Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2016

The regular meeting of the Lincoln city council was called to order by Mayor Gerarld Wise at 7:03 pm, at the Lincoln Community Center, 74 Santee Road, Lincoln, ND. Members Present: Volk, Fisherand Daly.

Agenda approval

Motion by Volk to amend the agenda to move Auditor Position from #8 to #4

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Motion by Volk to approve the agenda

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Approval of Minutes on August 4, 2016

Motion by Volk to table until next month

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Approval of Minutes on August 17, 2016

Motion by Volk to table until next month

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Auditor Position

Paula Hunt has resigned as of September 2, 2016. City must appoint acting temporary Auditor until the position is filled.

Motion by Volk to appoint Sarah Maenza as acting temporary Auditor

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Waste Management - Recycling

Paul Kalibabky presented proposal for curbside recycling.Additional 96-gallon tote per household wouldn’t require sorting. Collection once per month or every other week. All residents would need to participate. Once per month collection is $4.99 per household. Every other week collection is $6.75 per household. All residents would be required to participate. Daly suggested a survey to the residents asking if they would like curbside recycling.

Bismarck Transit

Roy Rickert Transit Director spoke about budget cuts for paratransit services to Lincoln. The cost for service in the Lincoln area is $68,000.00 per year. The city has 31 residents who use paratransit service. Rickert would like the city to help pay for this service. City would need to decide before December 31, 2016, with services starting July 1, 2017. Resident Jon Wagner suggested using mill levy to help pay for it.

S.E.H. Report

Mike Hinshaw presented bid acceptance and request to send out notice of award on Millennium Park. Low bid was $82,188.75 from Guthmiller & Son Dirtworks, Inc.

Motion by Volk to approve the project and award to Guthmiller & Son Dirtworks, Inc.

Seconded by Fischer

Hinshaw presented bid acceptance and request to send out notice of award on Stanley Road.

Low bid was $107,279.75 from Weisz & Sons, Inc.

Motion by Volk to approve the project and award to Weisz & Sons, Inc.

Hinshaw presented City’s Comprehensive Plan Estimate for budgeting purpose. The estimate for the plan would be $65,000.00 to $85,000.00.

Hinshaw presented the city with Bronze Award for Bicycle Friendly Community.

Hinshaw presented Lagoon update and options. Cell 2 rehab would cost $250,000.00 in engineering costs. Cell 1 issues would require possible expansion of the cell. Aeration is an option but would increase utility bills and require rental fees for equipment. Getting cell 4 and 2 ready to release we can do this in series. Switch them on and off would help keeping lagoons from going septic. Upgrade pumps and pipes for Cell 2 fix would be $100,000.00.

Motion by Volk to approve moving forward with S.E.H. to find options for lagoons

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Hinshaw presented R-2 Zoning Change. Adding row houses to R-2 residential district. Justin Hagel requests the city to waives the first reading of Ordinance to Provide an Additional Permitted Use for R-2 Residential District.

Motion by Volk to approve waive reading

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Hinshaw presented RR-1 Amend Accessory Structure Limits for Rural Residential Districts. Structure should be limited to a maximum of 4% of the area of the parcel.

Motion by Fischer to approve Amending Accessory Structure Limits for Rural Residential

Seconded by Daly

Motion carried

Brady Martz & Associates

Volk presented an engagement letter to help train Sarah until we replace the Auditor.

Motion by Fischer to approve Brady Martz & Associates

Seconded by Volk

Motion carried

Temporary Staff

Volk suggested temporary staff to help answer phone in order to relieve Sarah as she takes on Auditor duties. Volk and Sarah to work together on duties and hours. Daly to check on pricing of temporary staffing.

Motion by Volk to approve temporary staff position

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Staff Raises

Volk presented information regarding Sargent Hoffer’s annual review and suggested raise.

Motion by Volk to approve 5% raise

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Volk presented information regarding Sarah Maenza’s wage. She is under paid compared to other cities our size for Deputy Auditor position. Volk recommended 5% raise.

Motion by Fischer to approve 5% raise

Seconded by Volk

Motion carried

Preliminary Budget Approval

Volk presented projected revenue and expenses. Budget committee will continue to meet to finish budget.

Motion by Volk to table

Seconded by Daly

Motion carried

Amend Current Budget

Motion by Volk to table

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Audit 2014

Karen to contact MahlumGoodhart about finishing 2014 audit.

Motion by Fischer to table

Seconded by Volk

Motion carried


Fischer – Continue jetting of main sewer line for $7,000.00 which is already in the budget.

Daly – Mowing season is coming to an end and a few places still have weeds to get cleaned up. Parks will be happy to hear drainage project will move forward. Volk has heard good comments from the residents that the city is looking nice with people cleaning up and wanted to make council aware.

Volk – City staff – Auditor position has been posted. We are requiring a two-year degree in accounting and have received application from some very qualified people.

Gibbs - Log numbers are up. The stats are generated from traffic stops. Brandon Schock donated money to provide healthy snacks for trunk or treat again this year.

Rural Fire Dept.

Chief Mike Voigt reported a number of calls to our community for EMS services only. Rural Fire and Red Cross will be staging at DJ’s September 17th from 8 am – 1 pm.

New Business

  1. Lincoln Signs – Wise stated we no longer have signs for City of Lincoln. He suggested the citizens create signs for our two roundabouts. Chief Voigt suggested to contact highway department for rules about signage. Fischer requested county to install voltage for a sign during construction. Wise requested Fischer contact highway department. Chief Gibbs and Sargent Hoffer to contact school about having kids design the signs.
  2. Appoint New Member Michael Bauer to P & Z

Motion by Volk to appoint Michael Bauer to P&Z

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

  1. Proposal of Committee for 66th Project – Wise to form a committee to help with future land use on 66th. Wise held a meeting to talking about it with another meeting on September 11th at 6 pm. Wise will chose 5 to 6 people for the committee. S.E.H. is willing to help with the committee as well as Fischer.
  2. Ordinance – First Readings by Justin Hagel
  3. Ordinance to Modify Lincoln Municipal Code to Add Drug Paraphernalia (Marijuana) As an Offense – Class B Misdemeanor

Motion by Volk to approve

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

  1. Ray Ziegler, Director of Burleigh County Planning & Zoning – Brandon Schock

Ray has contact Bismarck about Brandon Schock’s building permit for building on his property. Bismarck wasn’t able to find paperwork for project and will not create permit. Ziegler proposed Burleigh County to take over permitting for project.

Motion by Fischer to approve Burleigh County permitting project

Seconded by Volk

Motion carried

  1. Chris Krein – Requesting to put cars for sale on front of property. Krein requesting to put fence up on back lot for secured storage for boat, campers, trailer etc. Also, would like to install lights. Wise suggested to create detailed plans with help from Ken Nysether and Ray Ziegler to be presented to Planning & Zoning.


Motion by Volk to pay bills

Seconded by Fischer

Motion carried

Meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm.

Motion by Fischer to adjourn

Seconded by Daly

Motion carried

Minutes submitted by Interim Auditor, Sarah Maenza, subject to request and revision of the City Council.