<template of letter to be sent from the Chair of RUSA Organization, in the Fall preceding the Midwinter review date, to the Chair(s) of Sections being reviewed>
Dear <Section Chair>:
As you may know, one of the specific duties of the RUSA Organization Committee is to review all RUSA Sections on a continuing basis. It is important to RUSA that section activities be in line with stated purposes and goals, and that input be furnished by committee members regarding any needed changes. As Chair of the RUSA Organization Committee, I am writing to inform you that the <Section name> is responsible for conducting an internal review in <year> as a preliminary part of this process.
Following is a checklist of questions that pertain to the section as a whole, for the Task Force to answer.
1) Describe the section's procedure for creating and updating written goals.
2) In what ways have section activities of the past five years fulfilled the section's stated goals and objectives?
3) In what ways has the work of the section contributed to the priority areas of RUSA?
4) What is the interest level in the section as evidenced by attendance and participation by members and observers?
5) What changes should take place in the section's organization, activities, or goals?
An important component is the review of the section’s standing committees, conducted by a Review Task Force designated by your section. Most of the committee reviews are 1-2 pages long. The Committee Review Checklists are to be answered by each committee at Midwinter, preferably under the guidance of one of the Task Force members. Committees may complete the responses to Questions 1-6 in advance of the meeting, so the discussion can focus on the "Questions for committee's members". These checklists form an Appendix to the Review Report, which consists of the 5 questions above.
Committee Review Checklist -- for each committee and discussion group:
Questions for the reviewer:
1) Is the committee aware of its stated purpose?
2) <Insert checklist A (below) for Committees that exist for a similar purpose at both Section and RUSA levels:> Otherwise, use: 2) What are the current activities of the committee?
3) Do these activities reflect the stated purpose of the committee?
4) In what ways does the work of the committee contribute to the priority areas of <section> and RUSA?
5) Is the committee aware of other RUSA and/or ALA units which have similar concerns? Does the committee work with such units?
6) What recent programs/products have been generated by the committee?
7) What is the interest level in the committee as evidenced by the attendance and participation by members and observers?
8) General comments / observations / suggestions:
Questions for the committee's members:
1) Do you feel that this committee is currently serving a useful purpose within <section>? If so, please describe your reasons. If not, would you recommend changes in the committee structure or membership or would you recommend that the committee be discontinued? Please describe recommended changes.
2) Do you believe that the work of your committee overlaps with the work of another RUSA or ALA committee unnecessarily? If so, can you suggest any way in which this duplication of effort could be eliminated?
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We look forward to working with the <section name> on the review process.
<chair name>
Chair, RUSA Organization Committee
<chair’s contact info>
Checklist (A): for Committees that exist for a similar purpose at both Section and RUSA levels:
(such as Membership, Nominating, Professional Development/Education, Publications)
1) What is the stated charge of the RUSA-level committee, and what are its current activities?
2) What are the charge(s) and current activities of the related section committees?
3) Is the RUSA-level committee comprised of individuals who also serve on the related section-level committees?
4) What is the true overlap in charge and/or activities across these committees?
5) Where is the overlap or redundancy appropriate, and which tasks should be limited to one level?
6) Which activities might be performed more appropriately at another (RUSA or section) level?
7) What relevant or appropriate tasks are not being performed at either level?
8) What tasks performed by the functional committees might be appropriately transferred to the RUSA Office?