North Dakota LegislatureUpdated: 1-9-15

bill / description / HOUSE comm / house hearing / comm action / house action / senate comm / senate hearing / comm action / SENATE ACTION
HB 1038 / Relating to NDPERS coverage of telemedicine
HB 1041 / Relating to PBM services for the Medicaid Expansion Program / Human Services / 1-12-15
9:30 AM
HB 1149 / Relating to rules governing the PDMP
HB 1072 / Relating to coverage of cancer treatment medications
HB 1102 / Relating to the definition of health care provider for WSI / Industry, Business and Labor / 1-13-15
8:00 AM
SB 2070 / Relating to immunity from criminal liability for individual who reports medical emergency involving drugs / Judiciary Committee / 1-13-15
9:15 AM
SB 2086 / Relating to wholesale drug distribution and third-party logistic providers / Industry, Business and Labor / 1-14-15
11:00 AM
SB 2100 / Relating to the scheduling of controlled substances / Judiciary Committee / 1-14-15
9:30 AM
SB2121 / Relating to Medical Peer Review records - pharmacists

Legislative Session began Tuesday, January 6th

I know most of you are seasoned veterans at this process but I figured I would include the following link.

How a Bill Becomes a Law:

The Legislative Council websitehas been re-done and it is very easy to navigate.You will find the homepageat:

If you don’t know who your Legislators are, or you want to help someone else find out who their Legislators are, there is a nifty “Legislator Locater” which you can find at: You will need only your address and zip code.Pretty slick!

Please read below for Committee Rooms and which days they typically hold hearings.

More bills and details will be added moving forward.

NOTE: If a bill number is highlighted in the first column, the hearing is scheduled for the upcoming week!

FN = fiscal note;

M-Monday, T- Tuesday, W-Wednesday, Th-Thursday, F-Friday

House Hearing Rooms (not all of them):

House Human Services Committee typically meets in the Fort Union Room (M, T, W,)

House Judiciary Committee typically meets in the Prairie Room (M, T, W,)

House Industry, Business, and Labor Committee typically meets in the Peace Garden Room (M, T, W,)

House Education Committee typically meets in the Pioneer Room (M, T, W,)

House Appropriations – Human Resource Division typically meets in the Fort Totten Room (M-F)

House Agriculture Committee typically meets in the Peace Garden Room (Th., F)

Senate Hearing Rooms (not all of them):

Senate Appropriations Committee typically meets in the Harvest Room (M-F)

Senate Education Committee typically meets in the Missouri River Room (M, T, W,)

Senate Human Services Committee typically meets in the Red River Room (M, T, W,)

Senate Agriculture Committee typically meets in the Roosevelt Room (Th., F)

Senate Industry, Business, and Labor Committee typically meets in the Roosevelt Room (M, T, W,)

Senate Judiciary Committee typically meets in the Fort Lincoln Room (M, T, W,)

Let our office know if you have any questions. Thanks.
