October 6, 2015

SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., Dennis Gragnolati, and Michael Russo

ALSO ATTENDING: Paul Harrington, Joseph Calsetta, Attorney Paul Smith, Douglas Hamilton



First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.


The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.



Selectman Russo moved to approve the Minutes from the September 1, 2015 Regular Meeting as published. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.


a. DECD Letter Supporting Funding from Former STEAP Grant & State Bond Commission
Funding for Historic Train Station

A letter was received from DECD stating that they would be submitting a proposal for assistance in support of the Town of Windsor Lock’s plans to renovate its historic train station. The amount of approximately $270,000.00 was awarded to the town as a result of combination of funding from the former STEAP Grant & State Bond Commission monies that were garnered at the end of the legislative session. The funding will be used to restore the Historic Train Station starting with the restoration of the roof and some minor masonry issues. A bid has not been awarded yet but construction should be started and completed by sometime this fall.


a. Consideration for Extension of the Covanta Contract

The Contract was originally approved by a Town Meeting and allows for two three-year extensions. The renewal is due in the middle of November.

Selectman Russo moved to recommend the extension of the Covanta Contract for three years as it is stated in the extension clause of the original contract, and to give the First Selectman authority to sign all documents on behalf of the Town. Selectman Gragnolati seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

b. RFP for Gaming Facility in Hartford County

A Representative from the airport contacted First Selectman Wawruck regarding the possibility of having the Town hold a referendum to approve a casino at the Murphy Terminal location (2 stories of the building). The approval process time-lines are tight; the site proposal needs to be endorsed by the Town and submitted by November 6th, followed by the Tribal review that will need to be done by December 15th in order to forward their recommendation to the State of Connecticut. A final location decision will then be made by January or February.

After some discussion the Selectmen agreed that consideration to build a casino should not take place just before a municipal election. Anyone contemplating having a casino at their location in Windsor Locks (Airport, Bobby V’s, Hamilton Campus on Rt. 20, etc.) will need to come before the Board of Selectmen either at the next meeting on October 20th, or after the election to present their proposal. Once the Selectmen have had an opportunity to hear what is being proposed a Public Hearing date can be set. A Town Referendum date will also need to be set to allow the

Board of Selectmen

October 6, 2015

Page 2

residents the opportunity to vote on the project. The Selectmen concurred that meeting the deadline approval process would be difficult to accomplish.

Selectman Wawruck will contact State Department of Consumer Affairs to inquire on why there is such a tight time frame for a casino location proposal especially when it’s intertwined with the municipal election season.


a.  Update – Roof Repairs at Senior Center

The roof repairs are done however a few minor leaks have occurred. The contractor is addressing the issue and any necessary repairs will be covered under the warrantee.

b.  Set Town Meeting Date for Acceptance of Oak Ridge Drive (on hold)

Word has been received that all of the Oak Ridge Drive road construction has been completed. Pending Town Attorney approval a Town Meeting date can be set to approve it as a Town Road.

c.  Non-Union Employee Compensation Time Policy (on hold)

This item is still on hold.

d.  Town Building Committee – Public Safety Complex (on hold)

Nothing to report.



1. Tanya Sharma to the Youth Services Advisory Board (Youth Member) for a one-year term

2. Shailey Desai to the Youth Services Advisory Board (Youth Member) for a one-year term

3. Mark Horan as an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring on 11/04/15

1. James Szepanski to the Planning & Zoning Commission for a term expiring on 09/15/18

2. Norman Boucher to the Economic Industrial Development Comm. for a term expiring on 08/20/19

3. Paul Riedi to the Economic Industrial Development Commission for a term expiring on 09/15/19


William Howes from the Conservation Commission effective immediately

Selectman Gragnolati moved to appoint:

● Tanya Sharma as a Youth Member to the Youth Services Advisory Board for a one-year term

● Shailey Desai as a Youth Member to the Youth Services Advisory Board for a one-year term

● Mark Horan as an Alternate to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring on 11/04/15

Selectman Russo seconded the motions. All were in favor. Motions passed.

Selectman Gragnolati moved to re-appoint:

● James Szepanski to the Planning & Zoning Commission for a term expiring on 09/15/18

● Norman Boucher to the Economic Industrial Development Comm. For a term expiring on 08/20/19

● Paul Riedi to the Economic Industrial Development Commission for a term expiring on 09/15/19

Selectman Russo seconded the motions. All were in favor. Motions passed.

A letter of resignation from William Howes was received. The Selectmen thanked Mr. Howes for his many years of service to the Town as a dedicated member of the Conservation Commission.


Selectman Gragnolati moved to approve the Refund Request for October 6, 2015 in the amount of $14,362.81 as defined in Schedule A. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed.

A copy of Schedule A will be attached to the Minutes of the October 6, 2015 Board of Selectmen Meeting.

Board of Selectmen

October 6, 2015

Page 3


● Paul Harrington of 10 Meg Way commended the Board of Selectmen for not taking any action on
the casino RFP.

● Douglas Hamilton wondered what the revenue source would be for the Town of Windsor Locks if
the casino is placed on State property other than the current Pilot funding.

Selectman Wawruck stated that the Town no longer receives Pilot funding from the Airport; the
FAA has approved a fixed payment of approximately $3,400,000.00 that the Town will receive
annually. If the casino is located on airport land but is not airport related, the town should be able
to tax the property. A casino would not qualify to fit into the Bradley Development Zone.

Mr. Hamilton agreed that the town should not take any action until someone from the airport comes in to explain their proposal.

● Joe Calsetta stated that the airport is not on State property; it’s on the Airport Authority’s property.

More discussion followed on the time-lined constraints and if the airport would place the casino at their location regardless of what the town’s residents decide on. The Selectmen agreed that the residents should be the ones to decide if a casino should be located in town or not.




1.  Pesci Park Pool filter project is on schedule.

2.  The Generator/Boiler at the Safety Complex should be up and running before the middle of the month.

3.  The Boiler replacement at the Senior Center is on schedule and should be on-line before the winter season.

4.  The CT DOT Public Transportation Commission will be holding a Public Hearing this evening at 7:00 p.m. to gain information and reactions from the public concerning existing and proposed public transportation services within the State of Connecticut.


There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen;

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 p.m. was made by Selectman Gragnolati and seconded by Selectman Russo. All were in favor. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan R. Barsanti

Susan R. Barsanti

Recording Secretary

Schedule A



Name / Bill Number / Reason for Refund / Refund Amount
Prior Year Refunds
American Honda
1919 Torrance Boulevard / Assessment
Torrance, Calif. 90501 / 2013-Attached / Adjusted / $ 1152.28
George Austin
14 Windwood Drive / 2012-3-50528 / Vehicle Sold / $ 13.75
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2012-3-50529 / Vehicle Sold / $ 90.31
EAN Holdings
8 Ella Grasso Turnpike / See / Assessment
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / Attached / Adjusted / $ 4200.73
Robert Glamuzina
108 Southwest Ave / 2011-4-81768 / Vehicle / $ 36.04
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2012-3-56011 / Sold / $ 57.06
Gilbert Picard
9 Olive Street
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2013-3-64592 / Vehicle Junked / $ 51.23
Toyota Lease Trust
20 Commerce Way #800 LBX842701
Woburn, Mass. 01801 / 2013-3-71927 / Over Payment / $ 189.33
Current Year Refunds
American Honda Motor Co.
1919 Torrance Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90501 / 2014-Attached / Over Payment / $ 6360.63
Josephine Baracchi
Check to: Paula Puia
35 Copper Drive
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-50680 / Vehicle Sold / $ 12.65
Janet Campbell
436 Litchfield Drive
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-51800 / Vehicle Sold / $ 32.00
Francis DeBella
16 Andover Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-52820 / Vehicle Sold / $ 4.16
Robert & Barbara Glamuzina
108 Southwest Avenue
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-56210 / Vehicle Sold / $ 5.36
John Hijeck
7 Second Street / 2014-3-58606
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-58607 / Vehicles Sold / $ 16.08
Hyundai Lease Titling
2161 Michelson Dr. Ste 1900 / 2014-3-58888
Irvine, CA 92612 / 2014-3-58883 / Vehicle Sold / $ 483.38
Carol Jackson
107-A Spring Street
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-58950 / Vehicle Sold / $ 3.88
Carol Lapointe
94 Bel-Aire Circle
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-59808 / Vehicle Sold / $ 16.51
Steven Lucia
441 Elmwood Drive
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-60347 / Vehicle Destroyed / $ 11.76
Lucian Lavorgna
4216 Apex Drive
Maiden, N.C. 28650 / 2014-3-59900 / Over Payment / $ 34.38
Stephen & Pamela Martin
30827 Baileys Lane / 2014-3-60688 / Assessment
Big Pine Key, FL / Reduced / $ 9.91
Joseph & Jean Marinone
19 Acorn Drive / Handicapp
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-60626 / Vehicle / $ 21.43
Margery McMahon
300 Southwest Ave. #19
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-60948 / Vehicle Sold / $ 9.40
James Parley
17 Coolidge Street / 2014-3-62257
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-62260 / Vehicles Sold / $ 29.26
Sherry Anne Parmanand
14 Meg Way
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-62268 / Vehicle Sold / $ 49.13
Estate of William Pentz
Attn: William Reid, Administrator
106 Mill Street
Agawam, MA 01001 / 2014-3-62453 / Vehicle Sold / $ 81.71
Gilbert Picard
9 Olive Street
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-62582 / Vehicle Junked / $ 19.43
Toyota Lease Trust
20 Commerce Way #800-LBX842701 / 2014-3-68472 / Over Payment / $ 136.06
Woburn, Ma. 01801 / 2014-3-68478 / Over payment / $ 282.53
Wayne Quagliaroli
206 Spring Street / Assessment
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-65851 / Adjusted / $ 17.01
Craig Raynard
22 Harrison Street / 2014-3-65994 / Donated
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-65995 / Sold / $ 13.11
Adam & Noelle Rochon
181 Jeffrey Lane / 2014-3-66548 / Registered in
West Springfield, Mass. / 2014-3-66549 / Mass / $ 121.94
Stephen & Susan Rossetti
42 George Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-66672 / Vehicle gifted / $ 30.01
Roger & Linda Tharaldson
18 Dexter Road
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-68203 / Vehicle Sold / $ 14.93
Toyota Lease Trust
LBX 842701
20 Commerce Way #800 / Registered out
Woburn, MA 01801 / 2014-3-71927 / Of State / $ 189.33
USB Leasing
1850 Osborn Avenue / 2014-3-68679
Oshkosh, WI 54902 / 2014-3-68681 / Vehicles Sold / $ 297.61
VCFS Auto Leasing
6150 Omni Park Drive
Mobile, AL 36609 / 2014-3-68779 / Vehicle Sold / $ 255.52
Trevor Williams
22 Grove Street / Assessment
Windsor Locks, CT 06096 / 2014-3-69277 / Reduced / $ 12.97
Total Prior Year Refunds / $ 5,790.73
Total Current Year Refunds / $ 8,572.08
TOTAL REFUNDS / $ 14,362.81