Mason Soccer Boosters
Event/Committee: Tailgate
Chair/Coordinator/Officer: Rob Nabb
Email: Phone: 513-910-4300
Here is what I did:
The school has a tailgate event on a Friday night early in the football season. Each sport can provide a booth to sell a specific product. Soccer Boosters have sold BBQ sandwiches, Coke products, chips, water and Powerade.
The school (Eric Silverman) will invite you to a planning meeting where you will commit to a product, identify the organizers and review the food sales guidelines.
If selling a food product then you must obtain a $10 temporary food permit from Warren County. I have copied the verbiage from Eric:
- If you are selling or offering concessions / food products, you are encouraged to sell commercially prepackaged foods that do not require Temporary Food License.
- If you plan to offer any food item that is NOT commercially prepackaged, you must complete the following steps to obtain a temporary food permit:
- Please visit the Warren County Combined Health Department Website at
- The application for the temporary license is under 1) Downloads; then 2) Categories; then 3) Temporary Food Service Guidelines and Application.
- The cost for a license is $10.00 and must be obtain within 48 of your event.
- Read and review the Temporary Food Service Guidelines that need to be followed when serving food at your booth.
- If any home baked goods are sold, each package must be labeled stating the ingredients and origin of the item.
- If a caterer or 3rd party restaurant is onsite as either a Booth Vendor or serving food at your booth, the caterer must possess a C4 license or obtain a temporary license for this event.
- Use of a propane grill it must stay a minimum of 10ft from all buildings and overhangs. Even if it starts to rain the grill must stay away from buildings and overhangs. The area for the grill needs to be fenced off or some other blockage to prevent anyone from bumping the grill especially small children. The sponsor/organization must provide a fire extinguisher in close proximity to the grill; but not mounted to the grill. Use only the smaller squat propane cylinders like normal home use grill tanks. All tanks, including spares, need to be secured from falling at all times. Grill, while in use, must be constantly attended by an adult.
- Mason City Schools is a COKE beverage provider. This includes any product that COKE sells (Dasani water, PowerAde, Sprite, Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, and any other Coke products). Our contract with COKE requires that only their beverage products be served and/or sold at all events.
Keep the menu simple and begin to plan your tailgate. There is a Tailgate Spreadsheet in the Documents/Volunteer Description folder to help show you what was purchased in previous years.
You will need to borrow 8 coolers for the beverages, 6-8 crock pots to keep the BBQ at the proper temperature (the health dept will stop by and check the temp). Don’t get too worried…it’s easy to maintain the right temp. You will also need 4 long tables, 2 tents (Rob Nabb has them) and some minor decorations to jazz it up.
You will need to buy the chips, plates, soda, water, powerade and other items prior the tailgate. Stay within your budget.
You will need to secure your permit a few days prior to the tailgate…it was easy to get.
On the day of setup, show up 2 hours prior to start to ensure you have time for proper setup. Someone will have to pickup the BBQ just prior to the start. You will need 4-5 people to help set up and anywhere from 6-10 people to help sell.
The event lasts 2 hours. The kids mostly buy our drinks and the adults buy our BBQ.
You need to buy canned soda and sell it for $1. No one else sells it that cheap!
Sell bottled water for $1. Sell Powerade for $2.
Important dates to keep in mind:Eric Silverman or Scott Stemple will let you know the dates and times of the tailgate event.
Contacts/Companies I worked with:Two years ago, we used Porky Capone in Lebanon for the BBQ, Last year, we used Brazenhead. We buy everything else from Costco or GFS. We return all unused items as well since we are trying to raise money.
Expenses/Income:$800 budget, $800 expense, $1200 in sales, $400 profit
Suggestions for next year:We may want to consider selling something the kids like and something that is cheap….like Dippin Dots.
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