Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another new school year at Sunnylea Junior School. It is our hope that the information in this handbook will keep you informed and encourage you to be involved in school life at Sunnylea Junior School. Not everything you might need to know is in this handbook but someone in the school building will know the answer to your question or will know where you can find it, so please ask. We strive to be welcoming and approachable. Do not be a stranger to the school!
Sunnylea's parents enthusiastically support their children in a school that demands hard work, initiative and responsibility for self and others. We value risk-taking and a positive attitude in our students. Students are expected to strive to achieve their best. We know that all children have different strengths, abilities, needs and interests and our dedicated, highly motivated staff will help the students develop their self-confidence through a variety of curricular and extracurricular activities.
Please keep this handbook visible in your home. It will prove to be an important resource during the year.
We are looking forward to another wonderful school year!
Suzanne deValk,
Sunnylea Mission Statement
The mission of Sunnylea Junior School, a small, community-oriented public school, committed to excellence, is to ensure that our students achieve their academic, physical and social potential as a foundation for continued learning. Sunnylea is a safe and caring school. We act in cooperation with our community partners and welcome parental involvement.
The School Day
8:50 a.m. Entry Bell8:55 a.m. Attendance, Opening Exercises
10:05 to 10:20 a.m. Recess
11:25 a.m. Dismissal: J.K., S.K.
11:40 a.m. Dismissal: Grades 1 to 5
12:40 p.m. Entry Bell
12:45 p.m. Attendance
1:50 to 2:05 p.m. Recess
3:15 p.m. ………………………………… Dismissal: J.K., S.K.
3:30 p.m. ……………………………..Dismissal: Grades 1 to 5
Because new learning is built on previous teaching, regular attendance at school is critical. Children who are frequently absent may not build strong foundations for later learning. On the other hand, children who come to school ill cannot learn well. They spend their time at the office, uncomfortably waiting for parents to be contacted and to pick them up. Sick children may also spread their illness to others. Please do not send sick children to school.
If you know your child is going to be absent, please notify the school before 8:50 a.m. or 12:45 p.m. A telephone answering machine (394-3850) will take your call. Please do not rely on the teacher to notify the office. Should you neglect to call us, our secretary will call several numbers in an attempt to determine the whereabouts of your child: at home, both parents at work, and emergency contacts. If your child is going to be absent for more than one day, you should indicate this at the time of the first call to avoid daily calls.
Procedures for Lateness: Students and Parents
Being on time demonstrates respect for the importance of school. When children arrive late they miss instructions and valuable information. If your child is going to be late, please notify the school. Students who arrive at school late should report directly to the community check office. Should your child arrive to school late on a frequent basis, you will be notified and asked to help rectify the problem.
If you are going to be late picking up your child, please call and let us know. If you see a child waiting for a late parent, have him/her go to the office. Under no circumstances should an adult take a child off school property without parental or office permission.
Early Dismissal
On occasion, it may be necessary for a child to leave school before the usual dismissal time, e.g. for a dental appointment. Please inform the teacher by note on the day that your child is to be dismissed early. Your note should indicate the time the child is to be dismissed and who will meet him/her. When you come to pick up your child, please come to the school office and sign out your child.
Early Dismissals Because of Severe Weather Conditions
It is very rare that school dismisses early due to severe snowstorms or inclement weather. As you can appreciate, the task of contacting the parents of all students on short notice is an onerous one. To assist us in contacting you, we need your support and cooperation with the following:
§ Volunteering to phone other parents
§ Keeping our emergency files up-to-date with the telephone numbers of people to contact if we cannot reach you at home or work
§ Keeping school phone lines clear by refraining from calling us to make inquiries about dismissal
Optional Attendance
Each year, the Board makes enrolment projections for the following school year based on the latest information from Statistics Canada and compares this to the capacity for each individual school. Although Sunnylea School was open to optional attendance applications last spring, we were unable to accept any optional attendance students. We are normally notified about our status for the coming year in January. Should families move out of the Sunnylea catchment area, it is expected that students will attend their new home school. Should you wish to remain at Sunnylea, Optional Attendance Guidelines must be followed.
Dress of Students
At Sunnylea we set high standards for academic success, social development and behaviour. These standards are reflected in the manner in which we dress. We expect children to wear clothing appropriate for a place of learning. The following general expectations apply:
· any clothing and accessories (e.g. heavy jewelry, etc.) that attract undue attention from learning are deemed unacceptable
· headwear is not to be worn in school (e.g. hats, bandanas, hoods, etc.)
· clothing trends that have their origin in gang culture are not permitted
· undershirts, halter-tops and crop tops that show the abdomen and tops with low necklines are inappropriate
· pants and/or shorts should be belted and/or secured at the waist
Parents and students should use good judgment and common sense to determine appropriate student dress. Students are expected to wear running shoes, shorts and t-shirts for physical education classes.
All children must be dressed appropriately according to weather conditions so that they are prepared to play outside. Outside recesses and kindergarten outdoor play will be canceled under conditions of inclement weather such as rain and extreme cold. Students must wear shoes while in school. Many students leave a pair of running shoes at school for use during physical education periods and for wear during boot season.
Safe Schools – Entrance/Exit Procedures
In our efforts to continue our commitment to the safety of our students and to prevent unwelcome strangers from entering our building, the following procedures have been implemented:
· The exterior doors at the kindergarten and washroom entrances are locked throughout the day.
· The daycare doors are opened each morning and locked at 9:15 a.m. for the rest of the day.
· Students should enter the building through the designated entrance closest to their classrooms, and not the front doors. Students should arrive on time and be on the playground before the bell in the morning at 8:50 a.m. and 12:40 p.m. in the afternoon. Supervision is provided from 8:35 - 8:50 a.m., throughout the lunch hour, and from 3:30 - 3:45 p.m. after school.
· Parents are asked not drop their children off at the front doors.
· Parents are asked to say their farewells at the student entrance doors and not enter the building with their children. Our halls are congested and noisy at entry time. Teachers will supervise students and help them as they get organized to enter their classrooms.
· Parents are requested to meet their child outside, at the exterior doors and the end of the school day. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please write a brief note in your child’s planner or call the school office to arrange an appointment.
· If your child has forgotten something after school hours, please do not ask the caretaker to open up the classroom. Check in at the office to see if an administrator is available to assist you. Parents should not walk around the school or go into classrooms without informing the office.
· If you need to drop off a lunch for your child, please bring it to the office before 11:30 a.m. labeled clearly with your child’s name.
· Visitors and parent volunteers are to report to the office, sign the visitor register and wear a visitor's label. This safety measure is to ensure that visiting adults, parents or otherwise, are identified and encouraged to feel welcome in our school.
Students are able to stay for lunch, but whenever possible they are encouraged to have a break from school by having lunch at home. Students who remain at school for lunch must remain on school property. Students eat in the gym at lunch tables and are supervised by two lunchroom attendants. Milk is available at a reasonable cost. As part of our environmental focus, we ask all students to bring a garbageless lunch, and also ask them to take home their lunch bags and any garbage or leftovers on a daily basis. On rainy days, students stay indoors and play a variety of games or watch movies. It is expected that students will follow the routines below. Inappropriate behaviour may result in the loss of lunchroom privileges.
Lunchroom Routines
1. Use good table manners.2. Ask permission to leave the table.
3. Use controlled voices.
4. Toys should not be brought into the lunchroom
5. Bring a garbageless lunch. Bring reusable containers and/or take garbage home for disposal.
6. Do not bring glass containers.
7. Remain seated at the table until dismissed by supervisor.
Peanut and Nut Allergies
There are several students in the school who have life-threatening food allergies. For the majority of these students, peanuts and nuts can cause a life-threatening allergic reaction. Our Allergy Policy helps to ensure the safety of these students. We ask that you avoid sending food containing peanuts or nuts to school.
There are times when parents wish to send food for the whole class to eat (celebrations, birthdays etc.). Please only send store-purchased, pre-packaged foods that are clearly marked “peanut-free” by the manufacturer. Please do not bring home baked goods to the school, as they will need to be turned away at the door.
Fire Drills
Fire drills will be held at regular intervals during the year. The signal for a fire alert or drill is a continuous buzzing of the fire alarm bell. Signs for regular and alternative fire exits are posted in each room in the school. Teachers instruct children in fire drill procedures and review them regularly throughout the year.
Emergency Evacuation
In the event of an emergency where students need to be evacuated from school, we will move to Parklawn Public School or Royal York Road United Church, as needed. A detailed evacuation plan has been approved by staff at the church, school, and TDSB.
Hold and Secure/Lockdown Drills
A lock down could be used if there is a medical emergency or unsafe situation. Just as we have fire drills, we now have lock down drills. This means that all exterior and classroom doors will be locked. An announcement will be made asking teachers to secure their doors and hold all students until further notice. All students enter and remain in the closest classroom, where attendance is taken and reported to the main office. Students who are in the washroom are to go the nearest classroom or the main office.
Lost and Found/Valuables
Our lost and found items are placed in the labeled container located in the main foyer. Children and parents are encouraged to check this location for lost items. Valuable items are kept in the office. Unclaimed articles are put on display at the end of each term. All unclaimed items are donated to local charities.
The school cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal property and thus valuables, including good jewelry and expensive toys, should be left at home. Backpacks, coats, extra clothing and toys are left on the coat hooks in the hall. Money should only be brought to school for the purchase of juice or at the request of the school through a letter. For safety reasons, items such as laser pens, pagers, cell phones, ipods, and electronic toys are not permitted at school.
Parking and the Kiss and Ride Drop-off Area
Due to the number of children being driven to school and for the safety of all children, we must ask that you pay serious attention to the stopping and parking signs posted in the area. Parents, staff and visitors to the school must park in the designated parking lot on Glenroy Avenue in front of the school. The Kiss and Ride drop-off is on Humbervale Blvd. It is the only safe place for parents to drop off their children. Children dropped off in this location should go onto the colas area and enter the school through their designated doors. There is no parking between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on either side of the street on Grenview, Glenroy or Humbervale.
It is absolutely unacceptable to leave a vehicle unattended in an area which blocks in a legally parked vehicle in the parking lot. We strongly encourage students and families to walk to school whenever possible.
Visiting Sunnylea
As part of our communication with parents, we encourage visits to the school to help in classrooms, talk to a teacher or to take part in programs of interest to you. Teachers welcome your questions and wish to address your concerns. The responsibility of the teacher, while the students are in the school building, is the students. It is not helpful for parents to interrupt the program while the teacher is with the students between 8:55 and 3:30. We ask that you make an appointment should you wish to meet with a teacher.
Simple questions might best be handled by writing a note to the teacher or calling the school office to leave a message. Teachers will respond to queries as soon as possible.