Text Complexity Analysis of

At Home in the Coral Reef (title)

by Katy Muzik (author)

Recommended Complexity Band: Exceedingly Complex

Text Description

Briefly describe the text: Narrative Nonfiction

Informational text that explains, through narrative form and colorful illustrations, how a coral reef is created and thrives under the sea. It also describes how many different types of sea animals live in and around the reef, how they depend on each other, and what we can do to protect the coral reefs from environmental destruction.

Qualitative Measures

Meaning/Purpose: (Briefly explain the levels of meaning (Literary Text) or purpose (Informational text)

Exceedingly Complex–Intricate-several layers of interrelated information

The purpose of the text lies within an intricate pattern of writing. The planula is on a journey looking for a home, Through this journey of factual information, the author sounds like she is talking directly to the reader. She is telling a story of factual eventsand questions the reader about where the planula travels, what it encounters along the way, and what type of environment it finally finds in order to survive.

Organization of main ideas: Exceedingly complex - Extensive range of ideas ( 2 types of coral and different characteristics, how coral polyps reproduce, how planula find a home and the array of sea animals they encounter, nightlife in the lagoon, how the sand/ beach is created, ….)

Text Structure: (Briefly describe the structure, organization, and other features of the text)

Pg. 616-The reef itself is made of zillions of tiny animals called coral polyps.

Pg. 617-Once a year, coral polyps have babies…called a planula

Pg.618-Just in time a big wave carries the planula

Pg.619-Will this be the home,,,No it’s too rough

Pg. 621- The planula needs a rocky place

Pg. 622-No, it’s too shallow and too hot…

Pg. 623- The planula catches a current to deeper water…

Also includes compare and contrast

Pg. 616-Hard coral vs. soft coral

Pg. 622-Compares/contrasts various environments

Text Features: Exceedingly complex -Captions used in pictures are essential for understanding content

Various types of coral and sea life are labeled on every picture

Use of graphics: Exceedingly complex-Cartoon like and colorful, but necessary to make meaning from text

Pg. 616, 617, 618, 619,620, 621,…

Language Features: (Briefly describe the conventions and clarity of the language used in the text, including the complexity of the vocabulary and sentence structures.)

Vocabulary: Exceedingly Complex- Much of the vocabulary is unfamiliar and subject-specific

Polyps, tentacles, planula, sperm, partnership, crest, lagoon, brittle, suburbs,

Sentence Structure: Very complex

Pg. 618- The planula is swept along, riding a wave over the crest to the lagoon.

Pg. 622-It turns away and swims to the shallow water near the beach of the lagoon.

Pg. 624-Luckily, a current carries it out of the lagoon, over the top of the reef, and down the other side of the reef deeper and deeper and deeper to a healthy part of the reef.

Knowledge Demands: (Briefly describe the knowledge demands the text requires of students.)Very Complex

Subject Matter Knowledge:Very Complex- Discipline-specificcontent knowledge (Science…ocean life, reproduction, environmental pollution, ecosystem)

Intertextuality-Very Complex

Quantitative Measure

Complexity Band Level (provide range):

4th -5thGrade 740L -1010L

Lexile or Other Quantitative Measure of the Text:


Considerations for Reader and Task

Below are factors to consider with respect to the reader and task (See attached guiding questions to assist each teacher in filling out this section for his or her own class):

Potential Challenges this Text Poses:

Vocabulary is unfamiliar and subject-specific

Factual information is presented in a narrative form/ pictures are cartoon like (students may confuse for fiction)

Complicated intricate details

MajorInstructional Areas of Focus (3-4 CCS Standards) for this Text:

RI4.2 Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text

RI4.4 Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject area

RI4.5 Describe the overall structure (e.g. chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas , concepts, or information in a text or part of a text

RI4.6 Compare and contrast a firsthand or secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the differences in focus and the information provided

Differentiation/Supports for Students

Preteach some of the vocabulary focus words

Preteach the story content

Chunk sections of the story to build understanding of specific content

Recommended Placemat: Briefly explain the recommended placement of the text in a particular grade band.

Therecommended placemat is upper 4th Grade band. Also appropriate for 5th Grade band due to the level of scientific content.

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