Little Mill Woods Condominium Association Board

Minutes of April 27, 2017

Present: John Burtt, Judy Sheridan, Barbara Leclercq, Yves Descoteaux, Thomas Noll

Secretary Report:March minutes were approved as amended unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:Judy reportsoperating cash is good as is reserve fund. Only one unit is delinquent, by 90 days – coupon book and letter sent.

Director’s reports:

John reported that power washing contractor is starting April 28, building 78 including sub-structures,and white fence will be done first. A proposal is coming for lawn care; due to timing John arranged for first treatment and if no other bids are received we will continue with that company. Mowing day will be Wednesday, pruning trees and shrubs to be determined. Mulching and edging was completed on front half per plan. John has requested that Auger name a single point contact/property manager as agreed in our contact. We are also asking Auger for a proposal to improve the road edges in the dumpster area.

New signage is ready to install (stop sign and speed limit).

Barbara and Yves reported on snow damage and maintenance requests. Barbara will collate requests into a spread sheet so we can track progress. They are verifying these are due to snow plowing and will be submitted to Auger, or normal wear & tear. Rest of buildings will be checked in coming weeks.

Yves reported on misc. repair issues.We still need a vendor and plan for deck staining. Yves will coordinate a project to clean and paint the post office.

Old Business: Board discussed specific responsibilities of board members and clarified how we will operate. Preliminary discussion on long range plans for Trees and plantings, road repairs, and community center.The board approved work to cut down and cap septic breath pipes.

New Business:

Two requests for architectural work were submitted and approved. Any changes to the exterior/landscaping of the unit must be requested in writing using form available on Webpage:

Kathy Holland brought a proposal for dryer vent cleaning from a contractor she used. Vent cleaning is now required annually. The board will provide this proposal to residents.

Next meeting will be Friday, May 12 at 11 AM.

Respectfully submitted, Thomas Noll, Secretary.