Martin Township Board Meeting

December 11, 2013

Called to order at 6:30 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call: Coburn, Leep, Brenner and Sipple.

Tiemeyer absent

Motion by Brenner, supported by Sipple to approve the minutes from the previous meeting on November 13, 2013. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brenner, supported by Sipple to approve the payment of bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Sipple, supported by Brenner to approve the Treasurers report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Earl Wykstra presented a report on Allegan County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.

Allegan County Commissioner Don Black presented a synopsis of County business.

John Schipper requested approval for a new cutter for the department. The quote from Apollo Fire Equipment Company was $5700. Motion by Brenner, supported by Sipple to approve the purchase of the new cutter for $5700. Motion carried unanimously.

Ron Zeinstra requested approval for Martin Township’s 2013 update to the Master Plan. Motion by Sipple, supported by Brenner to approve Martin Township’s 2013 update to the Master Plan with the changes presented. Motion carried unanimously.

The Board discussed escrow accounts. Coburn will contact the attorney.

Coburn presented the audit report ending June 30, 2013 to the Board. Coburn informed the Board that Peter Haefner will be attending the Township Board meeting in January to present the audit report.

One snowplow bid was presented to the Board. Knightway Lawn & Landscape bid $55.00 per plow for Township and Library lots. Knightway also bid cemetery plowing for $600 per year. Motion by Brenner, supported by Sipple to approve Knightway Lawn & Landscape to snowplow for Martin Township for 2013/2014. Motion carried unanimously.

Coburn requested approval for PA116 Farmland Agreements for the following:

Boersen Farms Inc – 0315-080-003-00, 0315-020-016-00, 0315-020-016-10, 0315-023-013-00, 0315-027-015-00, 0315-036-016-00, 0315-035-001-00, 0315-036-010-10.

Arlan & Sandy Boersen – 03-15-025-016-00

Boersen Farms Properties – 03-15-036-004-00

Boersen Properties – 03-15-036-017-00, 03-15-036-016-50

Motion by Brenner, supported by Sipple to approve the applications for farmland agreements as presented to the Board. Motion carried unanimously.

G. Leep updated the Board on PCI violations. The Board agreed to give the properties on 10th street and 2nd street till the 1st of May.

Coburn requested approval for Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2014 as presented. Motion by Sipple, supported by Brenner to approve the Federal Poverty Guidelines for 2014 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Coburn presented a request from area members and community boards to support the Martin Public Schools and help with the cost of Christmas lights for the Community parade. Motion by Brenner, supported by Sipple to approve $150 for the expense of the Christmas lights. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Brenner, supported by Sipple to adjourn at 9:28 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Carrie Coburn

Martin Township Clerk