Queen Elizabeth Decision Game – circle the letter that you choose. Circle the wholeanswer that Elizabeth chose.

A Marriage Proposal

  1. Accept his proposal because friendship and alliance with Spain will help you with the war against France?
  2. Reject his proposal politely?

A Religious Settlement

  1. postpone a decision indefinitely to avoid offending any one group?
  2. retain a Catholic church and doctrine?
  3. end Catholic doctrine and return to a moderate Protestantism, similar to that followed under Henry VIII?
  4. respond to the appeals of returning Protestant exiles and establish a radical Protestant church similar to that under Edward VI?

Marriage, 1560

  1. Marry Dudley?
  2. Stay single?
  3. Stay single but become Dudley's mistress?

Parliament, 1566

  1. Agree to both demands because they will please members of parliament and vocal Puritans at court?
  2. Agree to marry in order to secure the succession but refuse to amend the religious settlement?
  3. Refuse both demands?

Mary, Queen of Scots, 1568:

  1. Help Mary, as a fellow-monarch, to regain her throne?
  1. Send her into exile in France?
  2. Hand her over to the Scottish rebels for punishment?
  3. Keep her imprisoned in England?

War with Spain? 1568

  1. Declare war on Spain, joining Dutch Protestants in a war of religion against Catholicism?
  1. Apologise to Spain for the problems?
  2. Wait upon events, trying to avoid war without appearing weak?

The Duke of Norfolk, 1569

  1. Refuse to execute Norfolk despite the Council's urgings?
  1. Order Norfolk's execution immediately?

Marriage, 1572

  1. MarryAlencon?
  1. End the negotiations because you do not wish to appear to be playing second-fiddle to France?
  2. Continue the negotiations in case a French alliance is needed urgently if the diplomatic situation worsens?

Netherlands Aid, 1582

  1. Appoint Leicester to lead an army to resist Spanish progress?
  1. Allow unofficial aid to reach the Dutch Protestants but refuse direct aid?
  2. Refuse all aid because of the danger of provoking war with Spain?

Netherlands Aid, 1585:

  1. Appoint Leicester to lead an army to resist Spanish progress?
  1. Allow unofficial aid to reach the Dutch Protestants but refuse direct aid?
  2. Refuse all aid because of the danger of provoking war with Spain?

Mary, Queen of Scots, 1586

  1. Order her execution immediately?
  2. Refuse her execution because it may precipitate an invasion by Spain?
  3. Play for time, resisting Parliament's pressure?

Reacting to the Armada, 1588

  1. Parade with your army and inspire them with your presence
  2. Make plans to flee because the Spanish fleet and army is so strong
  3. Pray very hard

Wentworth & Privilege, 1593: Options

  1. Permit the House of Commons to discuss the issue now that you have decided against marriage and the Spanish Armada has been defeated?
  2. Continue to forbid discussion and imprison Wentworth?
  3. Publicly declare that James will be your heir?

Your Portrait

  1. Ban all such portraits and enforce a system of censorship so that only one style of portrait is produced?
  2. Accept that time catches up with everyone and that your people revere you for your achievements?
  3. Order that more flattering pictures are circulated in greater numbers?

Starvation, 1597-8

  1. Import extra food to alleviate problems?
  2. Ignore the issue because such matters are not a concern of government?
  3. Clamp down on vagrants to prevent the dangers of riots?

The Earl of Essex, 1601

  1. Order his execution immediately?
  2. Pardon him because his rising proved to be such a failure?
  3. Postpone his execution? So many of your old servants have died in recent years that it would be hard to lose another.