Welcome Faculty,

When you are ready to log in to Moodle,go to QuickLinks at the top of the Lincoln University home page and select “Lincoln Online.” You will go to the Lincoln Online Using Moodle website where you will findfaculty and student resources and the log in button.

Note that the following instructions are available on the Moodle Resources web page.

Why Use Moodle with a Face-to-Face Class

1. Be prepared for snow days.

2. Interact easily with more students, including reluctant students.

3. Encourage interaction and cooperation between students outside class.

4. Encourage active learning activities.

Request a Course Shell Moodle Every Semester

Please use the Moodle Course Request Form located on the Moodle Resources page.Note whether you want past course material restored into your fall courses.You may edit the restored course or start a new course.

Log in and Set Your Password

Use your Lincoln email username as your Moodle username,for example, if your email address is , your usernameis bsmith.

This first time you log in, you must re-set your password. Lincoln’s Moodle log-in page can be found by going to QuickLinks on the Lincoln home page or go directly to Moodle at

1. Go to

2. In the upper right corner, click “Log in”.

3. Skip the username and password boxes. Click “Forgotten your username or password?”

4. Type in your Username or your email address and click Search.

5. You will receive an email with instructions to confirm and set your password.

6. Return to and follow the instructions to set your password.

7. Your new password must consist of a number, a character ($ # ! etc.), and at least one capital letter.

If you lose or forget your password, follow the above instructions to re-set. These instructions can also be found on the Moodle log-in web page.

Learn Moodle or Get a Refresher

  • Workshops in Moodle Basics, Turnitin, Gradebook and other topicstake place throughoutthe fall and semesters.
  • Academic departments may request a workshop for their faculty.
  • For one-on-one assistance or a Workshop for One,make an appointment with ATS by calling (484) 365-7888, ext. 7888, or by emailing .

Student Assistance

As an online professor, you are accepting the commitment to help your students to learn online and to use Moodle. If you have questions, you may contact ATS.

It may help you to switch your role to Student to see the student view. Find “Switch role to” on the Nav block.

On the Moodle web page under Student Resources, students will see the following links:

1.Moodle Student User Guide

2.Log-in Instructions (print and video)

3. Moodle use and information.

Moodle documentation is also available with instructions at the top of every class page in Moodle.

ATS staff will come into your class to show your students how to log in and use Moodle. Please reserve a computer classroom and contact us to schedule.

Make Your Course Visible to Students

When you are setting up your course, adding assignments and discussions, you see that the course name is light gray. Students cannot see the course until the color changes to bright blue.

1. Open your course

2. Go to the gear icon in the upper right of the content page,

Course Administration

Edit Settings

Go to the 4th line, “Visible” and change “Hide” to “Show”

3.Save at the bottom

4. Change the visibility of the course back to gray at the end of the semester

You and your students must use Lincoln email addresses and students must be registered in your courses to be on the participant list in Moodle.

Contact ATS with any questions at extension 7888 or

Have a wonderful year!

Nancy Evans, Director, ATS, ext. 8148,

Brenda Snider, AcademicTechnology Support Specialist, ATS, ext. 7355,

Moodle Helpline for Faculty and Students:rev. 080917

1-800-340-5462 orExt. 7840
