FSA Introductory and Recognised Forest School Provider Scheme:
Application Form (October 2017)
To help you with the application process, please read the following documents before completing this application form:
- Guidance Note (October 2017) accompanying the scheme provides you with background on the FSA’s Forest School Provider scheme and helps you to complete the application form.
- Self-Assessment Tool (October 2017) - a step by step reflective tool to help ensure i) your school or organisation is meeting 6 Forest School principles; and ii) that you can provide ‘all’ of the evidence required to apply to be recognised by the as a FSA Forest School Provider.
Please do not submit this application form until you have had your phone or Skype consultation with our Development Officer. This will guide you through the application process and evidence requirements.
Section 1 – Your Forest School Provision
You can now apply to be a FSA Introductory Forest School Provider or a FSA Recognised Forest School Provider.
Through consultation with members and the wider Forest School community, the FSA now acknowledges two categories of Forest School programme though the scheme:
1)FSA Recognised Forest School Provider: defined as a long-term programme runs for:
- a minimum of 2 hours per session, for 24 consecutive weeks (or the equivalent of 2 full school terms) within 1 year covering 2 seasons with the same core group of participants; or
- a minimum of 2 hours per session, for 12 consecutive weeks (or the equivalent of 1 full school term) in each of 2 years covering 2 seasons with the same core group of participants.
2)FSA Introductory Forest School Provider: defined as a short-term introductory programme runs for a minimum of 2 hours per session, for 6 consecutive weeks (or the equivalent of half a school term) within 1 year with the same core group of participants.
If you offer both introductory and long-term programmes you can apply for to become a FSA Recognised Forest School Provider.
If you are currently delivering short-term introductory programmes of Forest School, we would encourage you to aspire to provide long-term programmes in line with Forest School Principle 1 so you can become a ‘recognised’ provider.
Please answer the following questions:
Are you applying to be a FSA Introductory Forest School Provider?
Yes/No Click or tap here to enter text.
Are you applying to be a FSA Recognised Forest School Provider?
Yes/No Click or tap here to enter text.
Section 2 – Your organisation
A) Your Forest School Provider contact details
1) Name of School or Organisation: Click or tap here to enter text.
2) Address: Click or tap here to enter text.
3) Name of main contact for Forest School: Click or tap here to enter text.
4) Telephone number: Click or tap here to enter text.
5) Email address:Click or tap here to enter text.
6) Website address:Click or tap here to enter text.
7) Copy of your logo in PNG or JPEG file format submitted with application: Yes/NoClick or tap here to enter text.
8) Type of organisation - please add YES to the box that best fits your organisation:
- Pre-School/Nursery Click or tap here to enter text.
- Primary/Junior School Click or tap here to enter text.
- Secondary School Click or tap here to enter text.
- FreelancerClick or tap here to enter text.
If you are a freelancer, please provide details on the geographical coverage of your practice e.g. County, District coverage: Click or tap here to enter text.
- Other type of organisation (please clarify)Click or tap here to enter text.
9) If your participants have Special Educational Needs or Disabilities, please add YES to the following box: Click or tap here to enter text.
B) Sharing information with otherpotential Forest School providers:
Being part of the Forest School community means supporting others to follow the Forest School ethos. If your application is successful, the FSA would like recognised members to help other schools or organisations to become recognised members by sharing information and good practice. If say yes to this request, this will be shown with your contact details on the FSA‘Find a Forest School Provider’ online map.
Would you be willing to support other Forest Schools? Yes/NoClick or tap here to enter text.
c) Details of allyour qualified Forest School Staff
To apply to become a FSA Introductory orRecognised Forest School Provider, you must have at least one level 3 trained member of staff who has been practising and actively leading Forest School Sessions within the last year.
Please provide the details of all qualified Level 1, 2 and 3 Forest School Staff in the boxes below:
Up to 4 of members of staff will receive free FSA Individual Membership and will be listed on the FSA’s Forest School Provider map alongside your provider name if your application is approved.If you list more than 4 representatives below, there will be an additional charge to pay of £20 per person.
Name of Forest School member of Staff: Click or tap here to enter text.
Forest School Qualification (Level 1, 2 or 3):Click or tap here to enter text.
Are they already a member of the FSA? Yes/No Click or tap here to enter text.
Please provide their email address so we can contact them directly (this will not appear on the online map)Click or tap here to enter text.
Name of Forest School member of Staff: Click or tap here to enter text.
Forest School Qualification (Level 1, 2 or 3): Click or tap here to enter text.
Are they already a member of the FSA? Yes/No Click or tap here to enter text.
Please provide their email address so we can contact them directly (this will not appear on the online map)Click or tap here to enter text.
Name of Forest School member of Staff: Click or tap here to enter text.
Forest School Qualification (Level 1, 2 or 3): Click or tap here to enter text.
Are they already a member of the FSA? Yes/No Click or tap here to enter text.
Please provide their email address so we can contact them directly (this will not appear on the online map) Click or tap here to enter text.
Name of Forest School member of Staff: Click or tap here to enter text.
Forest School Qualification (Level 1, 2 or 3): Click or tap here to enter text.
Are they already a member of the FSA? Yes/No Click or tap here to enter text.
Please provide their email address so we can contact them directly (this will not appear on the online map) Click or tap here to enter text.
Please copy and paste the above box here if you need to add additional staff.
Section 3 – Evidence to support your application
In Section 2, we are asking you to provide us with evidence relating to each of the 6 Forest School Principles.
Please complete the boxes in the form below. Where we ask for evidence, please provide it electronically and label it as follows: ER1 for Evidence Requirement 1, ER2 for Evidence Requirement 2, etc.
When you’ve completed the form, you will submit it via step 4 at the following weblink:
a) Evidence Requirements
Evidence requirement (1): Relates to Forest School Principle 1 (also 2, 3, 5 and 6):i)Provide 2 Chronological Session Plans from the last 6 months for each Level 3 Forest School Leaderpractising and actively leading programmesin the last year
ii)Provide case studies of two participants linked to (i) including observations, reflections (by practitioner and participant), evaluation of individuals and future learning opportunities.
The session plans need to include the following information:
- Date, start and finish time and length of session
- Staff to participant ratios
- Aims of the session – building on previous session/line of development
- Reference to risk-benefit assessments
- Resources/kit required
- Outline of activities for the session
- Play activities that use natural resources
- Opportunities for participant-led learning and free play
- All learning preferences and dispositions catered for
- Links to school curriculum and/or home life
- Observations, reflections and evaluation of each session – what happened, what went well, what didn’t go well, what to remember or change for future sessions
Provided for each Level 3 Leader and labelled ER1? / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (2): Relates to Forest School Principle 1:
Provide details of your Forest School programmes both short-term and/or long-term
1)FSA Introductory Forest School Provider: defined as a short-term introductory programme runs for a minimumof 2 hours per session, for 6 weeks in 1 year with the same core group of participants.
If you are running any introductory programmes, please list them here:
Programme name / Name of Level 3 Forest School Leader / Same core group? Yes/No / No. of hours per session? / No. of consecutive weeks group attends? / Run within 1 year?
Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. /
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2)FSA Recognised Forest School Provider: defined as a long-term programme runs for:
- a minimum of 2 hours per session, for 24 consecutive weeks (or the equivalent of two full school terms) in 1 year, covering 2 seasons with the same core group of participants; or
- a minimum of 2 hours per session, for 12 consecutive weeks in each year over 2 years covering 2 seasons with the same core group of participants.
Programme name / Name of Level 3 Forest School Leader / Same core group? Yes/No / No. of hours per session? / No. of consecutive weeks group attends? / Run within 1 or 2 years? / Covering how many seasons?
Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. /
Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. / Click or tap here to enter text. /
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If you are currently delivering short-term introductory programmes of Forest School, we would encourage you to aspire to provide long-term programmes in line with Forest School Principle 1 so you can become a ‘recognised’ provider.
Please tell us your plans for developing your future Forest School programmes:
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (3): Relates to Forest School Principle 2 (also 1, 3, 5 and 6): Provide 2 Chronological Session Plans from the last 6 months for each Level 3 Forest School Leaderpractising and actively leading programmes in the last year
As provided for Evidence Requirement (1) above. You do not need to submit them more than once. / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (4): Relates to Forest School Principle 2
Site Management Plan(s) and collaboration with other landowners
If you are applying to be an Introductory Provider offering 6 weekly programmes, you are only required to answer the first 4 questions below:
Please provide a photograph of each site where you run a Forest School programme. / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Have you considered the impact of your Forest School provision on the woodland habitat for each site(s) you use? / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Describe how you care for and make management decisionson the woodland habitat site(s) you use for Forest School provision e.g. if bluebells appear in the woodland in Spring, how do you manage this situation?
Note: you can provide this information as a separate evidence document. In addition, you can also include a copy of the site management plan and ecological assessment. / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Declaration: “Our School or Organisation take steps to conserve and manage the sites we use for Forest School provision” / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
For 12 weekly programmes or more, is there a site management plan/ecological assessment in place for each site and does it cover the impact of Forest School provision?If you answer yes, please supply a copy of the site management plan and ecological assessment. / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
If you collaborate with another landownerto use their site(s) for Forest School provision, do you have an agreement(s) in place with them to do so? / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Declaration: “Our School or Organisation hereby declares that we have an agreement in place with the landowner to use it for Forest School provision” / Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
If you collaborate with another landowner and do not have agreement(s) in place, please describe the nature of your partnership with the landowner
Note: you can provide this information as a separate evidence document. / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (5): Relates to Forest School Principle 2:
Communications with the wider community/stakeholders
Please provide information that shows that your communications are helping the wider community (parents/carers,staff, wider stakeholders) to understand the Forest School ethos e.g. importance of participant led learning; connection with the natural environment.
This could be in the form of a Communications Strategy or pack, flyers showing taster days for parents/the community, information leaflets, website information.
If you are applying to be a ‘Recognised’ Provider, please submit your Communications Strategy showing your identified stakeholders, methods for communicating with them, frequency and examples of communication materials. / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (6): Relates to Forest School Principle 3(also 1,2, 5 and 6): Provide 2 Chronological Session Plans from the last 6 months for each Level 3 Forest School Leaderpractising and actively leading programmes in the last year
As provided for Evidence Requirement (1) above. You do not need to submit them more than once. / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (7): Relates to Forest School Principle 4:
Higher Risk Activities
Please provide evidence showing that you offer higher risk activities which contain an element of managed risk such as making campfires, working at height or wild food foraging to help develop self-confidence and risk awareness? Suitable evidence to provide here includes copies of risk assessments or session plans. / Provided Yes/No
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Evidence requirement (8): Relates to Forest School Principle 4:
Risk-Benefit Assessments
Please providedated copies of the following risk-benefit assessments:
-seasonal site risk assessment
-daily site risk assessment
-activity risk assessment
-and describe your approach to dynamic risk assessment. / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (9): Relates to Forest School Principle 4:
Emergency Planning document
Please provide a copy of your Emergency Planning document showing that you have emergency planning process in place and have enough people to support an accident/incident (staff to participant ratio). If you are the only Forest School Leader, please include information on how an emergency would be dealt with if it related to yourself. / Provided Yes/No
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Evidence requirement (10): Relates to Forest School Principle 5:
Forest School Training Certificates for all Level 3 Forest School staff practising and actively leading programmes within the last year
You must have at least one Level 3 Forest School trained member of staff to qualify for this membership type.
We will require a copy of the Forest School training certificate for all Level 3 Forest School trained staff which can be submitted as photographs. If a member of staff has passed their Level 3 qualification but is awaiting their certificate, an email from their trainer confirming details of the course and when they passed it will be accepted. / Provided Yes/No
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Evidence requirement (11): Relates to Forest School Principle 5 (also 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6): Provide 2 Chronological Session Plans from the last 6 months for each Level 3 Forest School Leaderpractising and actively leading programmes in the last year
As provided for Evidence Requirement (1) above. You do not need to submit them more than once. / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (12): Relates to Principle 5:
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
Please provide a copy of your safeguarding policy and procedure (this should include reference to DBS checks) / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Evidence requirement (13): Relates to Principle 5:
First Aid Qualificationsfor each Level 3 Forest School Leader practising and actively leading programmes within the last year
Please provide copies of First Aid Certificates for all Level 3 Forest School Leader practising and actively leading programmes within the last year. We will need to see evidence that the qualification includes a paediatric element if your participants are of an age up to puberty. / Provided Yes/No
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Evidence requirement (14): Relates to Principle 5:
Provide a copy of your Forest School Operational Handbook. We will need a copy of the whole handbook rather than individual policies. If you are working with a school, you can cite the school’s policies you use within your handbook.
-This should be in line with statutory requirements and good Forest School practice.
-It should include policies and procedures onhealth and safety including risk-benefit assessments; safeguarding; confidentiality; behaviour and anti-bullying.
-Please also ensure your complaints procedure for handling any complaints made against the Forest School is submitted with your application. / Provided Yes/No
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Evidence requirement (15): Relates to Principle 5:
Continuous Professional Development (learning activities) log forall Level 3 Forest School Staff and copies of certificates of attendance
Complete a separate Continuous Professional Development(learning activities) log form for each level 3 Forest School practitioner and provide copies of certificates of attendance where supplied. / Provided Yes/No
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Evidence requirement (16): Relates to Forest School Principle 6 (also 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6): Provide 2 Chronological Session Plans from the last 6 months for each Level 3 Forest School Leaderpractising and actively leading programmes in the last year
As provided for Evidence Requirement (1) above. You do not need to submit them more than once. / Provided Yes/No
Click or tap here to enter text.
Section 4 – Data protection