Lesson 5 Worksheet
InstructionsPrint the worksheet and complete on your own using notes and text. Then return to the assessments area to submit your answers before the friday due date/time.
Which of the following contrasts is not part of the concept of yin and yang?
A. / negative and positive
B. / moon and sun
C. / female and male
D. / truth and falsity
2) / Multiple Choice
The _____ are beneficial spirits associated with lighted places, while _____ are evil spirits associated with dark, gloomy places.
A. / Shen , Kuei
B. / Shang, Ti
C. / Shen, Feng Shui
D. / Yang, Yin
3) / Multiple Choice
The most influential Chinese text for diving the future is:
A. / Tao Te Ching
B. / Analects
C. / I Ching
D. / Restaurant Fortune Cookies
4) / Multiple Choice
Which of the following would be most consistent with a Taoist perspective on life?
A. / Training to be an honorable warrior.
B. / Running for elected political office.
C. / Imitating the playfulness and innocence of children.
D. / Offering sacrifices to placate the Gods.
5) / Multiple Choice
The influential foreign religion that entered a rivalry with Taoism in the first millennium C.E. was ______.
A. / Hinduism
B. / Buddhism
C. / Christianity
D. / Islam
6) / Multiple Choice
The Confucian philosopher Mencius:
A. / radically changed the teachings of Confucius.
B. / believed in the inherent wickedness of humans.
C. / opposed any and all forms of government.
D. / none of the above.
7) / Multiple Choice
______added to the teachings of Confucius the notions that rituals are an important means of educating citizens and that people are basically evil.
A. / Mo Tzu
B. / Kung Fu-tzu
C. / Hsun Tzu
D. / Mencius
8) / Multiple Choice
The Confucian concept of shu is best described as
A. / do unto others as you would have them do unto you
B. / don't do to others what you would not want them to do to you
C. / whatever you sow, you will reap
D. / eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
9) / Multiple Choice
The Confucian concept of ______is translated as “love”, “goodness,” or “human-heartedness.”
A. / Li
B. / Tao
C. / Jen
D. / Fu
10) / Multiple Choice
This traditional holiday celebrates the rise of yang energy in the world and includes a time to clean and redecorate family graves.
A. / New Years
B. / Pure and Bright
C. / Dragon Boat
D. / All Souls Day
11) / Multiple Choice
This traditional holiday marks the temporary release of ancestors and spirits from the place of the dead
A. / New Years
B. / Pure and Bright
C. / Dragon Boat Festival
D. / All Souls Day
12) / Multiple Choice
During the Cultural Revolution, ___ were repressed.
A. / all religions
B. / no religions
C. / only native Chinese religions
D. / only western religions
13) / True/False
Overall Chinese history is characterized by religious warfare in which followers of Chinese folk religions persecuted, banished and/or killed people of other faiths.
A. / True
B. / False
14) / True/False
Chinese who do not care for their ancestors with remembrances and offerings are disgraced and may, themselves, become wandering ghosts after death.
A. / True
B. / False
15) / True/False
Rulers of the Chou Dynasty introduced into China the idea that a High God (Shang Ti) appointed rulers and held them accountable to His moral standards.
A. / True
B. / False
16) / True/False
While Taoism began as a philosophy of life that rejected the worship of gods, later sects of Taoism developed an interested in gods that could aid in attaining immortality.
A. / True
B. / False
17) / True/False
Confucius believed that the root of most evil in the world could be traced to the disrespect for social rank and hierarchy.
A. / True
B. / False
18) / True/False
Confucius, who was known as a social philosopher that was unsympathetic to supernatural ideas, later (after the death of Confucius) was looked upon as a heavenly saint to whom prayers and sacrifices were offerred.
A. / True
B. / False
19) / True/False
The Tao Tê Ching teaches that there is a personal High God who is unchanging and who will judge all people at the end of time.
A. / True
B. / False
20) / True/False
Holidays that mark the return of yang energy are celebrated in late winter, and those that mark the return of yin energy are celebrated in summer.
A. / True
B. / False
21) / Matching
Match the religion or sect with the description. [Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, Mohists -- Choices may be used more than once]
A. / This religion taught government ought to rule according to the values of traditional religion.
B. / Han Dynasty favored this religion and based civil service exams on it.
C. / Believed governments are beyond traditional norms of good and evil and should do whatever it takes to meet the basic needs of the majority.
D. / Believed government that governs least governs best; large scale government is folly.
E. / Later sects practiced alchemy to bring immortality