Questions To Brian Brennan
Author of the Manning Bio
The Good Steward
by Ernest Manning High Students

For AM1140 Gospel Road,
Sunday May 16th. , 2009, 2 to 3 pm

If you could be at the AM 1140 radio station at around 1:30 pm this Sunday May 16th, 2010, so we can meet and make last minute adjustments to the interviews. The show begins at 2 pm and goes to 3.

The old CHRB High River station bought out the Calgary Transmitter of CKXL so the studio is in High River,now AM1140 on the dial, but the transmitter is in Calgary (50 thousand watts that reaches most of Southern Alberta including Red Deer and Lethbridge.

It is located in High River at #11 - 5th. Ave. SE Ph 652-2472 Drive to Vulcan/High River Overpass going south on Hwy # 2 Take the right exit ramp to High River and drive west. Proceed to the Hitching Post Ice Cream Bar and turn right on Centre Street. (If you cross the rail tracks you have gone too far west as Centre St is just before them.) Then proceed north to 5th Ave. where you again turn right at the pet food store, and find AM1140 Radio two lots in to the east.
Each Student Should State their name and grade before asking each question, so listeners may know who is talking. Students may address the author as Mr. Brennan or Brian, whatever they are most comfortable with. Answers to each question will be around a minute, so a good area can be
covered with each segment of the show. These Questions are starters, if another one comes to you mind, you may substitute your own. Brian’s Book is a general biography of Ernest Manning’s Story, but does not deal with specfic details about the High Shool itself.

Interview One with Brian Brennan ( 15:00 )A. Brian, What difference would it make to the average student of Ernest Manning High in Calgary, to know more about the man our school is named after.B. What has made the task about knowing about Ernest Manningmore difficult, first in the year of 1963, when he was here to dedicate the school, and in the years since he died in 1996?C. Brian, In your book you say the secret of Ernest Manning’s success is comparable to the boxer Rocky Marciano. Who was Rocky and why the comparison?D. You write that past would be biographers who should have done the job before you, were scared off by ‘The Religion Thing’ in Ernest Manning’s life. Is the religious component of his life misunderstood in today’s secular public life? How can students in Mannng High relate to this aspect of his life today?E. Brian, why did Ernest Manning leave his farmboy life to come to Calgary?F. How did William Aberhart begin his career in Calgary, and what other activities at first, make him well known in this city?G. What sort of relationship developed with his Mentor , William Aberhart and what responsibilities did Ernest Manning grow into with the Bible Institute works.

Interview Two with Brian Brennan ( 13:00 )A. What two converging events, resulted in a change from a focus on Bible Prophecy at the Institute to a widespread political , social movement?B. Brian, how did Ernest Manning meet his future wife, Muriel Preston?C. Could you estimate the impact that Mrs. Muriel Manning had on the career of Ernest over the years? (ie. In religious ministry, in political life. )D. Brian, what is so unique about Ernest Manning’s rise to government and why would it be inspiring to Ernest Manning students today?E. When Aberhart died in office in 1943, what responsibilities were thrust upon Ernest Manning’s Shoulders?F. Brian, how did Ernest continue to develop the Oil and Gas industry from Aberhart’s time, to the powerhouse that it remains today in Alberta?

G. Give us an idea of the staying power and skill of Ernest Manning as a Political force in his day.
H. What other unique contributions did the Social Credit era in government contribute, that are still in effect today in Alberta?

Interview Three with Brian Brennan ( 12:00 ) A. Brian, how did Ernest Manning’s early interest in technology, affect his work as Premier, and his legacy in Innovation that continues to this day?B. What did his funeral in Feb. 1996 in Calgary, reveal about the impact of his life? Where is he buried, and why is that significance in the light of the building of the new Ernest Manning High School now under construction?C. Brian, what unique moral qualities about Ernest Manning’s leadership, could be much in demand in the arena of politics today?D. How does the Manning legacy reflect into the progress of education in our Province today?E Brian, why is the relationship of Ernest Manning with the Media of his time, still coloring the popular view of his memory in society today?F. How did Ernest Manning pass on his influence to his son Preston, and what did that lead to?

G. Brian, what are some ways we can continue this dialogue, on the man who gave his name to our High School, Ernest Mannng High