1. Flowers are the part of the plant that holds reproductive parts of the plant in the group of plants called: a. gymnosperms; b. angiosperms; c. ferns

2. The parts of the flower that are the leaf-like outermost layer are called the: a. petals; b. stamens; c. carpels; d. sepals

3. The male parts of the flower that contain the pollen producing parts are the: a. petals; b. stamens; c. carpels; d. sepals.

4. The base of the flower where it is attached to the rest of the plant is the: a. pistil; b. receptacle; c. fruit.

5. Plants whose seeds have one seed leaf are: a. monocots; b. dicots; c. ferns.

6. Flowers that contain both stamens and carpels are called: a. complete flowers; flowers; c. perfect flowers; d. imperfect flowers.

7. Which structure is considered the male reproductive part of a flowering plant? a. stamen; b. petal; c. carpel; d. sepal

8. What is the reproductive structure of a flowering plant? a. root; b. stem; c. flower; d. leaf.

9. The part of the plant that houses the ovule or egg is called the: a. ovary; b. style; c.petal; d. filament

10. Which structure is considered the female reproductive part of a flowering plant? a.stamen; b. petal; c. carpel/pistil; d. sepal.

11. The leaf-like structure that protects the budding flower is called the: a. petal; b.sepal; c, anther; d. style.

12. After fertilization, this part of a plant eventually becomes the fruit. a. seed;b. ovary; c. sepal; d. petal.

13. What do the stamens do? a. they attract insects; b. they provide food for insects; c.they make pollen.

14. The movement of pollen from the stamens to the carpel has a special name. What is it? a. pollination; d. fertilization; c. germination.

15. When an ovule is fertilized, it turns into…. a. a bud; b. a leaf; c. a seed.

16. Which of these is true? a. after pollination, the pollen grain travels down inside the carpel; b. all flowers are pollinated by insects; c. all flowers are pollinated by pollen from a different flower.

17. Plants whose seeds have more than on seed leaf are: a. monocots; b. dicots; c.ferns.

18. Three main types of fruits are: a. simple, complex and diverse; b. simple, complete and perfect; c. simple, aggregate and multiple; d. simple accessory and complete.

19. This part of a flower is often scented and attracts insects: a. petal; b. sepal; c.carpel; d. ovary.

20. All flowers have the same number of flower parts…..a. true; b. false.