Course of Action for Transition of Program Manager:
Delaware Main Street follows the criteria of the National Trust Main Street Center to require a paid, full time staff person (I.e.; Program Manager or Executive Director) to coordinate activities of each designated local Main Street program.[1] Local programs must have a paid staff person in order to be accredited. A Main Street Program Manager/Executive Director can make or break a program. The selection of the most qualified candidate is crucial.
When a Program Manager/Executive Director resigns or is removed from the position, Delaware Main Street strongly advises that the local Main Street program board of directors convene an ad hoc Search Committee, with representation from the Town or City in which the local program is serving, to conduct a formal search to fill the position. The Delaware Main Street State Coordinator (or a Delaware Economic Development Office designee) shall also participate in the committee/search in an advisory role.
A thorough process is the best way to flesh out details and come to a common decision that is based upon a thoughtful deliberation. While citizens of the community and/or existing volunteers of the local program may be considered candidates for the position, a thorough process will include searching from a nationwide audience of qualified candidates. In this way, the most qualified candidate may be identified and a fair process will be insured, protecting the local program, the Town/City, and the new Program Manager/Executive Director from possible later repercussions.
Such a process can take several months to perform. A full time, permanent manager must be in place no later than four months from the time in which the position was vacated.
In addition to taking an advisory role, and at no cost to the local program, Delaware Main Street will supply sample job description(s), job advertisements, and interview questions; will advertise the position nationally in the Main Street Network; will catalogue inquiries and disseminate them to the members of the committee; will work with the Search Committee to vet qualified candidates; will take part in actual interviews of candidates; and will offer comment on qualifications of candidates. Placement of, and payment of fee for, job ads in the state of Delaware will be the responsibility of the local program.
Finally, technical assistance is a benefit that is offered to designated Delaware Main Street programs. Nevertheless, programs that have the best capacity to receive technical services and implement initiatives developed as a result of assistance delivered will be offered first opportunity to receive said services. Programs with the strongest capacity are those that whose organizational responsibility rests jointly between an active board of directors and committees and an effective qualified Program Manager / Executive Director.
[1] In some cases, hire of an interim or paid half or three-quarter time Manager/Director may be approved, for a temporary time, by the Delaware State Coordinator.