NIFWIF Work Fall/Winter 2000
Meeting Participation
Giant Salvinia MeetingBlythe, CaliforniaSeptember 12-13, 2000
A meeting of representatives from California and Arizona addressing the problem of the current infestation of Salvinia molesta in the Palo Verde Irrigation District drainage canal which empties into the Colorado River. A plan of action has been determined, with a lack of available funds slowing the process of removal of the weed from the drainage ditch. The plan of action includes cleaning the ditch of all vegetation to allow for more effective chemical treatment.
Western Interior 100th Meridian WorkshopLas Vegas, Nevada October 25, 2000
A meeting of stakeholders interested in stopping aquatic nuisance species present in eastern waters from invading waters west of the 100th meridian. This project focuses mainly on the spread of zebra mussels, but is being broadened to include many other aquatic exotics. Stakeholders from the Pacific northwest and the Colorado River Basin were represented
Southwestern Plant Management AssociationFlagstaff, Arizona
Presented information on Salvinia molesta to the approximately 200 people present. The meeting focused on the invasion of exotic species and effective means of controlling them. Rangeland management was a key issue. Stakeholders present from a number of southwestern states included members of several federal agencies, the department of transportation from several states, tribal members from local reservations, and ranchers.
Giant Salvinia Steering Committee MeetingPhoenix, Arizona November 16, 2000
Other Accomplishements
Secured two boats
Work went into finding and repairing two boats to be used for plant sampling, surveys, distributing posters, signs, and verbally informing water users of the implications of aquatic nuisance species and their methods of distribution.
Distributed ANS Literature
Signs, posters and brochures have been distributed at several of the meetings listed above.
Updated State Management Plan for Control of ANS
The original draft of the management plan (Aug 1999) was updated to a working draft showing what is currently being done for several of the actions. Background information on the invasive species of Arizona and their impacts was researched and included in the plan which is posted online.
Updated the ANS Website for the state of Arizona
New additions include information on several key invasive species in the state to increase awareness and reduce their spread. Also included were updated links to many other agencies and informational sites dealing with ANS.
Research of Feeding Habits of Tilapia on Salvinia molesta
Research was carried out at the Environmental Research Lab in Tucson, AZ, focusing on the rate of consumption of salvinia by tilapia. Growth rate of fish and consumption of the weed were compared to observe potential nutritional value of the plant. A publication is expected in the spring.
Two Presentations on ANS to University of Arizona Classes
The new infestation of Salvinia molesta and the increasing damage and potential for damage from ANS was addressed to thirty students in a Wetlands class on two separate occasions.