Troop 26
Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date –September 24, 2009

Committee Chairman Ted Dubiecalled the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. Cary Dubie offered the opening prayer. The meeting was held in the main conference room at the Kirk of the HillsChurch.

The following troop leaders and committee members were present.

Gerald Bradley

Cary Dubie

Ted Dubie

Jim Gonders

Cary Haynie

JJ Jorishie

Bud Kunze


Randy McGuire

Jeff Parks

Kathy Parks

Bill Shaffer

Mike Sturm

Tony Wright

Dennis Zvacek14 attendees

Actions Items


September 09


August 08-Everyone – A solid communication system is required before the winter weather gets here.

Everyone – People are needed to shepherd each of our troop awards.

Everyone – A backup coordinator for Leadership Challenge is needed.

September 08Terri, Jaimie, and Donalyn - Will put together a program to record adult tenure, trainingcompleted, and awards. No report was available in September.

Previous Meeting Minutes

Dennis reviewed the minutes of the August 2009 meeting. Printed copies of the minutes were available at the meeting. The minutes can also be obtained from the Member’s section of the troop website.

Action Review: The Sept 08 adult tenure, training and awards team did not have a progress report.

The minutes were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s Report –Randy McGuire

Randy provided the Treasurer’s Report, dated September 24, 2009. The package included August 2009 Receipts and Expenditures Reports, and a Cash Status Report as of 8/31/09. The report package is included as an attachment to this document. Randy summarized,lettered callouts highlight notable items on the receipts and expenditures report.

Jamboree – 10 of the 72 scouts on the list have paid only the initial $200. Anyone that has not paid at least $800 by November 1, 2009 will be removed from the roster and those on the waiting list that have paid will be added. The last BSA fee payment, of $32,000, is due Jan 2010.

The summer camp and cash status reports were reviewed and the report package was approved unanimously.

Calendar Review

The calendar summary on the agenda was reviewed.

August Float Trip Review

There is concurrence on the use of an outfitter for the canoes. We will review options again next year. Tony Long did a great job cooking.

Jamboree – Gerald Bradley

The first two nights will be spent on Yard Patrol Boats at Annapolis. Cruise on Sunday may be possible. We will be in Baltimore the first day and lower the flag at FortMcHenry. Troop 26 Eagle Scout Matt Miller is a midshipman at Annapolis and will lead our tour. In WashingtonDC after the Jamboree, we will join a monument tour, place awreath on the Tomb of the Unknown, and lodge at AnacostaNavelCenter. Other options are aWhitehouse tour and visits to the Capital, and the FBIMuseum. We will stay the last night at a Naval Reserve Base at Virginia Beach.

Gerald and Luke Abbott will be driving during touring. Jeff Parks and Mark Wiegt also have driving experience. Each bus will hold 49 people with the bunks installed.

Bill reported the 5th adults are authorized. They will be Jeff Parks and Tom Steele.

Scoutmaster’s Report

Thanks to Jimmy Kaczmarek for a great term as Senior Patrol Leader.

Casey Keilbarth is a focused leader and somewhat of a micro-manager. He will have fewer troop offices. He plans to announce the full six month camping program in the first month. Feb 6, 2010 is the Cosmosphere trip.

Court of Honor – November 27th. There has been discussion of the date, and there was more at this meeting, but to accommodate family participation and those that have started planning – Nov 27 was retained.

Fall Festival – Steve Smith will organize and lead the event this year. The troop brochure will be updated.

It was great to see Mike Cox back for the canoe trip.

Special Camporee – Dennis Keilbarth will organize the Camporee this year. Bo Kaczmarek will be the head cook. Cost will be $15 per person. CampRussell is the location.

A motion was made and seconded to raise the adult campout fee to $18. The motion passed.

TU Concessions – Mike Sturm

Mike will announce the new earnings procedure approved at the May committee meeting. It is not possible to set up a food handlers’ class this year. There have been some changes at Sodexho. Approximately 15 people will be needed to run the stand.

Jam Sales

Donalyn stated the sale will start on August 31st and end on September 11th and will not conflict with popcorn sales.

Troop Equipment

Tom Steele provided data on the retractable trailer jacks as requested last month. JJ will raise the item with Tony Wright.

For Jamboree prep, patrol boxes and dining flies will be reviewed. JJ will provide count of the new tent for next month’s committee meeting.

Old Business

Bill asked if we had any Canoe Trip patches available, no one knew of any inventory. It is too late for a Special Camporee patch. Bill is designing a Brotherhood of the Wolf patch. – the recipients are asking for it.

We need more neckerchiefs and Stickman patches.

Bo reported he expects to be able to be the summer camp Campmaster for 2010. We have a reservation for June 20-26.

New Business

Several Arrow of Light ceremony dates have been set for February 2010.

Next Meeting

The next Troop 26 committee meeting will be a social held at the Kirk of the Hills at 7:00 pm on September 24, 2009.

The meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm.

Submitted by,

original signed by

Dennis and Donalyn Zvacek

Troop 26

September 24, 2009

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