Technology Pathfinder Program
Fort La Bosse School Division utilizes the Curriculum Pathfinders Program in supporting curriculum implementation within classrooms.
Program Format:
Technology Pathfinders are available to help schools by:
§ Doing Workshops: instruction to a staff or small group of teachers on a specific concept, topic, or application of technology.
§ Working One-on-One: with a teacher or a couple of teachers in their school setting, on learning a specific technology skill or set of skills they need to help infuse technology in their classroom.
The Division will pay for:
§ The release time of Technology Pathfinder from the home school.
· Can be up to two ½ days per project ( ½ day for material planning and preparation and a ½ day for direct contact with the teacher or group of teachers)
§ Pathfinder’s travel costs to the client school.
§ The release time (up to ½ day) for the teacher(s) in the client school.
Application Procedure:
1. A teacher in a school will make application to the Educational Technology Consultant utilizing the attached form.
2. The Educational Technologies Consultant will approve the technology P.D. session or will refer it back to the teacher for more detail.
3. If accepted, the Educational Technologies Consultant will approach an appropriate Technology Pathfinder to work on the project (based on grade level, curriculum content, and technology skills required by the teacher).
Completion of the Project:
1. The receiving teacher will submit a short report outlining the objective that was to be achieved, what was done to achieve the objective
2. The Technology Pathfinder can add any recommendations that would be of benefit.
3. The teacher and/or the Technology Pathfinder may be asked to share their experiences in the form of a presentation to other groups, like the Curriculum Committee or at Division P.D. sessions.
Fort La Bosse - Technology Pathfinder Program
Teacher’s Name: ______Subject Area: ______
School Name: ______Grade Level: ______
Proposed Time Frame: ______
What software or hardware do you wish to learn how to use? (Try to identify software or hardware that will be generally available to you and your students, either in the classroom or lab.) Please list these below.
Briefly outline the personal technology P.D. goals that you wish to achieve through this activity. (What skills do you need to learn?
Briefly describe how you plan to apply the skills learned; in a classroom activity with your students, or in your professional life. (Note the idea does not need to be large or complicated!)
Principal’s Comments:
Teacher Signature: ______Date: ______
Principal’s Signature: ______Date: ______
ICT Coordinator’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Updated November 17, 2015