2012/13 Assessment of Student Learning Initiatives Plans

Department / Course / Outcome Category / Outcome /
Arts, Humanities / HUM151 / General Education Outcome: / Experience the creative products of humanity /
/ Describe alternate historical, cultural, and global perspectives /
Course Outcomes: / 1.1 Examine the widely recognized historical eras of global civilization /
#1: Students will study the creative, historical and philosophical development of civilization through the examination of western and global cultural traditions in humanities (art, music, dance, theater, literature & philosophy) / 1.2 Compare and contract (individual) cultural characteristics and traditions of western and global civilizations /
/ 1.3 Compare artifacts between western and global civilizations and formulate explanations for similarities and differences /
#4: Students will examine the personal, societal, ethical, racial, gender, global, or historical factors that may influence the expression of an artist’s values in a work of art / 4.1 Examine the influence of culture on artistic expression during that time period /
/ 4.2 Examine the influences on a culture’s artistic expression from external sources /
/ 4.3 Examine the influences of previous artistic tradition (internal) and philosophy on any given culture. /
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: HUM151 Common Assessment /
Arts & Humanities / HUM150 / HLC Academy Project Course /
Behavioral & Social Sciences / PSY101 / General Education Outcome: / Apply effective methods of inquiry /
/ Generate a research paper by gathering information from varied sources, analyzing data and organizing information into a coherent structure /
Course Outcomes: 12 Motivation and emotion / 12.4 Students will define intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and describe how they affect motivation /
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: PSY101 Common Assessment /
Behavioral & Social Sciences / PSY101 / HLC Academy Project Course /
Business / BUS206 / General Education Outcome: / Demonstrate effective qualitative reasoning skills /
/ Recognize a cause and effect scenario /
Course Outcomes: / 3: Explain how supply and demand affect markets /
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: BUS206 Common Assessment /
Business / BUS161 / General Education Outcome: / Communicate effectively /
/ Read and comprehend at a college level /
Course Outcomes: / 1.2 Perform strategic planning and comprehend the marketing process /
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: BUS161 Common Assessment /
Business / BUE175 / HLC Academy Project Course /
CIS / CIS110 / General Education Outcome: /
Course Outcomes: / 7: Use Internet browsers and search engines efficiently to find information and define basic website terms, domains, and protocols. /
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: CIS110 Common Assessment /
CIS / CIS110 / HLC Academy Project Course /
CIS / CIS143 / General Education Outcome: /
Course Outcomes: / 2: Design a web site layout incorporating several web pages using colors, fonts, and graphic formats that are best suited for the web and target audience /
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: CIS143 Common Assessment /
CIS / CIS145 / General Education Outcome: /
Course Outcomes: / 3: Use layers to enhance photos with graphic images and change the opacity of layers to create visual effects /
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: CIS145 Common Assessment /
CIS / CIS115 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes: / 1: Identify the names, purpose, and characteristics of system modules including the motherboard, power supply, CPU, memory, storage devices, display devices, and adapter cards
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: CIS115 Common Assessment
CIS / CIS131 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes: / 5: Integrate documents and data between programs and determine which program is best suited for the desired outcome or problem solution
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: CIS131 Common Assessment
Culinary / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument / ServSafe exam
Culinary / CUL115 / HLC Academy Project Course
Dental / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Dental / DEH110 / HLC Academy Project Course
Education / EDU205 / General Education Outcome: / Communicate effectively
1.2 The student will be able to write effectively in a college class
Course Outcomes: / The student will be able to pass the 30 hours of fieldwork at 100% as measured by the assignment’s rubric
Assessment Instrument
Education / EDU201 / HLC Academy Project Course
English, Communication, Languages / ENG101 / General Education Outcome: / Communicate effectively
Read and comprehend at a college level
Write effectively in a college setting
Course Outcomes: / 14.3 Compose an essay that compares or contrasts
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: ENG101 Common Assessment
English / ENG101 / HLC Academy Project Course
Health Professions / CHD120 / General Education Outcome: / Demonstrate effective communication skills
Demonstrate effective qualitative reasoning skills
Course Outcomes: / HIPPA Privacy Rule
Assessment Instrument
Health Professions / PHT189 / HLC Academy Project Course
Industrial Trades / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Industrial Trades / ASE152 / HLC Academy Project Course
Math & Engineering / TRM090 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: TRM090 Final Exam
Math & Engineering / TRM091 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: TRM091 Final Exam
Math & Engineering / MAT121 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: MAT121 Final Exam
Math & Engineering / MAT151 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: MAT151 Common Assessment
Math & Engineering / MAT142 / HLC Academy Project Course
Paralegal / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Physical Therapy / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Health Professions / PTA101 / HLC Academy Project Course
Practical Nursing / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Practical Nursing / PCN101 / HLC Academy Project Course
Precollege / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument / ADE Report Card
Public Safety / AJS101 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Public Safety / AJS101 / HLC Academy Project Course
Radiology Technology / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Registered Nursing / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
NUR121 / HLC Academy Project Course
Science / BIO100 / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument / Located in ANGEL Course Documents – Learning Units: BIO101 Common Assessment
Science / BIO181/182 / HLC Academy Project Course
Student Services / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument
Surgical Technology / General Education Outcome:
Course Outcomes:
Assessment Instrument


Prepared: 7/25/2012