Romeo and Juliet Promptbook: List of Possible Scenes

·  I.iv.47-108 (Benvolio, Romeo, Servingman) Benvolio and Romeo intercept an invitation to the Capulet feast.

·  I.iii.1-113 (Lady Capulet, Nurse, Juliet, Servingman) Juliet, her mother, and the Nurse talk about Juliet’s possible marriage to Paris and her childhood.

·  I.v.1-79 (First Servingman, Second Servingman, Capulet, Second Capulet, Romeo, Tybalt) The party begins.

·  II.iv.1-103 (Mercutio, Benvolio, Romeo) Mercutio and Benvolio tease Romeo about his love.

·  II.iv.104-219 (Romeo, Mercutio, Nurse, Peter, Benvolio) Mercutio, Benvolio, and Romeo joke around with the Nurse and Peter. Romeo tells the Nurse about the wedding arrangements.

·  II.iv (Juliet, Nurse) Juliet and the Nurse discuss the merits of Romeo.

·  III.ii.59-140 (Juliet, Nurse) Juliet and the Nurse discuss the marriage arrangements.

·  III.iii.1-87 OR 3.1.34-107 (Friar Lawrence, Romeo, Nurse) Friar Lawrence, Romeo, and the Nurse talk about Romeo’s banishment.

·  III.iv (Capulet, Paris, Lady Capulet) Capulet and Paris make wedding arrangements.

·  III.v.1-65 OR 3.5.1-68 (Juliet, Romeo, Nurse, Lady Capulet) Romeo and Juliet curse the dawn because Romeo must leave.

·  III.v.69-130 (Lady Capulet, Juliet) Lady Capulet tells Juliet she must marry Paris.

·  III.v.131-215 OR 3.5.65-126 (Capulet, Lady Capulet, Juliet, Nurse) Juliet tells her father that she refuses to marry Paris.

·  IV.i.1-43 OR 4.1.1-50 (Friar Lawrence, Paris, Juliet) Friar Lawrence, Juliet, and the County Paris meet outside Friar Lawrence’s cell.

·  IV.ii (Capulet, Servingman, Nurse, Juliet, Lady Capulet) Juliet begs her father’s pardon.

·  V.iii.1-73 (Page, Paris, Romeo, Balthasar) Paris, his page, Romeo, and Balthasar talk outside the Capulet tomb.

·  V.iii.121-170 (Friar Lawrence, Balthasar, Juliet, Chief Watchman) The Friar speaks with Balthasar outside the tomb, then enters and discovers Romeo dead. Juliet awakens to find Romeo dead as the Watchman is approaching.

·  V.iii.195-321 (Prince, Capulet, Lady Capulet, First Watch, Montague, Friar Lawrence, Balthasar, Page) The Prince, the Capulets, Montague, and Friar Lawrence try to understand what caused the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.