronica Adrover, and Nancy Smith


The call to order by President Toni Duralski was at 6:55 PM at Nunes Agility Field.


The minutes were approved as read; with a first by Veronica Adrover and a second by Donna Sprouse.


Mary Whatley reported that there is $6,244 in the money market account, approximately $11,300 (before trial reimbursements) in checking and $20 in petty cash. The recent USDAA trials net profit amount is $7722.80 before the remaining reimbursement are deducted. TheCPE trial had a net profit of $744.06 which was due, in large part, to the fun match held on the Friday directly before the trial.


MembershipJennifer Mangelos handed out a new membership roster including a new member, Rene Meyers.

CPE+USDAANancy Tetrick reported the next CPE trial is scheduled for March1&2, 2014. The judge will be Cheryl Huffman. Carlene reported the next VAST USDAA trial will be in February 2014.

NAFCarlene reported that the NAF USDAA general information letter has been updated.



Christmas Party:The party will be at Nell Davis' home in Turlock on Saturday, December 7th at 4:30 PM. There will be a brief board meeting first.

EquipmentUSDAA is now requiring longer jump poles. VAST and NAF are planning a fund-raising fun match to buy the equipment.

Awards ProcedureThe approach will be more celebration-oriented. The procedure will be posted on the website.

VAST T-ShirtsThe club will be placing orders for T-shirts. Cost is approximately $10 for short sleeved t-shirts, and $18 for long sleeved t-shirts. Information will be going out to the club and anyone else who wishes to order one.

Trial RefundsA motion was made that “VAST adopt a trial post-closing date refund policy, to be enacted by the trial secretary, the trial chair and the President when an entrant asks for a refund after the trial closing date. The three above mentioned members will consult each other and determine if the request shall be granted, which is solely at their discretion.” The first was by Carlene Chandler and the second was by Jennifer Mangelos. The motion passed

Christmas Parade The parade is in Turlock in early December. If anyone is interested in helping to put together a club float, please contact Jennifer Mangelos.

Nominations The Treasurer and Secretary positions are up for nomination for the 2014-2015 year. If anyone is interested in running or would like to nominate someone please let Toni know.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM by President Toni Duralski.

Minutes by Nancy Smith