The revelations you will read below were given by Christ during the ministry of Rev. R. L. Hyde, Sr. He and I worked together to compile these messages. Most of it is my phrasing of his thoughts. Download it. Copy it. Distribute it. These revelations are for this end-time hour. Elder Hyde would say to you; ..."Come Out of Her My People, that you be not a partaker of Her sins and her plagues."

He was a messenger sent from God to us. He could be to you if you have an ear to hear what the Spirit has to say unto the church.

A Personal Note before we begin…

As you read this sermon I ask that the Lord Jesus Christ prepare your heart to receive this Revelation which he has given me and bid me share with you and the Body of Christ.

God first began speaking to me before he called me into the ministry in the late 50's. My first two visions of the Beast system came during those days. One day Jesus walked into my room, embraced me, breathed upon my face, and told me that my eyes were blessed to see. Often what he spoke to me, as he unveiled the false church system's influence in the earth and upon the Church of God, was somewhat different than the prevailing opinion of other ministry brethren.

When God began to speak to me of the Harlot church system I had no historical background to base it upon. Yet, I began to preach these revelations to the congregation God had given me here in Cleveland, Tennessee. My son, Ronnie was a good listener and student of the scriptures. Now after much prayer, and research upon his part, he has acquired much information on this subject which we have included. I wish to express my appreciation unto him for helping me state these revelations in a clear and presentable form to the Body of Christ. Even though the Lord Jesus has ordained me to minister these revelations, Ronnie has reworded, edited, and added research of his own to provide additional information which I did not know. Therefore, this work belongs to him as well as me.

We hope the following sermon and study will provoke you unto more study, prayer, and questioning of God for answers to understand what the Harlot church system is doing in the earth at this time. We have intentionally written this as a sermon, rather than a research paper. Seek it out for yourself. You are going to have to give an answer for ....yourself.

We will be glad to respond to any questions about any point of this Revelation of Jesus Christ. You are welcome to contact us if you wish to discuss any of this more fully. May God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ now open your eyes to see and hear what the Spirit is saying unto the Church.

Respectfully in Jesus' Name. Elder R. L. Hyde, Sr.


The Mystery of Iniquity

Mystery Babylon - Part 2


Elder R. L. Hyde, Sr.

(assisted by Ron Hyde, Jr.)


~ An Introduction ~

I remember the vision of that night. I knew I was going to be watching someone marching by, like a beauty pageant review of some kind. There was someone standing by me in the vision who said, "The Preview of the Bride". As I watched, I could hear someone coming. She marched by in front of me and passed off out of sight on the other side. As I watched each woman pass by I knew I was watching the churches of different nations passing by me in review. Each was so ungodly looking. I do remember seeing the Asian church. Oh, you talk about filth. And I saw the European church. They were ungodly, too. Oh my. As these passed by and out of sight, I remember listening and hearing "rock‑n‑roll" music coming closer and closer. It was the church of another nation. It was the Miss America church. She was a sight. She did not have on any clothes. She was holding papers of some sort. Reminded me of gray newspapers as she held them in front of her as she danced to the rock‑n‑roll music.

As I watched her pass out of sight, I thought, "Oh, God, as a minister, if that's the best we've done, ...oh, oh, oh." I thought, " God hide me". I just wanted to get away from there if that was all that our ministry labors had produced. Those women were suppose to be virgins to Christ. Instead of being virgins, they passed by moving to the music with their short hair and painted faces. I just turned my head. It was so disgraceful. I knew the Lord was standing there and I wanted to start weeping. As a minister of the church I was thinking, "Is this the type of church I have produced for him". I thought, " Oh, God, I can't look at it. Let me die. Let me fade away."

Each of these churches would walk away from me out to a certain place and just drop out of sight. I'd hear their sound fade away and the sound of the next nation's church would begin to come from the other side.

As the last of these church‑women passed off out of sight, I began to hear back over this way the sound of music similar to that old song, Onward Christian Soldiers. As I looked at this group, I saw the most sainted bunch of little girls. They were like none of those others. They were not unclothed. Nor were they dancing and gyrating to ungodly music as they came. These girls were all dressed so correctly and decently. Their hair was not cut off as the others; their hair was hanging way down their back, smooth, and clean. They were marching just so in step with the Gospel. She was the Word. And it looked like one out of every nation. When this Bride people passed by, they did not drop off out of sight as those churches of the other nations did. Instead of going down, they started going up. As I watched, I noticed one or two or three of them trying to get out of line. I screamed at them, "Stay in line!"

Right then, the vision left me, and I came to myself standing in the room screaming, "Stay in line!" Yes, I saw a preview of the Bride of Christ ‑ a beautiful little lady so correctly dressed as she marched by.

(This vision was given nearly 30 years ago to an elder minister of the gospel who is now deceased.)

~ Could it Be ? ~

For a moment, stop and think on the vision you have just read. Could it be true?

Could it be that "what" the general masses and John Q. Public calls THE CHURCH is not really anything more than a sham, an imitation, an exercise in "Let's Pretend", a charade, a make‑believe?

Could it be that there is A CHURCH which is composed of believers of every race and nation on earth and who march "AS ONE" to the step or rhythm of the Gospel or Word of God in a much different manner than that body of people which the general public calls ...."the church"? Could it be that there is a people of dedication, discipleship, and holiness who are in fact the Bride of Jesus Christ?

The purpose of this sermon or study is to reveal to you just how scriptural the preceding vision is; AND, that there are two churches in the earth.

One church people live their lives in conduct and experience according to the beat or sound of the Word or Gospel. Both her appearance and spirit becometh the Bride of Christ, a Bride of the Word Made Flesh, ...a Word Bride. She is Not a sect. Not an organization. Not a denomination. She is the TRUE CHURCH; a body of people whose walk with Christ is beyond all man‑made artificial boundaries. Her whole manner is different.

Others of the church world put on a good show, but do not come to the standards of righteousness, discipleship, holiness, and The WORD as taught in scripture. They represent themselves to the world as Christ's Church. Yet, this other people live their lives and conduct themselves marching to the sound of a different drummer. They march, as unto Christ, but are under the influence and direction of a beat which is generated by the world, the lusts of the flesh; Satan himself. While they hold themselves before the minds of men as an exhibit of God's church; ...they rebel against God's Word and serve their master, the rebellious one. They serve Christ in name only.

Two peoples? Two Churches? This idea of two vines or branches should not surprise you if you have heard or read many of Jesus' Parables, especially the one of the TARES and the WHEAT. It is recorded in Matthew 13 . It reveals that there are two seeds in the earth, ...two seeds in God's kingdom. One seed, Jesus calls "the children of the kingdom"(v.38) and the other he calls "the children of the wicked one"(v.38), that seed of offense, sown by the wicked one. Both seeds or peoples grow together in the Kingdom until the time of the harvest, when God separates those that offend and DO INIQUITY from His Kingdom. (Iniquity is the spirit of Lawlessness, ....not crime or Mafia. It is the same spirit of rebellion which operates in religion, but can not come to the Word of God. It is rebellion against The Word in some measure.)

IT'S A MYSTERY! In fact it's TWO MYSTERIES! One mystery is called in scripture, THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS...... while the other is spoken of as THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY or lawlessness. The mystery of two peoples, two churches. One is the MYSTERY OF A VIRGIN, ...THE CHURCH, ...THE BRIDE OF CHRIST. The other is the MYSTERY OF A WHORE, ...A PROSTITUTE, ...BABYLON THE GREAT.

For over one‑half of a millenium, 500 years, ministers of Jesus Christ have gone on record as labeling the Roman Catholic Church System as the Great Whore of Revelation 17. It would be enlightening for each person to be acquainted with the reasons why Catholicism has been called the AntiChrist, the Great Whore, and Mystery Babylon by such historical Christians and ministers as John Fox, John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, John Knox, John Calvin, William Tyndale, Sir Isaac Newton, John Wesly, Cotton Mather, Johnathan Edwards, Alexander Hislop; name a few.

We will attempt to bring the revelation of the Mother Harlot, the Great Whore UP‑TO‑DATE. If all those men were to resurrect today, what would be their decree? If they were to behold the religious landscape of this 20th century, they would have to refine and adjust their understanding as to where the Mother Harlot, the Mystery Babylon Spirit, has her principle thrust. To simply dog‑tag Roman Catholicism exclusively would be to acknowledge that nothing has changed over the centuries and to consent that Satan has no new agenda of deception for the endtime.

However, things have changed. The Protestant Reformation has come and gone. The Methodist Revival has flowered and faded. The 20th Century out‑pouring of the gift of the Holy Ghost, just like at Pentecost, has pressed its way onto the religious stage. Charismaticism has stirred the lives of many. Things have changed. The Revelation of the Great Whore has moved on. There is another beast of Revelation 13. Things have changed. The web has spread further.

We will lay some foundation for those who may not be well versed in the understanding that Roman Catholicism, at one time, was the Great Whore in totality. But we will go further. We must go further. Why? Because Satan's deceptive designs have progressed further. Jesus Christ spoke of it to John on the isle of Patmos.

Martin Luther said in 1520, "...personally I declare that I owe the Pope no other obedience than I do than that to AntiChrist." Cotton Mather's 1700 understanding was, "...The oracles of God foretold the rising of an ANTICHRIST in the Christian Church; and in the Pope of Rome, all the characteristics of that Antichrist are so marvelously answered that if any who read the scriptures do not see it there is a marvelous blindness upon them." If you understand and believe these two statements, .....then you are prepared with a foundation to have the revelation of the the Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, the Beast; ....unveiled for this present endtime generation as we approach the end of the 20th century.

By the grace of God through the Lord Jesus Christ, we will, in our own limited way, try to share what God asked us to share with others. It won't be the "last word", nor "complete", but hopefully it will add another stone to your Wall of Righteousness and Faith.

As names and identities are described please realize that we are not inditing the specific individuals who are members of particular sects and movements, is the spirit of the thing. That is why the Lord is so clear and emphatic when he said, "Come out of Her MY people, and be not partaker of her sins and her plagues." (Rev.18:4)

Alexander Hislop's, Two Babylons, would be a good preface to this sermon. We could call his book of the 1800's, ....Mystery Babylon‑‑ Part 1 . We will pick up the revelation where he left off. We could call this study, ....Mystery Babylon ‑‑ Part 2


Different mysteries are mentioned in the New Testament, such as: the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, the mystery of God, the mystery of Christ in you, the mystery of Iniquity, the mystery of godliness, and lastly, the mystery of MYSTERY BABYLON.

Each of the mysteries in scripture are important pieces in the overall development of God's eternal purposes. Col. 1:26 speaks of "the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but NOW is manifest to his saints" : Christ in you, one body, Jew and Gentile, the hope of glory.

A mystery to the people of God in one age, later became "present truth" (2 Pet.1:12) and "meat in due season" (Matt.24:45) when unveiled by the Spirit of God to the believers of a later age. Do you remember God's reply to Daniel's request for more understanding? God instructed Daniel that the visions and truths were closed and would not be revealed until the time of the end, ...the endtime. (Dan.12:9) The unveiling of truth only comes to a people or generation as that truth is needed to further develop God's purposes in the earth. Thus, that which was a mystery to the people of God in one generation or age, they "looked through a glass darkly", later became understood clearly "in the light" when it came time for the understanding to be revealed.


"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work"... These words of instruction were spoken under the direction of the Holy Spirit almost two thousand years ago, in about A.D. 55, to the believers in Thessalonica. He, this mystery of iniquity, was to "be revealed in his time" (2 Thess 2:7‑8). That mystery of iniquity (lawlessness) was present then, but was not revealed or unveiled. It was standing in the shadows where only the light of the Spirit could shine upon him. This Iniquity was then working on its strategy to weave itself into God's New Plan, ...the Church. This was not a new iniquity, ....but the same iniquity which had touched every race, culture, and generation since Adam and Eve's seduction in the garden. (By the way, the pronouns "He" and "She" are both used as God protrays and veils the nature of this Mystery. Just remember the Spirit of God is unveiling a spirit which has neither sex nor gender, however, humans describe attitudes and character in terms of ..."he, she, or it" to help us comprehend manifestations. Whether, "he" or "she" or "it", ....the outworking of Satan's deceptions are being described.)

Religious mysteries of an unholy nature were upon the face of the earth and confronted the spread of the good‑news as it was preached by Jesus, the apostles, and the early saints in the book of Acts. These mysteries of evil were woven among the religious rituals and ceremonies of pagan cultures in their worship of false deities, images, animals, and heavenly bodies.

The Mystery of Iniquity had not only shaped the pagan systems of religion; ...but, it had even crafted Israel's worship of Jehovah in Jesus' day, into such a mingled, mixtured, mongreled religion, ....that only "a remnant (in Israel) according to the election of (God's) grace" received Jehovah's most excellent ministry of Jesus Christ. (Rom.11:5) Judaism at the time of Christ had become a fabric so woven with Mystery Iniquities' blinding elements of ritual, tradition, and rebellion, ....that the kingdom was taken from them and given to another people that would bring forth fruit. (Matt.21:43) As a nation, they had deteriorated from the cancerous effects of religious confusion to an un‑redeemable level; so "that the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world, from the blood of righteous Abel", was to "be required of this (that) generation" of Hebrews. (Luke 11:50,51)

Wherever the truth was preached in villages, markets, heathen temples, and even Jewish synagogues, ...those evangelists of Acts confronted the Mystery Iniquity Religion of Babylon, ...the same spirit of religious confusion which first bloomed at the tower of Babel.