EssexCounty Council SENCO Manual 2007- revised 2011

Annual Review Process

Stage 3 - The Annual Review Report

N.B. to be completed following

Stage 2 - The Annual Review Meeting

and at least 2 months prior to

the anniversary date of the Statement issue.


Please ensure that your Annual Review Report is returned to the area office within 10 working days of thereview meeting(CoP 2001, chapter 9, 9:32) in order for Stages 4 – The Decision and 5 – Notification to proceed within the 12 month Annual Review Process.

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parents’/carers’ names, particularly if different to the pupil’s

year group

whether the pupil is working in a lower year group

the date of admission if changed school since last review

the language/s spoken at home

whether pupil is a Child Looked After by the LA

 the address at which the pupil is residing. If the parent lives at a different

address and knowing their address is relevant, put their address as well.

(this is useful to update the pupil’s file at the Area Office)

 parents’/carers’ telephone numbers. Should the need arise this is for

contact with the parent/carer and should be checked at the AR to ensure

it has not changed (there is also space at the bottom of Parents’/Carers’ Views,

Section 1 to record this information)

The signature and designation is important in order to show that the Annual Review Report (ARR) has beenseen by the Head teacher (CoP 2001, chapter 9, 9:32) or another member of the Senior Management team. The Report will be returned if it has not been signed and dated.

Whether Local Authority Action is required e.g. amend the Statement.It isessential that you show whetheraction needs to be taken, to ensure SEN Caseworkers can quickly follow it up.

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i) The pupil’s participation should be at the heart of any meeting where decisions are made about the provision and actions required to meet his/her needs as a result of the Annual Review, so please show whether he/she has been involved in the Review.

ii) Those attending the Annual Review meeting, their designation andwhether a report they have written is attached. This is useful for stafflooking at the Report, as they will check to ensure all reports indicated areattached.

iii) Those invited but unable to attend, their designation and whether a report they have written is attached. This is useful for staff looking at the Report as they will check to ensure all reports indicated are attached.

Completing Sections 1-7 of the Annual Review Report

Copies of the Statement should be available for reference during the Review. (CoP 2001, section 9, 23).

Tips on preparing for and managing the actual Annual Review meeting may be found at the end of this document.

Section 1 - Parents’/Carers’ Views and how obtained.

Contact the parents/carers and explain that you will be holding the Review meeting in the next few weeks. Check which date and time of day would suit them and tell them that you will be sending this sheet for them to complete and when you would like it back, or that it can be completed during the Review meeting if they prefer. It is available as part of the Review document or in Word. Ensure that they sign the bottom of the sheet giving their views.

(CoP2001, chapter 9, 9:18).

Section 2 - Pupil’s Views and how obtained.

Complete this section as best suits the pupil but it is not expected that it will be left blank. Pupils may write on their own, use the computer, discuss their views with a scribe (usually a teacher, SENCO or Learning Support Assistant), use Makaton symbols, photos, PowerPoint presentation, videos etc. You should include reference to how the views were obtained. You may need to rephrase the questions to suit the pupil or enlarge the text for pupils with Visual Impairment. Alternatively, you could select appropriate pages from ‘About Me’ and ‘My Dreams’ located in the Transition Planning menu on the Infolink.

(CoP 2001, chapter 9, 9:19 and CoP 2001, Toolkit Section 4, 35).

Sections 3 - Summary of Attainments.

Please specify codes e.g. P, NC, GCSE and explain codes so they can be understood by all.

Fill in the levels as recorded within the child’s Statement then fill in the sections which are appropriate for the phase or the difficulty / need. SENCO Manual 2 – sections 3 & 4 - have P Scale descriptors for all NC subjects and should be used to assess the progress of those pupils achieving below National Curriculum Level 1.

The descriptors for Personal and Social Development are also in SENCO Manual 2 in section 5.

The standardised scores will depend on the test you use but it is important to be consistent when using tests.

The Early Learning Goals run through to the end of the first term in Year 1.

For information on tests see SENCO Manual2 or seek advice from SEN and Children with Additional Needs services.

Sections 4 - Review of Progress over the last year

 Long Term Objectives should be taken directly from the Statement. These should facilitate progress towards the objectives as shown on the Statement and inform the short term objectives. If any have been achieved then the date should be shown with the evidence of progress over a sustained period, then referred to when making recommendations in Section 7.

 Level of Skill and/or Achievement at the last Annual Review Meeting: The baseline for the Annual Review is taken from the progress shown on the previous AR report .

 SMART objectives for the past year and Strategies

 Progress

This should indicate what has been achieved,partly achieved, or not achieved from the short term objectives. Use sentences to clarify what has been achieved from the objective. If progress has been limited then reasons should be recorded. If objectives are no longer appropriate they should be identified.

Sections 5 - Objectivesfor the coming year.

 Objectives for the year (relates to progress box in Section 4)

These should:

• relate to the Statement objectives and should reflect expected

progression throughout a year

• be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-related

(SMART) and have appropriate success criteria

• be achievable within the next calendar year

 Strategies

These should include general strategies as well as those specifically aimed

to support achievement of the objectives

Section 6 - Planned Record of Provision/Resources

Please make a note of the number of hours support resourced by the Local Authority as well as the school and whether within the Additional, Complex or Severe Band.

• Support within the named school

Whether individual, small group – indicate the group size, whole class or

whole school provision e.g. staff INSET relating to pupils needs.

Secondary schools should include which lessons are supported

• From (role)

Who is to provide the support either by name and role e.g. Mrs……….. or the


  • Purpose

To show what the support is for eg. scribing ideas, use of tools & equipment, access to parts of the building, dressing for PE etc

• Time-per week

Amount of time allocated for the support – individual, small group (state size of the group), whole class or whole school

  • Support provided other than at the named school

This section should record any additional provision accessed through e.g. outreach or extended services.

• Support agreed with parents/carers to help pupil in meeting the objectives.

Indicate that parents are in agreement.

• Support from other agencies (e.g. speech and language therapist, occupational therapist) Indicate how often you expect a visit from each agency.

• Other Specific Resources (e.g. specialist equipment)

Identify any specialist equipment issued by an outside agency or the school that is for use by the pupil.

Section 7 -Recommendations

7.1 Indicate clearly Yes or No whether the pupil’s needs can be met at either School Action or School Action Plus from this point on

7.2 Is there a recommendation to cease the statement?

7.3 You will need to look at the objectives on the Statement and

check whether any of them nolonger apply and list them. e.g. self-help skills for young children or dressing themselves. If so, please specify and attach supporting evidence.

7.4Look at parts 5 and 6 of the Statement to see if there are any unmet non-educational needs or provision requirements and list them. Please do not include educational needs in this section. If yes, please specify what those needs are.

7.5 Are there any significant new needs/provision that are not recorded in the Statement? If so, please specify and attach supporting evidence.

This is a prompt to ensure the pupil is included as much as possible with

other pupils in the school. If, for instance, a reduced timetable is being followed, it should be referred to. Also attach attendance records if appropriate.

7.6 Is there a recommendation by those attending the meeting / contributing to the Review that the Statement needs to be amended?

If yes, please attach a copy of suggested amendments (with supporting evidence if not contained elsewhere in this section) for consideration.

7.7 List what actions / recommendations have been agreed at the meeting and who should be instigating the action.

If you have completed 7.6 make sure you tick the box on the front page (bottom right)‘LA action recommended’if applicable.

If other members of the Review group have agreed to instigate and action, it could be helpful to highlight the appropriate note of it before sending out final copies of the report to everyone.

Alternatively, a simple ‘Action Points’ pro forma could be used stating what, who and by when. This would be a quick aide memoire for you to keep in a prominent place to help keep track of everything.

The pupil should be involved in drawing up any revisions to their individual education or provision plan as a result of the Annual Review Process.

Once completed, please ensure the Annual Review Report is signed and dated by theHead teacher or designated person (e.g. secondary SENCO as Head of Department) in secondary schools but Head teacher in primary and special schools. It must be sent to the Area Office within 10 working days.

Please see the checklist also available with this guidance to help you when completing an Annual Review Report, should you wish to use it.