Catholic Social Teaching Chapter 4Small


1. The document entitled Faithful Citizenship summarizes Catholic teaching on the ______

5. A recently canonized saint who gave up her life to same the life of her newborn child

7. We may not use a good end for doing an act to justify an evil ___

9. Court decision that held a woman’s right to privacy includes her decision to have an abortion

10. Crime is a part of the great mystery of ___

11. Pope John Paul II called today’s disrespect for human life the ___ of death

15.Church teaching holds that ___ means of protection are preferable to lethal means

17. A reason people support euthanasia is because they see no value in ___

20. The fundamental principle of social justice

23. They need protection in all settings and at all times to safeguard their wellbeing


1. The U.S. should lead the fight against this global issue

2. Human life is a gift from God which everyone must protect from the first moment of ___

3. As Christians we can speak of Christ’s loving ___ and compassion for repentant sinners

4. The breakdown of the ___ is one of the major factors contributing to today’s disrespect for life

6. This type of stem cell research has saved thousands of lives to date

8. There is little evidence to prove that the death penalty ___ crime

12. Christ’s followers must never ___ a person’s condition before God

13. The Gospel of Life proclaims that not even a murder loses his personal ___

14. Since 1973 at least one ___ people were exonerated and released from death row

16. A child’s right to life outweighs a mother’s freedom of ___ or her right to privacy

18. Many in the fields of education, media, and politics preach that ___ is the absolute value

19. Jesus ruled out ___ as a motive for punishing evil doers

21. The one who conveys the gift of life

22. The seamless garment views that life should be protected from the womb to the ___