A Resource: Anatomy & Physiology of Orgasm: lecture given to freshman lay audience converted into 9 YouTube videos:

Pre-Assessment Article to Read: Sex and Gender: What is the Difference?
Group Brainstorming Process To Create Unit/Tidbit :
Science and Society
Sex and Society

  • History of Sex
  • Anatomy and Physiology of reproductive system
  • Positive and negative psychology of sexual health
  • Reproductive pathology: STD’s, Male and Female Sexual Disfunction, Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Breast/Ovarian/Testicular/Prostate Cancer, Genetics (Angelina Jolie case, 23me), Infertility, a/dysmenorrhea
  • Sex, Gender and Gender Identity: What defines gender/sex, chromosomal/gonadal/phenotypical/psychological/societal sex determination, sexual dimorphism, sexual orientation, ethical/societal/legal/cultural discrimination and bias
  • Pregnancy, Fertility and Lactation: anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, uterine/ovarian cycles, hormonal pathways, male and female fertility, fertility awareness, birth control/contraceptives, menopause, labor/delivery, lactation-physiology, hormones, infertility, stem cells, abortion, surrogacy, egg&sperm development

Outcomes for Sex, Gender and Gender Identity:

  • Be able to distinguish between sex and gender and know in which context each term is appropriate
  • o Summative Assessment:
  •  Define sex, define gender
  •  Read primary or popular media that uses the terms sex and gender inappropriately and have the students identify problem
  •  Clicker questions with journal titles that use the terms right/wrong
  •  Have students find media representations where sex and gender are used incorrectly
  •  Write experiment and have students use correct term in title/design/methodology
  • Compare and contrast levels of sexual determination and orientation including chromosomal, gonadal, phenotype, psychological and societal
  • o Summative Assessment
  •  Take home exam question with case study to analyze information and write responses about chromosomal, gonadal, phenotypic, psychological and societal
  •  Runner case study: you are on the Olympic committee, parents, runner, geneticist, making rules; what is your position, how would you rule etc
  •  Take a media representation (commercial, TV show, magazine article) and change it to create a representation that reduces bias
  • Critique popular media misrepresentation about/surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation and identify bias
  • o Summative Assessment
  •  Define the different sexual orientations
  •  Two articles: one in support of sexual orientation as genetic determination and one in support of sexual orientation as choice. Compare and contract the evidence and validity of the arguments (using the scientific process) and determine/argue/evaluate/justify/support the author’s bias