Grade 11 Biology SBI3C

Internal Systems: Unit Outline

Topic / Pages

3.5 The Digestive System: Food Processing

4 stages of food processing (ingestion, digestion, absorption, egestion), mechanical vs. chemical digestion / 183-184

3.5 The Digestive System: Organs of the Digestive Tract

Structure and Function of organs in the digestive tract, stages in digestion and flow through the digestive tract (oral cavityà esophagus à stomach à small intestine à large intestine), 3 main nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fats) / 184-188
3.15 The Respiratory System
4 sections of respiration (breathing, external respiration, internal respiration, cellular respiration), 2 requirements for respiration / Note
3.15 The Respiratory System: The Path of Air & Components of the Respiratory System
nasal cavity, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchiole, alveoli, diaphragm / 219-220
3.15 The Respiratory System: Mechanisms of Breathing
inhalation, exhalation, diaphragm, intercostals muscles, rib cage movement, gas exchange / 221-222
3.9 The Circulatory System: Blood, Blood Vessels, and the Heart
3 components of the circulatory system, 4 primary functions of the circulatory system, blood and its components (plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets), blood vessels (veins, arteries, capillaries), the heart (movement of blood through the heart), pulmonary vs. systemic circuit / 195-200

rvous system includes motor and sensory neurons under conscious

1.  Write the letter of the definition next to the corresponding stage:

Stage / Definition
1.  Ingestion: __c__ / a. Breakdown of complex organic molecules into smaller components by physical and chemical means
2. Digestion: __a___ / b. Removal of waste food material from the body
3. Absorption: __d__ / c. Taking in of nutrients
4. Egestion: _____ / d. Taking up of digested molecules into the cells of the digestive tract

2.  Use this diagram of the digestive system and complete the table below for all 9 parts.

Name of Structure / Function
1 / Salivary glands / To secrete mucus and amylase enzyme to aid digestion
2 / Pharynx / To deliver food from throat to the esophagus
3 / Liver / To produce bile
4 / Gall bladder / To store bile
5 / Small intestine / To absorb nutrients
6 / Stomach / To digest proteins
7 / Pancrease / To produce digestive enzymes
8 / Large intestine / To reabsorb water
9 / Rectum / Waste storage

3.  Compare and contrast physical and chemical digestion.

-  Physical digestion is the mechanical breakdown of food (chewing, grinding by the teeth and churning in the stomach. Physical digestion exposes the surface area of the food so enzymes can chemically break down the food via chemical digestion which occurs in the stomach and small intestine.

4.  Fill in the table on digestive enzymes

Biomolecule / Location where enzyme acts / Digestive enzymes
Carbohydrates / Mouth
Small intestine / Salivary amylase
Pancreatic amylase
Proteins / Stomach / Pepsin
Fat / Stomach and small intestine / Lipase

5.  Describe the 4 main sections of the respiratory process.

a.  Breathing: Inhalation and exhalation

b.  External Respiration: Delivery of oxygen to the blood in the alveoli

c.  Internal Respiration: Delivery of oxygen from blood to cells

d. Cellular Respiration: The process of making energy from food (glucose) and oxygen

6.  Match the following terms to the appropriate definition:

Term / Definition
Bronchiole ___d__ / a. Thin muscular structure that increases and decreases the volume of the chest cavity
Epiglottis ___e__ / b. Chamber connecting oral and nasal cavities to the larynx
Diaphragm __a___ / c. Hollow space that warms and moistens incoming air
Alveoli ___g__ / d. Branched tubes air passes through to get to the alveoli
Pharynx ___b__ / e. Closes off airway when swallowing food
Nasal Passage __c_ / f. Structure responsible for voice sounds
Larynx ___f__ / g. Structure surrounded by capillaries where gas exchange occurs in the lungs

7.  Label the diagram of the respiratory system.

Use the following words: lung, nasal cavity, diaphragm, bronchiole, alveoli, pharynx, trachea

8.  Name the four components of blood and the primary function of each:

Blood Component / Function
1.  Plasma / Liquid portion of blood
2.  Red blood cells / Contain hemoglobin which carries oxygen
3.  White blood cells / Fight infection
4.  Platelets / Help clot blood after an injury

9.  Define the following terms:

a.  Atrium: smaller, upper chambers of the heart

b.  Ventricle: Larger, lower chambers of the heart

c.  Vena Cava: major veins that carry blood from upper and lower extremities back to the heart

d.  Pulse:

e.  Aorta: Large artery that leaves the left ventricle

10. Using the picture below as a guide list the 7 steps that blood takes as it transfers through the heart. At each step state whether the blood is oxygenated or deoxygenated.

Step # / Oxygenated or Deoxygenated Blood? / Description of the path of blood (where is it coming from? Where is it going to?)
1 / Deoxygenated / From right atrium to right ventricle
2 / Deoxygenated / From right ventricle to pulmonary arteries
3 / Deoxygenated / From pulmonary arteries to lung
4 / Oxygenated / From pulmonary veins to left atrium
5 / Oxygenated / From left atrium to left ventricle
6 / Oxygenated / From left ventricle to aorta
7 / Oxygenated / From aorta to rest of the body

11. Label the diagram of the heart

12. Complete the following table

Disorder / Symptoms / Diagnosis / Treatment
Ulcer / burning abdominal pain / test for H. pylori, endoscopy, x-ray of upper GI tract / antibotics to kill H. pylori, medications that block acid
Crohn’s Disease / abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, weight loss and fever / blood and stool tests, colonoscopy / surgery, medication, nutrition
Arrthymia / fluttering in your chest, chest pain, racing heart or slow heartbeat, (usually with activity), shortness of breath, dizziness / ECG, CT or MRI / pacemaker, medications
Coronary heart disease / signs and symptoms: chest pain (usually with activity), shortness of breath, fatigue / ECG, angiograph, Heart CT / aspirin, calcium channel blockers, beta blockers
Lung Cancer / Fatigue, cough, coughing up blood / CT scan, chest x-ray / Surgery, chemotherapy
Asthma / Wheezing, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing / Medical history, spirometry test / Medications, avoiding triggers, changing your environment