Preliminary document
Marit Natvig, SINTEF Telecom and Informatics
1.1CEN – Comite Europeen de Normalisation
The objective of CEN is technical harmonisation in Europe in conjunction with world-wide standardisation bodies and European partners.
1.1.1CEN/TC278 - Road Transport and Traffic Telematics (RTTT)
Standardisation within the transport telematics sector is done in CEN/TC278 in co-operation with ISO/TC204. The work is done in13 working groups (WGs) and subordinate subgroups:
WG1 – Automatic fee collection and access control (EFC)
WG2 – Freight and fleet management systems (FFMS)
WG3 – Public transport (PT)
WG4 – Traffic and traveller information (TTI)
WG5 – Traffic control (TC)
WG6 – Parking management
WG7 – Geographic road databases (GRD)
WG8 – Road traffic data: elaboration, storage, distribution (data exchange) (RTD)
WG9 – Dedicated short range communication (DSRC)
WG10 – Man machine interfaces (MMI)
WG11 – Subsystem and intersystem interfaces
WG12 – Automatic vehicle and equipment identification (AVI/AEI)
WG13 – Architecture and terminology (Architecture)
WG14 – Aftertheft systems for the recovery of stolen vehicles
Q-Free and Vegdirektoratet are partisipating in WG9. SINTEF is participating in WG2 and WG12. Trond Foss, Grøner is participating in WG1. Knut Evensen is the convenor of WG12. The Department of Telecommunications at NTNU has been participating in WG13 through their participation in ISO/TC204 WG1, but they have not been active since spring 1999.
The working group develops a system architecture for vehicle related transport services (parallel with ISO NP 14907-2).
The activity in WG2 has been low, but input from the KAREN and the COMETA projects and a workshop on Freight intermodal transport in December 1999 may lead to a WG2 reactivation.
The FAP (Fleet Application Protocol) will be subitted to WG2 as a result of the FLEETMAP project. Extensions to new services (e.g. TOUR management) answers some COMETA concerns.
In WG3 the PT (Public Transport) networks database conceptual model (TRANSMODEL) was voted positively in 1997, and some progress has been made on the transformation of the ENV into an EN (now ENV 12896):
A project accepted by the French Ministry of Transport (the SITP project) will extend TRANSMODEL to new domains
The HARTT project (submitted to DG3 ISIS programme) deals with the refinement of the reference data model and harmonisation with the American TCIP specification (from ISO/TC204/WG8) on the exchange of data elements between public transport applications.
A new work item, automated fare management (AFM), is proposed by the work group. The work should be done in co-operation with WG1 and UITP. The objective is to define a reference system architecture for AFM systems and to identify general requirements that are relevant to these systems in the context of the use of electronic tickets.
The working group focuses on coding protocols, message coding, medium range pre-information, and message transmission via cellular network, medium specific stationary dissemination systems and high data-rate broadcast digital bearers.
The working group is currently dormant.
An intermodal goods transport – Archtecture and terminology is developd (parallel with ISO 17261). The architecture is on a more detailed level than the work performed in WG13. A first draft will be ready for TC review in May 2000.
WG12 alos performs work on system parameters, numbering and data structures and interfaces.
WG13 is awaiting the deliverables of the KAREN project so that it can be considered if and how they can incorporated into the draft standards.
The following reports are produced:
Transport Information and Control Systems – Glossary of standard terminologies for TICS (in parallel with ISO NP 14812) ENV ISO 14812
Transport Information and Control Systems –Reference Model Architecture(s) for the TICS Sector – Part 1: TICS Fundamental Services (in parallel with ISO NP 14813-1)
Transport Information and Control Systems –Reference Model Architecture(s) for the TICS Sector – Part 2: Core TICS reference architecture (in parallel with ISO NP 14813-2)
Transport Information and Control Systems –Reference Model Architecture(s) for the TICS Sector – Part 3: Example Elaboration (in parallel with ISO NP 14813-3)
Transport Information and Control Systems –Reference Model Architecture(s) for the TICS Sector – Part 4: Reference model turorial (in parallel with ISO NP 14813-4)
Transport Information and Control Systems –Reference Model Architecture(s) for the TICS Sector – Part 5: Requirements for Architecture Description in TICS standards (in parallel with ISO NP 14813-5)
Transport Information and Control Systems –Reference Model Architecture(s) for the TICS Sector – Part 6: Data presentation in ASN.1 (in parallel with ISO NP 14813-6)
Transport Information and Control Systems – Data modelling for TICS– Data registry requirements
Transport Information and Control Systems – Data modelling for TICS– Data dictionary registration requirements
Transport Information and Control Systems – Data modelling for TICS– Data registmessage documentationry requirements
ASN.1 is selected as the message set definition language. ISO/TC 204/WG11 proposed another language that appeared to be in conflict with the adopted ASN.1. The conflict has been resolved, and ASN.1 will also be adoped by ISO.
A summary of user requirements is finalised and they are now working on conceptual architecture and terminology.
1.1.2 EBES – European Board for UN/EDIFACT Standardisation
EBES is a workshop in CEN ISSS (Information Society Standardisation System) and supports the UN/EDIFACT development in Europe. European Expert Groups, EEGs, consider DMRs (Data Maintenance Requests) in order to ensure the introduction of the European needs in the official UN/EDIFACT directories.
EEG2 – Transport Message Definition Group
EEG2 is dealing with transport issues and corresponds to D4 in UN/EDIFACT.
Through the participation in the Swedish Pharos project, SINTEF has good relations to participants in EEG2. [MKN1]SINTEF is also welcome to join the group, but so this has not been possible due to the lack of funding.
1.2ISO - The International Organization for Standardisation
1.2.1 ISO/TC8 Ships and Marine Technology
The ISO/TC8 plan is to be the world-wide body that is the linking instrument between the International Maritime Organization (IMO), which sets the requirements and regulations, and the international shipping and shipbuilding industry.
SC10 – Computer applications
The scope of the sub-committee is standardisation in the field of computer applications in shipbuilding and the operation of ships. The standardisation of operation data may be of interest to ARKMIN since operation and safety data may be included in some of the ARKMIN messages, like for example arrival notification and advance notification. See also ISO/TC184/SC4. The chairman of the sub-committee is Staffan Robertson (from Norway).
1.2.2ISO/TC184 Industrial automation systems and integration
SC4 – Industrial data
STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) is one of the major work items within ISO/TC184/SC4. A set of technical reports is being produced as parts of ISO 10303 – Industrial automation systems and integration – Product data representation and exchange, among others:
ISO 10303-234 Ship operational logs, records and messages - application protocol
ISO 10303-234 is also referred to as AP234.
Det Norske Veritas is leading the work with AP234 in WG 3 of ISO/TC184/SC4, and will be able to promote the standardisation of messages carrying operational data..
1.2.3ISO/TC204 – Transport information and control system
ISO/TC204 and CEN/TC278 are collaborating on related issues. The following work groups are defined:
WG1 – Architecture, taxonomy, terminology
WG2 – Quality and reliability requirements
WG3 – TICS database technology
WG4 – Automatic Vehicle and equipment identification
WG5 – Fee and toll collection
WG6 – General fleet management
WG7 – Commercial fleet management
WG8 – Public transport/emergency
WG9 – Integrated transport information management and control
WG10 – Traveller information systems
WG11 – Route guidance and navigation systems
WG12 – Parking management/off-road commercial
WG13 – Man-machine interface
WG14 – Vehicle control systems with external interfaces
WG15 – Dedicated short range communication
WG16 – Wide area communication/protocols and interfaces
The Department of Telecommunications at NTNU and Grøner AS are participating in WG1 and Q-Free is participating in WG15. SINTEF takes part in the work in WG4 through their participation in CEN/TC278.
With respect to maps, it is important to notice that the work in ISO/TC204 is diverging from the work in ISO/TC211.
The mission of WG1 is to establish a reference model of Conceptual Reference Architecture(s) the show the structure and interrelationships of the sector and to provide timely and appropriate definitions of Terminologies by means of glossaries and dictionaries, which explain, in plain language and with the minimum of jargon, the terms in use in TICS, and to develop standards for generic AVI in the TICS sector.
The work is co-ordinated with the work in CEN/TC278/WG13.
The six parts of the ISO NP 14813 series of are more or less approved as Final Drafts.
The working groups works on the following items:
Geographic Data File (the work is based on CEN-GDF)
The definition of an application independent standard for interchange of TICS database.
Physical storage for TICS Database
The standard for the data models used for the storage of Vehicle navigation and Travelers= Information Systems database compiled from geographic data file.
Location Referencing Procedure
This section of the standards specifies the location referencing procedures for the geographic database.
Publishing Updates for Geographic Databases
This section of the standard will specify the formats and procedures for publishing updates of geographic database used in TICS applications.
Navigation System API standard
The working groups works on the following items:
Architecture (approved) (ENV ISO 14814)
System specification (ENV ISO 14815)
Numbering and data structures (ENV ISO 14816)
Interfaces (CEN 12314-4) – no parallel in ISO (merged with prENV ISO 17264)
Intermodal Goods Transport - Architecture (ENV ISO 17261)
Intermodal Goods Transport – Numbering and data structures (ENV ISO 17262) – comments expected october 2000
Intermodal Goods Transport – System Parameters (ENV ISO 17263) – comments expected october 2000
Intermodal Goods Transport - Interfaces (ENV ISO 17264) – the process is depending on CEN and ISO DSRC
Knut Evensen is the Convenor
WG5 focuses on standardization of information, communication, and control systems in the field of fee and toll collection systems for urban and interurban surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects.
Parallel to CEN/TC278/WG1.
Definition of standards and requirements for Commercial Vehicle operations systems which facilitate the interaction of commercial vehicles and the regulators of these operators and other local, national and international authorities.
A new work item “Data Dictionary and Messages Sets for electronic placarding of Hazardous Matrials/Dangerous Goods Transportation”.
The work is co-ordinated with CEN/TC278/WG3.
The following new work items are suggested:
Standrad Nubmering System for Public Transport Stops
Public Transport Communication Interface profile (TCIP)
Transport Area Cabling
Public Transport Vehicle Area Network
- Define the systems that will operate to provide end-users with integrated transport information, management, and control.
1a. List the intended functionality of those systems.
Where there is a need in terms of safety of users, the interoperability of the systems, or compatibility between systems:
- Define the data-flows between the end-user systems and specify the interfaces between them.
- Define the data needs of these end-user systems and, in conjunction with the data providers, specify the interfaces between providing and using systems.
- Define the final outputs of the end-user systems and specify the form that they should be in to satisfy the end-user needs at their interface.
- Define methods for accrediting acceptable systems.
The work is co-ordinated with CEN/TC278/WG8.
CORBA is considered used for data transfer between control centres.
WG 10 is concerned with the timely delivery of accurate, relevant information to travellers, in a form suitable for them to use. This encompasses the broad range of travel modes in urban, inter-urban, and rural transportation. Travellers should have easy access to complete information about their travel alternatives and accurate information on current and expected travel conditions to enhance their mobility.
The working group works on TTI via TMC message coding, cellular networks, stationary dissemination systems and over high datarate digital bearers. It also vorks on medium range pre-information and user services integration. The work overlaps with CEN/TC278/WG4.
Route Guidance provides to the driver orientation and gives route recommendations on how to reach a destination. The systems may also consider the actual traffic situation in providing route recommendations and may also make recommendations regarding alternate travel modes.
When routes are generated in the infrastructure, the in-vehicle system receives the calculated routes via a communication link.
Work items of WG 11 are aimed primarily at motorized individual drivers.
In Locally determined Route Guidance, route search and resulting route recommendations are generated in-vehicle, using locally-stored map (road network data). Communication interface is to be harmonized between locally determined route guidance and dynamic TICS information.
In Centrally Determined Route guidance, all necessary information needed for route search and resulting route recommendations are generated in a traffic control centre (e.g., by using historical link journey times supplemented by real-time traffic information data) and subsequently transmitted to the individual driver.
The working group is working on a Navigation System Architecture. The architecture is a layered reference model and not a system specification. Liaisons to WG3 should be established.
Includes the standardization of devices of systems that contribute to any one or more of the following purposes:
avoiding crashes
increasing roadway efficiency
adding to driver convenience
reducing driver workload
improving the level of traveller safety, security, and assistance by using
information about the driving environment to perform any one or more of the following functions:
monitor the driving situation
warn of impending danger
advise of corrective actions
partially or fully automate drive tasks
report traveller distress and request needed emergency
services include medical, police, fire, and repair.
Information about the driving environment can come from sensors on board the vehicle, from other vehicles, and/or from the infrastructure. The driving environment includes all external factors that affect the vehicle or its driver including traffic, weather, and road surface conditions.
Dedicated Short Range communications (DSRC) describes data exchange between roadside stations (e.g., Beacon, interrogator, leakage coaxial cable) and vehicles if equipped with on-board-unit (OBU). DSRC is able to support many TICS applications already identified by ISO/TC 204. Therefore it will be an essential element of TICS. ISO/TC 204/WG 15 has been constituted to propose a common air interface standard for DSRC-link.
WG 16 focuses on wide area data exchange between Control Centers and user Devices in support of TICS applications. Initially WG 16 will concentrate on message structure and protocol specifications independent of communication medium (e.g., subcarrier technologies, cellular, PCS, satellite, SMR). WG 16 will not define application data elements. WG 16 will serve as a coordinator of message lists provided by the application-oriented Working Groups, promoting consistent use of data element structures across application messages, as a catalogue of unique message types, and as the definer of the general message structure for wide area communications media appropriate for TICS.
1.3IEC – International Electrotechnical Committee
1.3.1 IEC/TC80
Development of ISC (Integrated Ship Control) protocol
1.4ETSI – European Telecommunication Standards Institute
ETSI (the European Telecommunications Standards Institute) is a non-profit making organization whose mission is to produce the telecommunications standards throughout Europe and beyond. ETSI’s Work Programme is based on, and co-ordinated with, the activities of international standardization bodies, mainly the ITU-T and the ITU-R.
ETSI ERM is a "horizontal" technical committee that is responsible for the standardization of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and radio spectrum matters on behalf of all other technical bodies of ETSI.
The most relevant technical committees are EMC and Radio spectrum Matters (ETSI ERM) and (ETSI MSG).
ETSI ERM is a "horizontal" technical committee that is responsible for the standardization of electromagnetic compatibility and radio spectrum matters on behalf of all other technical bodies of ETSI.
The work of ETSI MSG is split mainly into two generic areas, GSM and terrestrial UMTS.
1.5IALA – International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
IALA is a non-profit maritime international technical association. Taking into account the needs of mariners, developments in modern technology and the requirements and constraints of aids to navigation authorities, technical committees have been established bringing together experts from around the World. The aim of these committees is to facilitate the design and implementation of buoyage systems, radionavigation services and traffic management services.
The Norwegian National Coastal Administration has representatives in the following committees:
Engineering committee (dealing with lighthouses, buoys, beacons, etc. – Reidar Kjennbakken
Radio committee - Tom Braute
VTS committee - Bjørn Erik Krosness
Operational committee (dealing with information exchange, etc.) – no representative at the moment
1.6IMO - International Maritime Organisation
The purposes of IMO are to “provide machinery for co-operation among Governments in the field of governmental regulation and practices relating to technical matters of all kinds affecting shipping engaged in international trade; to encourage and facilitate the general adoption of the highest practicable standards in matters concerning maritime safety, efficiency of navigation and prevention and control of marine pollution from ships". IMO is also empowered to deal with administrative and legal matters related to these purposes.
Deltakere fra Sjøfrartsdirektoratet.
1.6.1Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
The MSC is the highest technical body of IMO and operates with the assistance of nine Sub-Committees. These are:
- Bulk Liquids and Gases (BLG)
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC)
- Fire Protection (FP)
- Radio Communications and Search and Rescue (COMSAR)
- Safety of Navigation (NAV)
- Ship Design and Equipment (DE)
- Stability and Load Lines and Fishing Vessels Safety (SLF)
- Standards of Training and Watchkeeping (STW)
- Flag State Implementation (FSI)
Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety, the most important is the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). There are also international Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), and international Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR).